Constructor |
Create(AOwner: TComponent) |
Property name | Description |
Session: TTMSMQTTTMSMQTTClientSession | The active MQTT Session |
ConnectionStatus: TTMSMQTTConnectionStatus | The current status of the client |
Connection: TTMSMQTTNetworkConnection | The connection with the broker |
ConnectionInfo: TTMSMQTTConnectionInfo | Connection information sent by the server in the last CONNACK packet. |
DisconnectionInfo: TTMSMQTTDisconnectionInfo | Disconnection information sent by the server in the last DISCONNECT packet. (MQTT v5+) |
ClientID: string | A unique client identifier. |
BrokerHostName: string | Hostname of the broker you want to connect to |
BrokerPort: Integer | The port to use when connecting to the broker |
IPVersion: TIdIPVersion | Allows to select between using an IPv4 or IPv6 address |
UseSSL: Boolean | Whether or not to connect through SSL |
ProtocolVersion: TTMSMQTTProtocolVersion | MQTT protocol version used in the connection |
KeepAliveSettings: TTMSMQTTKeepAliveSettings | Setting to keep the connection alive |
Credentials: TTMSMQTTCredentials | The credentials to use when connecting |
LastWillSettings: TTMSMQTTLastWillSettings | The Last Will And Testament (LWT) settings |
TimeOutSettings: TTMSMQTTTimeOutSettings | Connect & read timeout settings |
ConnectionProperties: TTMSMQTTConnectionSettings | Connect properties |
PublishProperties: TTMSMQTTPublishSettings | Publish properties |
SubscribeProperties: TTMSMQTTSubscribeSettings | Subscribe properties |
DisconnectProperties: TTMSMQTTDisconnectSettings | Disconnect properties |
AutomaticSessionCleanup: Boolean | Clear the session automatically. |
SyncedEvents: Boolean | Trigger the thread events using Synchronize or execute them in the same thread. |
Logger: TTMSMQTTLogger | The logger to be used by the client |
Version: string | The Component Version |
Method name | Description |
Assign(Source: TPersistent) | |
Connect(ACleanSession: Boolean = True) | Connect to the broker - ACleanSession : Indicates whether the previous session should be cleared. |
Disconnect(): Boolean | Disconnect from the broker |
Subscribe(ATopic: string; ATopicQosLevel: TTMSMQTTQoS = qosAtMostOnce; ARetainHandling: TTMSRetainHandling = rhSendRetainedMessagesAtSubscribe; ARetainAsPublished: Boolean = False; ANoLocal: Boolean = False): Word | Subscribe the client to a specific topic - ATopic : Topic name or filter- ATopicQosLevel : The "Quality Of Service" the broker should use when sending messages to the client on this topic- ARetainHandling : This option specifies whether retained messages are sent when the subscription is established. This does not affect the sending of retained messages at any point after the subscribe. If there are no retained messages matching the Topic Filter, all of these values act the same.- ARetainAsPublished : If True, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription keep the RETAIN flag they were published with. If False, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription have the RETAIN flag set to 0.- ANoLocal : If True, Application Messages MUST NOT be forwarded to a connection with a ClientID equal to the ClientID of the publishing connection. |
Subscribe(ATopics: TTMSStringArray; ATopicQosLevels: TTMSQosArray; ARetainHandlingValues: TTMSRetainHandlingArray; ARetainAsPublishedValues: TTMSBooleanArray; ANoLocalValues: TTMSBooleanArray): Word | Subscribe the client to a multiple topics - ATopics : Names/filters of the Topics- ATopicQosLevels : Set of "Quality Of Service" settings that the broker should use when sending messages to the client- ARetainHandlingValues : Set of "Retain Handling" values. This option specifies whether retained messages are sent when the subscription is established. This does not affect the sending of retained messages at any point after the subscribe. If there are no retained messages matching the Topic Filter, all of these values act the same.- ARetainAsPublishedValues : Set of "Retain as Published". If True, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription keep the RETAIN flag they were published with. If False, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription have the RETAIN flag set to 0.- ANoLocalValues : Set of "No Local". If True, Application Messages MUST NOT be forwarded to a connection with a ClientID equal to the ClientID of the publishing connection. |
Subscribe(ATopics: TTMSStringArray; ATopicQosLevels: TTMSQosArray): Word | Subscribe the client to a multiple topics - ATopics : Names/filters of the Topics- ATopicQosLevels : Set of "Quality Of Service" settings that the broker should use when sending messages to the client |
Subscribe(ATopics: TTMSStringArray; ATopicQosLevels: TTMSQosArray; APacketID: Word): Boolean | Subscribe the client to a multiple topics - ATopics : Names/filters of the Topics- ATopicQosLevels : Set of "Quality Of Service" settings that the broker should use when sending messages to the client- APacketID : Packet identifier used by the SUBSCRIBE control packet. |
Subscribe(ATopics: TTMSStringArray; ATopicQosLevels: TTMSQosArray; ARetainHandlingValues: TTMSRetainHandlingArray; ARetainAsPublishedValues: TTMSBooleanArray; ANoLocalValues: TTMSBooleanArray; APacketID: Word): Boolean | Subscribe the client to a multiple topics - ATopics : Names/filters of the Topics- ATopicQosLevels : Set of "Quality Of Service" settings that the broker should use when sending messages to the client- ARetainHandlingValues : Set of "Retain Handling" values. This option specifies whether retained messages are sent when the subscription is established. This does not affect the sending of retained messages at any point after the subscribe. If there are no retained messages matching the Topic Filter, all of these values act the same.- ARetainAsPublishedValues : Set of "Retain as Published". If True, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription keep the RETAIN flag they were published with. If False, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription have the RETAIN flag set to 0.- ANoLocalValues : Set of "No Local". If True, Application Messages MUST NOT be forwarded to a connection with a ClientID equal to the ClientID of the publishing connection.- APacketID : Packet identifier used by the SUBSCRIBE control packet. |
