Below is a list of the most important properties and methods for TElectronOpenDialog
. This component allows to display a native open dialog.
Designtime |
Runtime |
Properties for TElectronOpenDialog
Property |
Description |
ButtonLabel: string |
Sets the text that will be shown inside the default "Open" button. |
DefaultPath: string |
Sets the default path where the dialog is opened. |
FileName: string |
Returns the filename with full path that has been opened. |
Filters: string |
Sets the file type filters. |
Options |
A set of options. On Windows and Linux an open dialog can't be a file selector and a directory selector at the same time. Choosing both will result in a directory selector. |
Title: string |
Sets the title of the open window. |
Methods for TElectronOpenDialog
Property |
Description |
Execute(AProc: TSelectOpenFileCallBack) |
Function to show the open dialog. The AProc parameter is a method pointer for a method that is called when the dialog is closed. Any result from the dialog is available through the callback. |
See example usage at TElectronStringList: Example 1.