is a component that allows to do import and export of XLSX files from a web client application. This non-visual component can be hooked directly to a TWebStringGrid
component to import plain data from the XLSX file into the grid or vice versa. In addition, the XLSX file can also be access through this non-visual component.
Properties for TWebXLSX
Property |
Description |
Grid |
Possible assigned TWebStringGrid instance for which sheet data can be imported or exported |
GridStartCol: integer |
Sets the column in the connected grid from where to start the import or export of cells to XLSX |
GridStartRow: integer |
Sets the row in the connected grid from where to start the import or export of cells to XLSX |
XlsxStartCol: integer |
Sets the column in the XLSX sheet from where to start the import or export of cells to the grid |
XlsxStartRow: integer |
Sets the row in the XLSX sheet from where to start the import or export of cells to the grid |
ColumnCount: integer |
Readonly public property holding the number of columns in a sheet |
RowCount: integer |
Readonly public property holding the number of rows in a sheet |
ActiveSheet: string |
Public property allowing to get or set the name of the active sheet in the workbook |
SheetNameCount: integer |
Readonly public property returning the number of sheets in the workbook |
Creator: string |
Public property allowing to get or set the workbook creator information in the XLSX file |
LastModifiedBy: string |
Public property allowing to get or set the last modifed information in the XLSX file |
CellAsString[ACol,ARow]: string; |
Readonly function returning the valuel of a cell as string |
CellAsObject[ACol,ARow]: TXLSXCell; |
Readonly function returning the valuel of a cell as TXLSXCell object |
Methods for TWebXLSX
Method |
Description |
AddNewSheet(AsheetName: string) |
Creates and adds a new sheet in the XLSX workbook |
RemoveSheet(AsheetName: string); |
Removes a sheet from the XLSX workbook |
IsEmptySheet(AsheetName: string); |
Returns true if a sheet in the XLSX workbook does not contain any data |
ExportToCSV: TJSPromise |
Async promise method exporting an XLSX file to CSV file |
GetCellObjects(AFromCol, AFromRow, AToCol, AToRow: Integer): TXLSXCellArray; |
Retrieves cells specified from the active sheet in an array of cells object |
Load(AArray: TJSArrayBufferRecord); |
Load an array of values into the active sheet of the XLSX workbook |
Save(AFileName: string) |
Save the workbook to file |
Events for TWebXLSX
Event |
Description |
OnLoadCell |
Possible assigned TWebStringGrid instance for which sheet data can be imported or exported |
OnNewSheetAdded |
Sets the column in the connected grid from where to start the import or export of cells to XLSX |
OnSaveCell |
Event triggered just before the cell is added to the XLSX file, allowing dynamic customization of what is persisted in XLSX. |
OnSheetLoaded |
Event triggered when a sheet of the XLSX workbook was completely loaded |
OnWorkbookLoaded |
Event triggered when an XLSX workbook was completely loaded |
In the TWebXLSX
workbook sheet, the information of cells is available as object of the type
. Through this object, various properties of the cell can be set or retrieved.
Properties for TXLSXCell
Property |
Description |
Text: string |
Value of the cell as string |
Value: JSValue |
Value of the cell as JavaScript object |
CellType |
Returns the type of the cell |
Names |
Sets the column in the XLSX sheet from where to start the import or export of cells to the grid |
NumericFormat: string |
Holds the number formatting rule for the cell |
Font: TXLSXStyleFont |
Holds the information about the cell font as TXLSXStyleFont object |
Alignment: TXLSXStyleAlignment |
Holds the information about the cell alignment as TXLSXStyleAlignment object |
Border: TXLSXStyleBorder |
Holds the information about the cell border as TXLSXStyleBorder object |
Protection: TXLSXStyleProtection |
Holds the information about the cell border as TXLSXStyleProtection object |
Fill: TColor |
Gets or sets the background color of the cell |
Properties for TXLSXStyleFont
Property |
Description |
Theme: integer |
Holds the theme identifer |
Name: string |
Holds the font-family name |
Size: integer |
Holds the font size |
Color: Tcolor |
Holds the font color |
Style: TXLSXStyleFontStyles |
Holds the font style: xfsBold , xfsItalic , xfsStrike , xfsOutline |
Charset: integer |
Holds the charset identifer |
VerticalAlign: TXLSXStyleFontAlign |
Holds the vertical align setting: xfaDefault , xfaSuperscript , xfaSubscript |
Underline: TXLSXStyleFontUnderline |
Holds the underline setting: xfuNone , xfuSingle , xfuDouble , xfuSingleAccounting , xfuDoubleAccounting |
Properties for TXLSXStyleAlignment
Property |
Description |
Vertical: TXLSXStyleVerticalAlignment |
Holds the vertical alignment setting: xvaTop , xvaMiddle , xvaBottom , xvaDistributed , xvaJustify |
Horizontal: TXLSXStyleHorizontalAlignment |
Holds the horizontal alignment setting: xhaLeft , xhaCenter , xhaRight , xhaFill , xhaJustify , xhaCenterCont , xhaDistributed |
WrapText: boolean |
When true, text is wordwrapped in the cell |
ShrinkToFit: boolean |
When true, text size is adapted to fit in the cell |
Indent: integer |
Holds the text indent |
ReadingOrder: TXLSXStyleReadingOrder |
Holds the reading order setting: xroRTL , xroLTR |
TextRotationAngle: integer |
Angle of rotation |
VerticalText: boolean |
True when the text is vertically oriented |
Properties for TXLSXStyleBorder
Property |
Description |
Top: TXLSXStyleBorderBase |
Holds the top border setting |
Left: TXLSXStyleBorderBase |
Holds the left border setting |
Bottom: TXLSXStyleBorderBase |
Holds the bottom border setting |
Right: TXLSXStyleBorderBase |
Holds the right border setting |
Diagonal: TXLSXStyleBorderDiagonal |
Holds the diagonal border setting |
Properties for TXLSXStyleBorderBase
Property |
Description |
Style: TXLSXStyleBorderStyle |
Style of the border: xbsNone , xbsThin , xbsDotted , xbsDashDot , xbsHair , xbsDashDotDot , xbsSlantDashDot , xbsMediumDashed , xbsMediumDashDotDot , xbsMediumDashDot , xbsMedium , xbsDouble , xbsThick |
Color: Tcolor |
Color of the border |
Theme: integer |
XLSX theme identifier |
Properties for TXLSXStyleBorderDiagonal
Property |
Description |
Up: boolean, |
Diagonal border is up |
Down: boolean |
Diagonal border is down |