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TWebRSAEncryption is a wrapper around the Web Crypto API. It's recommended to first familiarize yourself with the Web Crypto API:

The Web Crypto API provides native support to create, use and store cryptographic keys without exposing the content of private keys

Below is a list of the most important properties, methods and events for the TWebRSAEncryption. The supported algorithm is: RSA-OAEP.

Properties for TWebRSAEncryption

Property Description
ExtractableKey: Boolean Determines if the key is extractable. If modified, it's not applied to the current key.
Hash: TCryptoHash The hash function to be used with the algorithm. If modified, it's not applied to the current key.
ModulusLength: TRSAModulusLength The length in bits of the RSA modulus. If modified, it's not applied to the current key.
PrivateKey: TJSCryptoKey The private CryptoKey object.
PublicKey: TJSCryptoKey The public CryptoKey object.
Usages Set of key usages. If modified, it's not applied to the current key.

Methods for TWebRSAEncryption

Method Description
Decrypt(AEncryptedData: TJSArrayBuffer; AResultType: TCryptoDecryptResultType) Method to decrypt an encoded data with the class’s private key. The result type can be string or binary, based on what kind of data was encoded.
DecryptP(AEncryptedData: TJSArrayBuffer; AResultType: TCryptoDecryptResultType): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of Decrypt. Resolves with a TJSUint8Array or string value depending on the AResultType parameter.
Encrypt(APlainText: string) Method to encrypt a plain text, with the class’s public key.
EncryptP(APlainText: string): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of Encrypt(APlainText). Resolves with a TJSArrayBuffer value.
Encrypt(ABinary: TJSUint8Array) Method to encrypt binary data, with the class’s public key.
EncryptP(ABinary: TJSUint8Array): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of Encrypt(ABinary). Resolves with a TJSArrayBuffer value.
ExportKey(AKeyType: TCryptoAsymKeyType; AFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat) Method to export the class’s keys. AKeyType represents which key to export. The supported formats are PKCS#8 (PEM encoded string) for private keys, SPKI (PEM encoded string) for public keys, and jwk (JSON string) for private/public keys.
ExportKeyP(AKeyType: TCryptoAsymKeyType; AFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of ExportKey. Resolves with a string value.
ImportKey(AKey: string; AKeyType: TCryptoAsymKeyType; AFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat) Method to import a string formatted key. AKeyType determines which key to import (private/public). AFormat should be PKCS#8/jwk in case of a private key and SPKI/jwk in case of a public key.
ImportKeyP(AKey: string; AKeyType: TCryptoAsymKeyType; AFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of ImportKey(AKey). Resolves with a True value.
ImportKey(ABinary: TJSUint8Array; AKeyType: TCryptoAsymKeyType) Method to import a key stored in binary format. Will automatically use PKCS#8 for a private key and SPKI for a public key.
ImportKeyP(ABinary: TJSUint8Array; AKeyType: TCryptoAsymKeyType): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of ImportKey(ABinary). Resolves with a True value.
GenerateKey Generates a new key pair based on the current property settings.
GenerateKeyP: TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of GenerateKey. Resolves with a True value.
UnwrapKey(AImportFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat; AKey: TJSArrayBuffer; AKeyAlgorithm: JSValue; AExtractable: Boolean; AKeyUsages: TCryptoKeyUsages) Method to unwrap AKey with the class’s private key and algorithm. AKeyAlgorithm is the algorithm of AKey. AImportFormat must be the same as what was used for wrapping.
UnwrapKeyP(AImportFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat; AKey: TJSArrayBuffer; AKeyAlgorithm: JSValue; AExtractable: Boolean; AKeyUsages: TCryptoKeyUsages): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of UnwrapKey. Resolves with a TJSCryptoKey value.
WrapKey(AKey: TJSCryptoKey; AExportFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat) Method to wrap AKey with the class’s public key and algorithm.
WrapKeyP(AKey: TJSCryptoKey; AExportFormat: TCryptoExportImportFormat): TJSPromise Promise-based equivalent of WrapKey. Resolves with a TJSArrayBuffer value.

Events for TWebRSAEncryption

Event Description
OnDecryptedBinary Event triggered when an encrypted data is decrypted and the format is binary.
OnDecryptedString Event triggered when an encrypted is decrypted and the format is string.
OnEncrypted Event triggered when a data is encrypted.
OnError Event triggered when there's a Promise rejection.
OnKeyCreated Event triggered when a key is created.
OnKeyExportedJSON Event triggered when a key is exported as a JSON string.
OnKeyExportedPKCS8 Event triggered when a key is exported in PKCS#8 format as a PEM encoded string.
OnKeyExportedSPKI Event triggered when a key is exported in SPKI format as a PEM encoded string.
OnKeyUnwrapped Event triggered when a key is unwrapped.
OnKeyWrapped Event triggered when a key is wrapped.
OnPrivateKeyImported Event triggered when a private key is imported.
OnPublicKeyImported Event triggered when a public key is imported.