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TWebHTMLDiv is just a structural control that represents the DIV HTML element.

The TWebHTMLDIV is a control that represents a HTML DIV element
Designtime Runtime

HTML template tag

The HTML tag the component can be associated with in an HTML template. Assign the ID attribute with a unique value and set the identical value to the ElementID property. Detailed information can be found in the Use of HTML templates topic.

HTML tag <DIV ID=”UniqueID”></DIV>
ElementID UniqueID

Properties for TWebHTMLDiv

Properties Description
ElementClassName Sets the CSS class name attributes
ElementFont Determines whether the Font property values will be applied as font style or if CSS based font settings will be used
ElementPosition Defines whether the DIV is shown absolute positions or relative positioned
HTML: THTMLText Sets the innerHTML text value for the DIV element
Name Sets the name of the HTML DIV element

Events for TWebHTMLDiv

Properties Description
OnClick Event triggered when the HTML DIV element is clicked
OnDblClick Event triggered when the HTML DIV element is double-clicked
OnMouseDown Event triggered when the mouse goes down on the HTML DIV element
OnMouseUp Event triggered when the mouse goes up on the HTML DIV element
OnMouseMove Event triggered when the mouse moves over the HTML DIV element
OnMouseLeave Event triggered when the mouse leaves the HTML DIV element
OnMouseEnter Event triggered when the mouse moves over the HTML DIV element