
Property name Description
ActiveFill The fill of the button in active state.
ActiveStroke The stroke of the button in active state.
BackgroundFill The background fill of the button area.
BackgroundStroke The background stroke of the button area.
DisabledFill The fill of the button in disabled state.
DisabledStroke The stroke of the button in disabled state.
DownFill The fill of the button in down state.
DownStroke The stroke of the button in down state.
Fill The fill of the button in normal state.
HoverFill The fill of the button in hover state.
HoverStroke The stroke of the button in hover state.
OptionsButtonBulletColor The color of the bullets in the options button.
ShowOptionsButton Shows or hides the options button.
Size The size of the buttons area.
Spacing The spacing between the buttons.
Stroke The stroke of the button in normal state.

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