Below is a list of the most important properties methods and events for TWebGoogleChart
Note: To use Google Charts
, it is important to activate the needed Google Charts
JavaScript library for this. Do this from the “Manage JavaScript Libraries”
item from the project context menu in the IDE project manager.
Designtime | Runtime |
Properties for TWebGoogleChart
Property | Description |
Appearance | |
Chart | Sets a custom Min value for the VAxis |
Data | Returns the chart as a TJSObject . Allows customizing the chart via JavaScript calls after the initial rendering. (See Example 3) |
Series | |
Title | Sets the title of the Series |
Methods for TWebGoogleChart
Property | Description |
SetOption(AOption: string; AValue: Boolean); SetOption(AOption: string; AValue: TJSObject); SetOption(AOption: string; AValue: string); | Changes a chart option after the chart is rendered. (See Example 4) |
Series[].Values.AddSinglePoint(AValue: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); | Adds a point to a chart of type Bar, Column . |
Series[].Values.AddPiePoint(AValue: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’; Offset: Double = 0; Color: TColor = clNone); | Adds a point to a chart of type Pie . The Offset parameter sets the distance of the pie slice from the main pie. The Color sets the backgroundcolor of the slice, set to clNone to use default colors. |
Series[].Values.AddXYPoint(X, Y: Double); | Adds a point to a chart of type Scatter . |
Series[].Values.AddCandlestickPoint(X, Y, Minimum, Maximum: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); | Adds a point to a chart of type Candlestick . |
Series[].Values.AddTimelinePoint(StartTime, EndTime: TDateTime: ALabel: string = ‘’); | Adds a point to a chart of type Timeline . |
Series[].Values.AddBubblePoint(X, Y: Double; Serie: string; Size: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); | Adds a point to a chart of type Bubble . |
Series[].Values.AddBubbleColorPoint(X, Y: Double; Value: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); | Adds a point to a chart of type BubbleColor . The Value parameter determines the color of the bubble. |
Events for TWebGoogleChart
Events | Description |
OnLoaded(Sender: TObject): | Event triggered when the has finished loading |
OnSelect(Sender: TObject; Event: TGoogleChartSelectEventArgs); | Event triggered when a datapoint on the chart is selected. The Event parameter contains the SeriesIndex and the PointIndex |
OnCustomizeChart(Sender: TObject; var Options: TGoogleChartOptions); | Event triggered before the chart rendering starts. Allows configuration of selected extended chart properties via the Options parameter values. (See Example 2) |
OnCustomizeChartJSON(Sender: TObject; var Options: string); | Event triggered when the chart configuration JSON data is ready. Allows to fully customize the configuration of the chart via the Options parameter. |
Example 1: Configuring a BarChart
Demonstrates how to display a chart with just a few lines of code.
it: TGoogleChartSerieItem;
it := TWebGoogleChart1.Series.Add;
it.ChartType := gctPie;
it.Values.AddPiePoint(80, 'Label A');
it.Values.AddPiePoint(20, 'Label B');
Example 2: Customization options
Demonstrates how to customize a chart with extended options.
procedure TForm1.WebGoogleChart1CustomizeChart(Sender: TObject;
var Options: TGoogleChartOptions);
Options.HAxis.ViewWindow.Min := '0';
Options.HAxis.ViewWindow.Max := '100';
Note: Options data must contain valid JSON data.
Full documentation of available configuration options can be found at:
(Select Chart
from the list on the left, then select “Configuration Options”
from the
items on the right)
Example 3: Adding and updating datapoints on the fly
Demonstrates how to dynamically add and update datapoints in an existing chart.
procedure TForm1.WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
data: TJSObject;
chart: TJSObject;
data := WebGoogleChart1.Data;
chart := WebGoogleChart1.Chart;
data.setValue(0, 1, 20); //rowIndex, columnIndex, value
data.addColumn('number', 'Label'); //datatype, label
data.addRow(['Row', 10, 20, 30, 40]); //rowTitle, Column values
chart.draw(); //update chart
Google Charts API
reference can be found here:
Example 4: Setting options on the fly
Demonstrates how to dynamically update options in an existing chart.
procedure TForm1.WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
WebGoogleChart1.SetOption('vAxis.title', 'Y axis title');140
JSON data
Full documentation of available configuration options can be found at:
(Select Chart Type from the list on the left, then select “Configuration Options” from the
“Content” items on the right)