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Below is a list of the most important properties methods and events for TWebGoogleChart.

Note: To use Google Charts, it is important to activate the needed Google Charts JavaScript library for this. Do this from the “Manage JavaScript Libraries” item from the project context menu in the IDE project manager.

Designtime Runtime

Properties for TWebGoogleChart

Property Description
Chart Sets a custom Min value for the VAxis
Data Returns the chart as a TJSObject. Allows customizing the chart via JavaScript calls after the initial rendering. (See Example 3)
Title Sets the title of the Series

Methods for TWebGoogleChart

Property Description
SetOption(AOption: string; AValue: Boolean); SetOption(AOption: string; AValue: TJSObject); SetOption(AOption: string; AValue: string); Changes a chart option after the chart is rendered. (See Example 4)
Series[].Values.AddSinglePoint(AValue: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); Adds a point to a chart of type Bar, Column.
Series[].Values.AddPiePoint(AValue: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’; Offset: Double = 0; Color: TColor = clNone); Adds a point to a chart of type Pie. The Offset parameter sets the distance of the pie slice from the main pie. The Color sets the backgroundcolor of the slice, set to clNone to use default colors.
Series[].Values.AddXYPoint(X, Y: Double); Adds a point to a chart of type Scatter.
Series[].Values.AddCandlestickPoint(X, Y, Minimum, Maximum: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); Adds a point to a chart of type Candlestick.
Series[].Values.AddTimelinePoint(StartTime, EndTime: TDateTime: ALabel: string = ‘’); Adds a point to a chart of type Timeline.
Series[].Values.AddBubblePoint(X, Y: Double; Serie: string; Size: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); Adds a point to a chart of type Bubble.
Series[].Values.AddBubbleColorPoint(X, Y: Double; Value: Double; ALabel: string = ‘’); Adds a point to a chart of type BubbleColor. The Value parameter determines the color of the bubble.

Events for TWebGoogleChart

Events Description
OnLoaded(Sender: TObject): Event triggered when the has finished loading
OnSelect(Sender: TObject; Event: TGoogleChartSelectEventArgs); Event triggered when a datapoint on the chart is selected. The Event parameter contains the SeriesIndex and the PointIndex
OnCustomizeChart(Sender: TObject; var Options: TGoogleChartOptions); Event triggered before the chart rendering starts. Allows configuration of selected extended chart properties via the Options parameter values. (See Example 2)
OnCustomizeChartJSON(Sender: TObject; var Options: string); Event triggered when the chart configuration JSON data is ready. Allows to fully customize the configuration of the chart via the Options parameter.


Example 1: Configuring a BarChart

Demonstrates how to display a chart with just a few lines of code.

  it: TGoogleChartSerieItem;
  it := TWebGoogleChart1.Series.Add;
  it.ChartType := gctPie;
  it.Values.AddPiePoint(80, 'Label A');
  it.Values.AddPiePoint(20, 'Label B');

Example 2: Customization options

Demonstrates how to customize a chart with extended options.

procedure TForm1.WebGoogleChart1CustomizeChart(Sender: TObject;
  var Options: TGoogleChartOptions);
  Options.HAxis.ViewWindow.Min := '0';
  Options.HAxis.ViewWindow.Max := '100';

Note: Options data must contain valid JSON data. Full documentation of available configuration options can be found at: (Select Chart Type from the list on the left, then select “Configuration Options” from the “Content” items on the right)

Example 3: Adding and updating datapoints on the fly

Demonstrates how to dynamically add and update datapoints in an existing chart.

procedure TForm1.WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
  data: TJSObject;
  chart: TJSObject;
  data := WebGoogleChart1.Data;
  chart := WebGoogleChart1.Chart;
    data.setValue(0, 1, 20); //rowIndex, columnIndex, value
    data.addColumn('number', 'Label'); //datatype, label
    data.addRow(['Row', 10, 20, 30, 40]); //rowTitle, Column values
    chart.draw(); //update chart
Note: The Google Charts API reference can be found here:

Example 4: Setting options on the fly

Demonstrates how to dynamically update options in an existing chart.

procedure TForm1.WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
  WebGoogleChart1.SetOption('vAxis.title', 'Y axis title');140
Note: Options data must contain valid JSON data. Full documentation of available configuration options can be found at: (Select Chart Type from the list on the left, then select “Configuration Options” from the “Content” items on the right)