Unsubscribe(ATopic: string): Word | Unsubscribe from a specific topic - ATopic : Topic name or filter |
Unsubscribe(ATopics: TTMSStringArray): Word | Unsubscribe from multiple topics at once - ATopics : Names/filters of the Topics |
Unsubscribe(ATopic: string; APacketID: Word): Boolean | Unsubscribe from a specific topic - ATopic : Topic name or filter- APacketID : Packet identifier used by the UNSUBSCRIBE control packet. |
Unsubscribe(ATopics: TTMSStringArray; APacketID: Word): Boolean | Unsubscribe from multiple topics at once - ATopics : Names/filters of the Topics- APacketID : Packet identifier used by the UNSUBSCRIBE control packet. |
Ping | Send a PING packet to the broker |
Publish(ATopic: string; APayload: string; AQos: TTMSMQTTQoS = qosAtMostOnce; ARetain: Boolean = False; ADuplicate: Boolean = False): Word | Publish a string message to a specific topic on the broker. - ATopic : Topic name- APayload : The content of the packet- AQos : The "Quality Of Service" the client should use when sending the packet to the broker (default = qosAtMostOnce)- ARetain : Whether or not the message should be retained by the broker (default is false)- ADuplicate : Indicates that this is the first occasion that the Client or Server has attempted to send this PUBLISH packet. (default is false) |
Publish(ATopic: string; APayload: TBytes; AQos: TTMSMQTTQoS = qosAtMostOnce; ARetain: Boolean = False; ADuplicate: Boolean = False): Word | Publish a binary message to a specific topic on the broker. - ATopic : Topic name- APayload : The content of the packet- AQos : The "Quality Of Service" the client should use when sending the packet to the broker (default = qosAtMostOnce)- ARetain : Whether or not the message should be retained by the broker (default is false)- ADuplicate : Indicates that this is the first occasion that the Client or Server has attempted to send this PUBLISH packet. (default is false) |
Publish(ATopic: string; APayload: string; APacketID: Word; AQos: TTMSMQTTQoS = qosAtMostOnce; ARetain: Boolean = False; ADuplicate: Boolean = False): Boolean | Publish a string message to a specific topic on the broker. - ATopic : Topic name- APayload : The content of the packet- APacketID : Packet identifier used by the PUBLISH control packet.- AQos : The "Quality Of Service" the client should use when sending the packet to the broker (default = qosAtMostOnce)- ARetain : Whether or not the message should be retained by the broker (default is false)- ADuplicate : Indicates that this is the first occasion that the Client or Server has attempted to send this PUBLISH packet. (default is false) |
Publish(ATopic: string; APayload: TBytes; APacketID: Word; AQos: TTMSMQTTQoS = qosAtMostOnce; ARetain: Boolean = False; ADuplicate: Boolean = False): Boolean | Publish a binary message to a specific topic on the broker. - ATopic : Topic name- APayload : The content of the packet- APacketID : Packet identifier used by the PUBLISH control packet.- AQos : The "Quality Of Service" the client should use when sending the packet to the broker (default = qosAtMostOnce)- ARetain : Whether or not the message should be retained by the broker (default is false)- ADuplicate : Indicates that this is the first occasion that the Client or Server has attempted to send this PUBLISH packet. (default is false) |
IsConnected(): Boolean | Whether the client is connected to a broker or not |
Authenticate(AAuthenticationMethod: string; AAuthenticationData: TBytes; AReauthenticate: Boolean = False): Boolean | Send an AUTH packet to the SErver as part of an extended authentication exchange. - AAuthenticationMethod : String containing the name of the authentication method.- AAuthenticationData : Binary Data containing authentication data. The contents of this data are defined by the authentication method.- AReauthenticate : Set to True if the client needs to initiate a re-authentication. Set to False if the client continues authenticating. |
Event name | Description |
OnConnectedStatusChanged | Event triggered when the status of the client changes |
OnPacketReceived | Event triggered when a packet is received from the broker |
OnPacketSent | Event triggered when a packet is sent to the broker |
OnRawPacketReceived | Event triggered after a packet is received from the broker |
OnRawPacketSent | Event triggered before a packet is sent to the broker |
OnServerRedirection | Event triggered when the Server requests that the Client uses another Server in the CONNACK or DISCONNECT packets. |
OnAuthReceived | Event triggered when an AUTH packet is received. |
OnOutgoingPacketTooBig | Event triggered when a packet exceedes the maximum packet size. |
OnPingRequest | Event triggered when the client receives a ping request (PINGREQ) packet from the broker |
OnPingResponse | Event triggered when the client receives a ping response (PINGRES) packet from the broker |
OnPublishReceived | Event triggered when the client receives a PUBLISH packet from the broker |
OnPublishReceivedEx | Event triggered when the client receives a PUBLISH packet from the broker This event is a copy of the 'OnPublishReceived' event and added for compatibility with C++ builder |
OnSubscriptionAcknowledged | Event triggered when the client recieves a SUBACK packet from the broker |
OnUnSubscribeAcknowledged | Event triggered when the client recieves a UNSUBACK packet from the broker |