SetCenter(Lat, Lon: Double); |
Centers the map around geocoordinate Lat/Lon |
SetZoom(Zoom: Integer); |
Controls the map zoom level (between 1 and 21 for US & Europe, other areas the maximum zoom level might be lower) |
AddMarker(Lat, Lon: Double; Title: string =''); |
Adds a marker with optional title at geocoordiate Lat/Lon |
AddMarker(Lat, Lon: Double; PinIcon: string;Title: string = ''); |
Adds a marker with image URL PinIcon and with optional title at geocoordiate Lat/Lon |
AddMarker(Lat, Lon: Double; Color: TColor: PinLetter: string;Title: string = ''); |
Adds a marker with specified color and letter in the pin and with optional title at geocoordinate Lat/Lon |
AddMarker(Lat, Lon: Double; Color: TGoogleMarkerColor;Title: string = ''); |
Adds a default Google marker with specified color and with optional title at geocoordinate Lat/Lon The default Google colors can be: mcDefault , mcRed , mcBlue , mcGreen , mcPurple , mcYellow |
AddMarker(Lat, Lon: Double; Shape: TGoogleMarkerShape; Color: TColor; BorderColor: TColor; Scale: Double; CustomShape = string = ‘’;Title: string = ''); |
Adds a marker with specified shape, color, bordercolor, scale and with optional title at geocoordinate Lat/Lon The shape can be: msPin , msPinDot , msFlag , msBookmark , msFlagSmall , msHome , msFavorite , msStar , msCustom If msCustom is selected a CustomShape value can be provided. |
AddMarker(Lat,Lon: Double; PinIcon: string; Title: string; XOffset: integer = 0; YOffset: integer = 0); |
Adds a marker with specified image URL and hint at geocoordinate Lat/Lon . Optionally, and X,Y offset of the image versus the Lat/Lon position can be specified |
AddPolyline(Points: TJSArray; AColor: TColor = clRed; AWidth: Integer = 2; AOpacity: Double = 1) |
Adds a polyline with the specified coordinate Points and with optional color, width and opacity |
AddPolygon(Points: TJSArray; AFillColor: TColor = clRed; AStrokeColor: TColor = clBlack; AWidth: Integer = 2; AOpacity: Double = 1) |
Adds a polygon with specified coordinate Points and with optional fill color, stroke color, width and opacity |
AddCircle(Lat, Lon: Double; Radius: Integer; AFillColor: TColor = clRed; AStrokeColor: TColor = clBlack; AWidth: Integer = 2; AOpacity: double = 1) |
Adds a circle with specified center coordinates, radius and optional fill color, stroke color, width and opacity |
AddRectangle(NorthEastLat, NorthEastLon, SouthWestLat, SouthWestLon: Double; AFillColor: TColor = clRed; AStrokeColor: TColor = clBlack; AWidth: Integer = 2; AOpacity: Double = 1) |
Adds a rectangle with specified coordinates, radius and optional fill color, stroke color, width and opacity |
AddGPX(AGPX: string; AColor; TColor; AWidth: Integer; AOpacity: Double); |
Adds a GPX layer with optional Color, Width and Opacity to the map |
AddKML(Url: string; ZoomToBounds: Boolean = true) |
Adds a KML layer with specified Url to the map and optionally zoom to the KML layer bounds |
ClearMarkers |
Removes all markers from the map |
ClearPolylines |
Removes all polylines from the map |
ClearPolygons |
Removes all polygons from the map |
ClearCircles |
Removes all circle from the map |
ClearRectangles |
Removes all rectangles from the map |
ClearKMLs |
Removes all KMLs from the map |
MoveMarker(AIndex: integer; NewLat, NewLon: double) |
Moves the marker with index AIndex to the new coordinates NewLat/NewLon. |
ShowDirections(Source, Destination: string; ATravelMode: TGoogleTravelMode = tmDriving; WayPoints: TStringList = nil; OptimizeWayPoints: Boolean = False; AvoidHighways: Boolean = False; AvoidTolls: Boolean = False); |
Show the calculated route between Source and Destination expressed as addresses. Optionally set TravelMode , add WayPoints , OptimizeWayPoints , AvoidHighways , AvoidTolls |
ShowDirections(SourceLon, SourceLat, DestLon, DestLat: Double; ATravelMode: TGoogleTravelMode = tmDriving; WayPoints: TStringList = nil; OptimizeWayPoints: Boolean = False; AvoidHighways: Boolean = False; AvoidTolls: Boolean = False); |
