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Below is a list of the most important properties methods and events for TWebPayPal. TWebPayPal allows using the PayPal checkout process.

Designtime Runtime

HTML template tag

The HTML tag the component can be associated with in an HTML template. Assign the ID attribute with a unique value and set the identical value to the ElementID property. Detailed information can be found in the Use of HTML templates topic.

HTML tag <DIV ID=”UniqueID”></DIV>
ElementID UniqueID

Properties for TWebPayPal

Property Description
APIKey Sets the API key retrieved from the PayPal developers console Dashboard at:

Full instructions can be found here.

- The value required for the API Key is referred to as “Client ID” on The PayPal Dashboard.
- The PayPal button will only be displayed if an API key is provided.
- The API key can not be changed once the PayPal button has been initialized.
Environment Sets if the Sandbox or Production environment is used. Note: The correct API key must be used based on this setting.
Payment Configure the PayPal payment details before the user can initiate the payment process.
Locale Sets the language used in the PayPal checkout interface
Phone Sets the phone number of the payer (optional)
PostalCode Sets the postal code of the payer address
RecipientName Sets the name of the payer (optional)
Shipping Sets the shipping cost assocated with the PayPal payment (optional)
ShippingDiscount Sets the shipping cost discount associated with the PayPal payment (optional)
State Sets the state of the payer address (optional, except if CountryCode is set to US or CA)
Tax Sets the tax cost associated with the PayPal payment (optional)

Events for TWebPayPal

Property Description
OnPaymentDone Event triggered when a PayPal payment was executed successfully.
Address1: Line 1 of the payer address
Address1Line 1: of the payer address
Address2Line 2: of the payer address
City: The city of the payer address
CountryCode: The country code of the payer address
Currency: The currency associated with the PayPal payment.
CustomText: The custom text associated with the PayPal payment
Description: The payment description
Email: The email address of the payer
FirstName: The first name of the payer
InvoiceNumber: The invoice number associated with the PayPal payment
LastName: The last name of the payer
OrderID: The order ID: associated with the PayPal payment
PayerID: The payer ID associated with the PayPal payment
PaymentID: The payment ID associated with the PayPal payment
PaymentState: The state of the PayPal payment
Phone: The phone number of the payer
PostalCode: The postal code of the payer address
RecipientName: The name associated with the shipping address
SaleID: The sale ID associated with the PayPal payment
State: The state of the payer address
Total: The total cost of the PayPal payment
OnPaymentCancelled Event triggered when a PayPal payment was cancelled by the user
OnPaymentError Event triggered when an error occurred during the PayPal checkout process.
ErrorName: The name of the error that occurred
ErrorDetails: A list of details about the error