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Below is a list of the most important properties and methods for TElectronBrowserWindow. This component allows the creation of multiple application windows, which can be linked to forms or other sources.

Designtime Runtime

Properties for TElectronBrowserWindow

Property Description
FormClass: TFormClass Sets the form class of the TElectronBrowserWindow.
FullScreen: Boolean Setting it to true will open the window in fullscreen.
FullScreenable: Boolean Determines if the window can be set to fullscreen by the user or not.
IconPath: string Sets the path to the icon.
IconURL: string Base64 encoded string that represents the icon.
Kiosk: Boolean Setting it to true will open the window in kiosk mode.
MaxHeight: Integer Sets the maximum height of the window.
MaxWidth: Integer Sets the maximum width of the window.
MinHeight: Integer Sets the minimum height of the window.
MinWidth: Integer Sets the minimum width of the window.
Resizable: Boolean Sets the resizability of the window.

Methods for TElectronBrowserWindow

Property Description
Close Method to close the window.
ForceClose Method to force the closing of the window.
Hide Method to hide the window.
LoadFromURL(URL: string) Method to load from the given URL. It can be a URL or a path to a local file too.
SendMessage(AMessage: string) Method to send message to window.
SendMessage(AMessage: JSValue) Method to send message to the window.
SendMessage(Channel: string; AMessage: string) Method to send message to a channel.
SendMessage(Channel: string; AMessage: JSValue) Method to send message to a channel.
Show Method to show the window.
ShowModal Method to show the window as a modal It blocks the parent window.

Events for TElectronBrowserWindow

Property Description
OnActivate Triggers when the window gains focus.
OnClose Triggers when the window closes.
OnDeactivate Triggers when the window loses focus.
OnExitFullScreen Triggers when the window exits fullscreen mode.
OnFullScreen Triggers when the window enters fullscreen mode.
OnHide Triggered when the window gets hidden.
OnMaximize Triggers when the window is maximized.
OnMessage Triggers when a message has been sent from the window to the parent window (= the form that contains the TElectronBrowserWindow instance).
OnMinimize Triggers when the window is minimized.
OnResize Triggers when the window is resized.
OnShow Triggers when the window is shown.

Multiple windows using forms

Forms that are added to the project can be used as a source for the page to be shown in the window. In order to achieve this, a few steps have to be made:

  1. First of all the **project.dpr** file needs to be prepared to handle the routing of the forms. Add the WEBLib.WebTools unit to the uses list. After that, the code that is responsible for starting the application needs to be modified to the code below.
      s: string;
      Application.AutoFormRoute := True;
      Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
      if HasQueryParam('form', s) then
        Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
  2. Whenever a new form is added to the project, it needs to be registered in the initialization section.
  3. And for the last step, the form class needs to be assigned to the correct TElectronBrowserWindow instance. To do this, first the unit that contains the form has to be added to the uses list.

For example: We would like to use the TForm2 from Unit2 in Unit1. Then in the uses list of Unit1 add Unit2.

After this, in the form's OnCreate event we can assign the form class to the TElectronBrowserWindow with the code below.

ElectronBrowserWindow1.FormClass := TForm2;

From now on, whenever ElectronBrowserWindow1.Show is called, it creates the window for us automatically.

Multiple windows using other sources

An HTML file or a link to a website can also be used inside a TElectronBrowserWindow. In this case the only necessary step is to call the URL load method in the OnCreate event of the form.

If the application is targeted for multiple platforms, it's best to use relative paths.

Showing a window

To show the window after its content had been set, simply call Show or ShowModal. The expected behaviour is that showing a modal window will block the parent window until the modal itself gets closed. On macOS this modal window is a sheet that is attached to the parent window, and since it's blocking the parent from closing, it also blocks the whole application from closing. Keep in mind to always provide a way to the user to close the modal window.