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TWebRatingPanel is a control designed for allowing users to give a rating.

Designtime Runtime

Properties for TWebRatingPanel

Property Description
Hover When true, the star rating visually changes while the mouse is hovering of the control
IconActive Sets the URL of the star icon to be used in the rating control for value that is active.
IconInActive Sets the URL of the star icon to be used in the rating control for value that is inactive.
Precision Sets the precision of values that can be entered in the rating panel
rpFull: only full stars can be selected
rpHalf: only half or full stars can be selected
rpFractional: starts can be fractionally selected
Range Selects the number of starts on the rating panel that can be selected. The width of the control is based on the number of stars.
Value Sets the value, i.e. number of active stars in the rating panel control
ValueHint When true, show the value as hint while the mouse hovers over the rating panel.
ValueHintFormat Sets the format for the value to be displayed in the hint

Events for TWebRatingPanel

Event Description
OnValueChange Event triggered while the mouse is hovering over the rating panel with the new value
OnValueChanged Event triggered when the rating panel was clicked to select a new value
OnValueHint Event triggered when the hint for the rating panel is about to be displayed allowing to customize the content of the hint depending on the value