Below is a list of the most important properties methods and events for TWebEditBtn
. TWebEditBtn
is an edit input control similar to a TButtonedEdit
in VCL.
Designtime |
Runtime |
HTML template tag
The HTML tag the component can be associated with in an HTML template. Assign the ID
attribute with a unique value and set the identical value to the ElementID
property. Detailed
information can be found in the Use of HTML templates topic.
HTML tag |
<DIV ID=”UniqueID”></DIV> |
ElementID |
UniqueID |
Properties for TWebEditBtn
Property |
Description |
AutoCompletion |
Sets the auto completion type that the browser uses to fill the edit controls on a form based on its cache of entries previously made. Note that in order to have autocompletion working, it is required that the TWebEditBtn control is placed on a TWebHTMLForm |
AutoFocus |
When true and the control is the first control in the tab order, it will display focused |
BorderStyle |
Sets the border style for the control |
Button: TEditButton |
Holds the settings for the attached button |
CharCase |
Sets the handling of character casing in the edit control:
wecNormal : do not change case
wecLowerCase : force to lower case
wecMixedCase : force to initial uppercase on words wecUppercase : force to upper case |
EditType |
Sets the allowed type of characters that can be entered. Options are weFloat , weHex , weNumeric , weSignedFloat , weSignedNumeric , weString , weSearch |
ElementClassName |
Optionally sets the CSS classname for the edit control when styling via CSS is used |
ElementID |
Optionally sets the HTML element ID for a HTML INPUT element in the form HTML file the edit control needs to be connected with. When connected, no new edit control is created but the Delphi class is connected with the existing HTML element in the form HTML file |
Pattern |
Sets the pattern of accepted characters for form validation (used when TWebEditBtn is used on a TWebHTMLForm ). Maps on HTML pattern attribute: |
Required |
When True , the content of the TWebEditBtn being empty will cause a validation popup when used on a TWebHTMLForm . Maps on HTML required attribute: |
RequiredText |
Sets the hint text the browser shows when validation is false upon submit |
SelLength |
Gets or sets the length of selected text in the edit control |
SelStart |
Gets or sets the caret position in the edit control |
ShowFocus |
When true, the border color changes when the control has focus |
TabOrder |
Sets the tab order of the control |
TabStop |
When true, the focus is turned to the control when pressing tab |
Text |
Gets or sets the text of the edit control |
TextDirection |
Sets the text direction
tdDefault : does not use direction attribute
tdInherit : uses TextDirection of parent control
tdRightToLeft :uses rtl direction attribute
tdLeftToRight : uses ltr direction attribute |
Methods for TWebEditBtn
Property |
Description |
Clear |
Removes text from the edit |
ClearSelection |
Removes the selected text from the edit |
CopyToClipboard |
Copies the text in the edit control to the clipboard |
SelectAll |
Selects all text in the edit control |
Events for TWebEditBtn
Property |
Description |
OnBtnClick |
Event triggered when the control button is clicked |
OnClick |
Event triggered when the control is clicked |
OnChange |
Event triggered when the value in the edit control is changed via the UI |
OnEnter |
Event triggered when the control gets focus |
OnExit |
Event triggered when focus leaves the control |
Holds all property settings fotr the button attached to the edit control
Property |
Description |
Caption |
Sets the optional caption for the button |
MaterialGlyph |
Sets the optional material icon identifier |
MaterialGlyphColor |
Sets the optional material icon glyph color |
MaterialGlyphSize |
Sets the optional material icon glyph size |
MaterialGlyphType |
Sets the optional material icon glyph type. The types can be: mgNormal : regular type mgOutlined : outlined graphic mgTwoTone : two-tone color graphic mgRound : rounded graphic mgSharp : sharp version graphic |
Width |
Sets the button width (in pixels) |