The TWebClientConnector
is a component to establish a connection between a TMS Web Core application running in the browser and a client application written in FMX or VCL running in a desktop or mobile environment. In combination with the TTMSFNCWebCoreClientBrowser
(available in TMS FNC Core) the TMS Web Core application can be viewed in your favorite environment. TWebClientConnector
is defined in the unit WEBLib.ClientConnector
Setting up the TWebClientConnector
In your TMS Web Core application, drop an instance of TWebClientConnector
on the form. There are no additional steps necessary to start receiving and sending messages at browser side.
To receive messages, you can implement the OnReceivedMessage
event. The
returns JSON, below is a sample of parsing JSON in the
procedure TForm1.DoReceivedMessage(Sender: TObject; AJSON:
s: string;
s := TJSJSON.stringify(AJSON.JSObject);
WebMemo1.Text := s;
Sending messages with the TWebClientConnector
To send messages, you need to encapsulate your data in JSON, then send it to the client,
which the TWebClientConnector
is connected to.
procedure TForm1.SendButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
o: TJSONObject;
js: TJSON;
s: string;
I: Integer;
js := TJSON.Create;
s := '{"Message From Browser":"'+
TTMSFNCUtils.EscapeString(WebMemo1.Text) +'"}';
o := js.parse(s);
Ofcourse, sending and receiving will only work when a client, writing in VCL or FMX, is connected. Below are the steps necessary to have a working connection between browser and client.
Setting up the TTMSFNCWebCoreClientBrowser
Drop an instance of the TTMSFNCWebCoreClientBrowser
on the form and enter the URL of your TMS Web Core application. When starting the application, the client will automatically try to establish a connection with the TMS Web Core application running the TWebClientConnector
component instance. When the connection is established, the OnConnected
event is triggered, allowing you to start sending and receiving messages. For receiving messages at client side, the OnReceivedMessage
event (similar to the TMS Web Core application implementation for TWebClientConnector
) can be used.