Show the calculated route between Source and Destination expressed as coordinates. Optionally set TravelMode , add WayPoints , OptimizeWayPoints , AvoidHighways , AvoidTolls |
RemoveDirections |
Removes the display of a route on the map |
GeoCode(const Address: string); |
Converts the address to the geocoordinate Lat/Lon. The result of the conversion is retrieved via the event OnGeoCoded |
PanTo(Lat, Lon: Double) |
Pan the center of the map to the provided coordinates |
SetHeading(AHeading: Double) |
Sets the heading of the map. Note that this feature is only available when MapRender is set to mrVector |
SetTilt(ATilt: Double) |
Sets the tilting of the map. Note that this feature is only available when MapRender is set to mrVector |
SetZoom(Zoom: Integer) |
Zoom the map to the provided zoom level |
Distance(Lon1,Lat1,Lon2,Lat2: double): double; |
Calculates the straight-line distances in kilometers between two coordinates |
FitBounds(LatMin, LonMin, LatMax, LonMax: Double) |
Pan and zoom the map to the bounds of the provided coordinates |
GetCenter(var Lat, Lon: Double): Boolean |
Returns the current center coordinate of the map |
GetCoord(Lon,Lat: Double): JSValue |
Returns a Google maps coordinate object from a given longitude and latitude |
GetBBox(Lon1,Lat1,Lon2,Lat2: double): JSValue; |
Returns a Google bounding box object from two coordinates. |
GetBounds(var NorthEastLat, NorthEastLon, SouthWestLat, SouthWestLon: Double): Boolean; |
Returns the current bounds of the map |
SetDoubleClickZoom(AValue: Boolean) |
Sets if the map is zoomed when a double click occurs |
SetScrollWheel(AValue: Boolean) |
Sets if the map is zoomed when the mouse wheel is used |
SetDraggable(AValue: Boolean) |
Sets if the map can be dragged to a new position |
SetMapType(AMapType: TGoogleMapType = mtDefault) |
Sets the map type to display. Options are mtDefault , mtSatellite , mtHybrid , mtTerrain |
SetMarkerTitle(AIndex: Integer; ATitle: string) |
Sets the title of the marker with index AIndex |
SetMarkerLocation(AIndex: Integer; Lat, Lon: Double); |
Sets the location of the marker with index AIndex |
SetMarkerIcon(AIndex: Integer; Url: string); |
Sets the icon of the marker with index AIndex |
SetCircleCenter(AIndex: Integer; Lat, Lon: Double); |
Sets the icon of the marker with index AIndex |
SetCircleCenter(AIndex: Integer; Lat, Lon: Double); |
Sets the center of the circle with index AIndex |
SetCircleRadius(AIndex, Radius: Integer); |
Sets the radius of the circle with index AIndex |
SetCircleColors(AIndex: Integer; AFillColor, AStrokeColor: TColor); |
Sets the colors of the circle with index AIndex |
SetRectangleLocation(AIndex: Integer; NorthEastLat, NorthEastLon, SouthWestLat, SouthWestLon: Double); |
Sets the location of the rectangle with index AIndex |
SetRectangleColors(AIndex: Integer; AFillColor, AStrokeColor: TColor); |
Sets the colors of the rectangle with index AIndex |
SetPolylineColor(AIndex: Integer; AColor: TColor); |
Sets the color of the polyline with index AIndex |
SetPolylinePoints(AIndex: Integer; Points: TJSArray); |
Sets the points of the polyline with index AIndex |
SetPolygonColors(AIndex: Integer; AFillColor, AStrokeColor: TColor); |
Sets the colors of the polygon with index AIndex |
SetPolygonPoints(AIndex: Integer; Points: TJSArray); |
Sets the points of the polygon with index AIndex |
ShowStreetView(Lat, Lon: Double; Heading: Integer = 0; Zoom: Integer = 0; Pitch: Integer = 0) |
Display streetview mode for the provided coordinates. Optionally set the heading |
HideStreetView |
Hide streetview mode |
RemoveMarker(AIndex: Integer); |
Remove the marker with index AIndex from the map |
RemovePolygon(AIndex: Integer) |
Remove the polygon with index AIndex from the map |
RemovePolyline(AIndex: Integer); |
Remove the polyline with index AIndex from the map |
RemoveCircle(AIndex: Integer); |
Remove the circle with index AIndex from the map |
RemoveRectangle(AIndex: Integer); |
Remove the rectangle with index AIndex from the map |