is a component wrapping the web Bluetooth API
for communicating from the browser with Bluetooth
communications are setup via a Bluetooth
device using a Bluetooth
service that can read/write values via Bluetooth
Therefore, the TWebBluetoot
h class permits to make a connection to a device that can be accessed via the class TBluetoothDevice
. Via the TBluetoothDevice
, access to a service, made available via the TBluetoothService
class, can be obtained. Values can be read or written using a characteristic, exposed via the class TBluetoothCharacteristic
TWebBluetooth class
Public methods
Property | Description |
function HasBluetooth: boolean | Returning whether the browser supports or does not support Bluetooth |
function GetDevice: boolean | Try to establish a connection to a device and return an instance |
function GetDevice(proc: TBTRefProc): boolean; | Function with anonymous method to establish a connection to a device |
property Device: TBluetoothDevice | Access to the last connected device object |
Published properties / events
Property | Description |
DeviceName | Sets the name of the Bluetooth device when connection to only a specific device is wanted. Leave empty when a connection to just any Bluetooth device can be made |
FilterService | Stringlist holding one or more services a Bluetooth device must offer before a connection to it can be made |
OnDeviceObject | Event triggered when a device is connected, returing the device object |
OnDeviceError | Event triggered when an error in the communication with the device is encountered. |
TWebBluetoothDevice class
Public methods
Property | Description |
function HasBluetooth: boolean | Returning whether the browser supports or does not support Bluetooth |
function GetService: boolean | Try to obtain a service object reference from the device. The service is returned via the OnService event |
function GetService(proc: TBTRefProc): boolean; | Function with anonymous method to get a service object |
function GetServices; | Try to query for all services the device exposes. Services are returned via the OnServices event. |
procedure Connect | Make a connection to the device. When successful, the OnConnect event is triggered. |
procedure Connect(proc: TBTRefProc) | Make a connection to the device using an anonymous |
procedure DisconnectDevice | Disconnect from the device |
procedure ReConnectDevice | Try to establish a new connection to the device |
function Connected: boolean | Returns true when a connection to the device could be established |
Property Service: TBluetoothService | Reference to the last retrieved service object |
Published properties / events
Property | Description |
OnConnect | Event triggered when a connection to the device could be established |
OnDisconnect | Event triggered upon disconnect |
OnService | Event triggered when a device service is retrieved |
OnServices | Event triggered when the list of supported services by the device is returned |
This code snippet shows how a service can be obtained from a device
procedure(AService: TBluetoothService)
myservice := AService;
TWebBluetoothService class
Public methods
Property | Description |
procedure GetCharacteristic(uuid: string); | Retrieve a characteristic with ID UUID from a service. When available, the characteristic is returned via the OnCharacteristic event. |
procedure GetCharacteristic(uuid: string; proc:TBTCharacteristicProc); | Retrieve a characteristic with ID UUID from a service. When available, the characteristic is returned via an anonymous method. |
procedure GetCharacteristics; | Query all characteristics offered by the service. The list of available services is returned via the event OnCharacteristics |
Published properties / events
Property | Description |
UUID | The UUID of the service |
OnCharacteristic | Event triggered when a characteristic is requested |
OnCharacteristics | Event triggered when the list of characteristics is requested |
This code snippet shows how a characteristic is retrieved from a service:
procedure(AChar: TBluetoothCharacteristic)
btchartempvalue := AChar;
TWebBluetoothCharacteristic class
Public methods
Method | Description |
procedure StartNotify | Method to start the notify mechanism. When started, the Bluetooth device will send a message (and trigger the OnNotifyXXX ) event when a value of a characteristic changes. |
procedure StopNotify | Stops the notify mechanism of the Bluetooth device |
procedure ReadXXX | Read a value from the Bluetooth characteristic. The default Read performs a read on an integer value. For other types, XXX stands for different types: Byte Int SmallInt Single Double String Array The result of the read is returned via the matching OnReadXXX event. |
procedure ReadXXX(proc: TBTReadValueProc) | Read a value from the Bluetooth characteristic and the result is returned via an anonymous method.XXX stands for different types: Byte Int SmallInt Single Double String Array |
Procedure WriteXXX() | Write a value to a Bluetooth characteristic. XXX stands for different types: Byte Int SmallInt Single Double String Array |
Published properties / events
Property | Description |
UUID | The UUID of the characteristic |
OnReadXXX | Event triggered returning the result of a read operation. There are different variants of the read event for different data types |
OnNotifyXXX | Event triggered when a new characteristic value is available when the notification mechanism was enabled. There are different variants of the notify event for different data types |
This example shows how to read an