Below is a list of the most important properties methods and events for TWebRichEditToolbar
Designtime |
Runtime |
Property |
Description |
ElementClassName |
Optionally sets the CSS classname for the label when styling via CSS is used |
ElementID |
Optionally sets the HTML element ID for a HTML element in the form HTML file the label needs to be connected with. When connected, no new label is created but the Delphi class is connected with the existing HTML element in the form HTML file |
Hints |
Contains the list of hint property vaues for the buttons in the ribbon |
RichEdit |
Sets the TWebRichEdit component with which the toolbar interacts |
VisibleButtons |
ets what button on the toolbar are visible. This is a set property with following possible values:
reFont , reFontSize , reBold , reItalic , reUnderline , reStrikeThrough , reAlignLeft , reAlignCenter , reAlignRight , reUnorderedList , reOrderedList , reForegroundColor , reBackgroundColor , reHyperlink , reImageInsert , reLineSpacing |
Property |
Description |
OnClick |
Event triggered when the toolbar is clicked |
OnDblClick |
Event triggered when the toolbar is double-clicked |