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Property Description
Animation.Duration Duration of the chart animation
Animation.Easing Sets the type of animation easing.
Animation.Startup Sets if the chart is animated on startup
Background.BorderColor Sets if the chart is animated on startup
Background.BorderWidth Sets the border width
Background.Color Sets the border width
HAxis.AutoMaxMinValue Automatically set the Max and Min values of the HAxis based on the point values. If true the MaxValue and MinValue properties are ignored
HAxis.MaxValue Sets a custom Max value for the HAxis
HAxis.MinValue Sets a custom Min value for the HAxis
Legend.Alignment Sets the alignment of the legend
Legend.Position Sets the position of the legend
LineChart.CurveType Sets the curve of the line. Set to None to disable line curve or Function to enable
PieChart.Enable3D Sets if a chart of type Pie is displayed in 3D
PieChart.PieHole Displays the Pie chart as a Donut chart. The value configures the size of the donut hole. Ignored iEnable3D is true
PieChart.PieSliceText Sets which data is displayed on each pie slice. Options are Label, None, Percentage or Value
ReverseCategories Sets the order in which the categories are added to the chart. 1 for default order, 0 for reversed order
Stacked Sets if data in a Bar, Column or Area chart is displayed stacked or not
Tooltip Configures when the tooltip is displayed
VAxis.AutoMaxMinValue Automatically set the Max and Min values of the VAxis based on the point values. If true the MaxValue and MinValue properties
VAxis.MaxValue Sets a custom Max value for the VAxis
VAxis.MinValue Sets a custom Min value for the VAxis

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