is a non-visual component that allows to set at design-time (but also in run-time via code), properties of a CSS
class. You can select the CSS
classname for this component and then use this CSS
class to style controls on the form. When changing properties of TWebCSSClass
at run-time, either use this in a block WebCSSClass.BeginUpdate
/ WebCSSClass.EndUpdate
or call WebCSSClass.UpdateCSS
to have it updated at run-time and applied in the browser. Note that when many property values or 0
, clNone
, empty string, … these CSS
style properties are not generated. The TWebCSSClass
tries to generate the minimum CSS
properties of the CSS class.
Designtime | Runtime |
Properties for TWebCSSClass
Property | Description |
BackgroundColor: TColor | Sets the HTML element background color |
Border: TCSSBorder | Holds the settings for the entire element border |
BorderBottom: TCSSBorder | Sets the characteristics of the bottom border of the HTML element when used |
BorderLeft: TCSSBorder | Sets the characteristics of the left border of the HTML element when used |
BorderRight: TCSSBorder | Sets the characteristics of the right border of the HTML element when used |
BorderTop: TCSSBorder | Sets the characteristics of the bottom border of the HTML element when used |
BorderBottomLeftRadius | Sets the rounding radius of the bottom left corner |
BorderBottomRightRadius | Sets the rounding radius of the bottom right corner |
BorderTopLeftRadius | Sets the rounding radius of the top left corner |
BorderTopRightRadius | Sets the rounding radius of the top right corner |
BorderRadius | Sets the rounding radius of the HTML element 4 corners |
BoxShadow: TCSSBoxShadow | Sets the characteristics of the shadow for the HTML element |
Color: TColor | Sets the text color in the HTML element |
CSSClassName: string | Sets the name of the CSS class that will be generated in the DOM |
Cursor: TCSSCursor | Sets the cursor to be used when the mouse is over the HTML element. Possible values are: cuDefault cuCrosshair , cuPointer , cuMove , cuEResize , cuNEResize , cuNWResize , cuNResize , cuSEResize , cuSWResize , cuSResize , cuWResize , cuText , cuWait , cuHelp Reference : |
Display: TCSSDisplay | Sets the CSS display property. Possible values are: cdNone , cdInline , cdBlock , cdInlineBlock , cdListItem , cdRunIn , cdCompact , cdTable , cdInlineTable Reference : |
Font: TCCSFont | Sets the CSS characteristics of the font used in the HTML element |
Height: TCSSSize | Sets the element height CSS characteristics |
Margin: TCSSSize | Sets the element margin CSS characteristics |
MarginBottom: TCSSSize | Sets the element bottom margin CSS characteristics |
MarginLeft: TCSSSize | Sets the element left margin CSS characteristics |
MarginRight: TCSSSize | Sets the element right margin CSS characteristics |
MarginTop: TCSSSize | Sets the element top margin CSS characteristics |
Opacity: single | Sets the HTML element opacity |
Overflow: TCSSOverflow | Sets the CSS overflow property. Possible values are: ofNone , ofVisible , ofHidden , ofScroll , ofAuto , ofNoDisplay , ofNoContent Reference : |
OverflowX: TCSSOverflow | Sets the CSS width overflow property |
OverflowY: TCSSOverflow | Sets the CSS height overflow property |
Padding: TCSSPadding | Sets the element padding CSS characteristics |
PaddingBottom: TCSSPadding | Sets the element bottom padding CSS characteristics |
PaddingLeft: TCSSPadding | Sets the element left padding CSS characteristics |
PaddingRight: TCSSPadding | Sets the element right padding CSS characteristics |
PaddingTop: TCSSPadding | Sets the element top padding CSS characteristics |
Text: TCSSText | Sets the CSS text formatting properties |
Width: TCSSSize | Sets the element width CSS characteristics |
Properties for TCSSBorder
Property | Description |
Color: TColor | Sets the border color |
Style: TBorderStyle | Sets the border style. Possible values are: bsnone , bshidden , bsdotted , bsdashed , bssolid , bsdouble , bsgroove , bsridge , bsinset , bsoutset , bsinitial , bsinherit |
Width: TBorderWidth | Sets the border width. Possible values are: bwnone , bwthin , bwmedium , bwthick , px1 , px2 , px3 , px4 , px5 , px6 , px7 , px8 , px9 , px10 |
Properties for TCSSBoxShadow
Property | Description |
HOffset: integer | Depth of the shadow in the horizontal direction |
VOffiset: integer | Depth of the shadow in the vertical direction |
Blur: integer | Blur of the shadow |
Color: TColor | Color of the shadow |
Spread: integer | Spread of the shadow |
Properties for TCSSFont
Property | Description |
Style: TCSSFontStyle | Font style. Possible values are: fssNormal , fssItalic , fssOblique , fssInherit |
Variant: TCSSFontVariant | Font variant characteristics. Possible values are: fvNormal , fvSmallCaps , fvInherit |
Weight: TCSSFontWeight | Font weight. Possible values are: fwNormal , fwBold , fwBolder , fwLighter , fw100 , fw200 , fw300 , fw400 , fw500 , fw600 , fw700 , fw800 , fw900 , fwinherit |
Size: TCSSFontSize | Font size. Possible values are: fszxxsmall , fszxsmall , fszsmall , fszmedium , fszlarge , fszxlarge , fszxxlarge , fszsmaller , fszlarger , fszInherit . |
Family: string | Font family name |
Stretch: TCSSFontStretch | Font stretching characteristics. Possible values are: fsUltraCondensed , fsExtraCondensed , fsCondensed , fsSemiCondensed , fsNormal , fsSemiExpanded , fsExpanded ,fsUltraExpanded , fsExtraExpanded , fsInherit |
SizePx: double | Font size in pixels |
SizePct: integer | Font size in percent |
Properties for TCSSText
Property | Description |
Align: TCSSTextAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of text in the HTML element. Possible values are: taStart , taEnd , taLeft , taRight , taCenter , taJustify |
Decoration: TCSSTextDecoration | Sets optional text decoration. Possible values are: tdNone , tdUnderline , tdOverline , tdLineThrough , tdBlink |
Direction: TCSSTextDirection | Sets the text direction CSS property. Possible values are: tdltr , tdrtl , tdinherit |
Justify: TCSSTextJustify | Sets the text justification CSS property. Possible values are: tjAuto , tjInterword , tjInterIdeoGraph , tjInterCluster , tjDistribute , tjKashida , tjTibetan |
LineHeightPx: double | Sets the text line height in pixels |
Shadow: TCSSTextShadow | Sets the optional shadow for rendered text |
Wrap: TCSSTextWrap | Font size in pixels |
Properties for TCSSPadding
Property | Description |
Type: TCSSPaddingType | Sets the type of padding to apply. Possible values are: ptLength , ptPercent |
Value: double | Sets the value of padding in pixels |
Properties for TCSSSize
Property | Description |
Type: TCSSSizeType | Sets the type of size to apply. Possible values are: stAuto , stLength , stPercent |
Value: double | Sets the value of size in pixels |