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Getting started


Universal powerful; feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL; FMX; LCL and WEB core apps. Includes grid; planner; treeview; ribbon and rich editor


Supported frameworks and platforms

  • VCL Win32/Win64

  • FMX Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux

  • LCL Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android, numerous Linux variants including Raspbian

  • WEB: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari…

Supported IDE’s

  • Delphi 10 Seattle and C++ Builder 10 Seattle or newer releases

  • Lazarus 2.0 with FPC 2.6.4 or newer official releases

  • TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code 1.8 or newer releases