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Below is a list of the most important properties methods and events for the TWebCheckGroup. TWebCheckGroup is a group of checkbox controls similar to a VCL TCheckGroup.

Designtime Runtime

Properties for TWebCheckGroup

Property Description
Caption Sets the caption text of the checkgroup
Checked [AIndex: Integer]: Boolean Gets or sets the checkbox state of a checkbox in the group with index AIndex
Columns Defines in how many columns the checkboxes are displayed. Default is 1.
ElementClassName Optionally sets the CSS classname for the label when styling via CSS is used
ElementID Optionally sets the HTML element ID for a HTML element in the form HTML file the label needs to be connected with. When connected, no new label is created but the Delphi class is connected with the existing HTML element in the form HTML file
Items Access to the checkbox captions in the group via a TStringList property

Events for TWebCheckGroup

Property Description
OnCheckClick Event triggered when a checkbox is toggled. It returns the index of the checkbox