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Property name Description
CollapseNodeIcon The icon for the ExpandColumn in collapsed state.
CollapseNodeIconLarge The icon for the ExpandColumn in collapsed state for high DPI / retina screens.
ColumnStroke The stroke between columns.
DisabledFill The fill of a node in disabled state.
DisabledFontColor The color of the font of a node in disabled state.
DisabledStroke The stroke of a node in disabled state.
ExpandColumn The column that shows the expand / collapse node icons and is used to expand / collapse the nodes.
ExpandHeight The height of the expand / collapse node icon area.
ExpandNodeIcon The icon for the ExpandColumn in expanded state.
ExpandNodeIconLarge The icon for the ExpandColumn in expanded state.
ExpandWidth The width of the expand / collapse node icon area.
ExtendedDisabledFill The fill of an extended node in disabled state.
ExtendedDisabledFontColor The color of the font of an extended node in disabled state.
ExtendedDisabledStroke The stroke of an extended node in disabled state.
ExtendedFill The fill of an extended node.
ExtendedFont The font of an extended node.
ExtendedFontColor The color of the font of an extended node.
ExtendedSelectedFill The fill of an extended node in selected state.
ExtendedSelectedFontColor The color of the font of an extended node in selected state.
ExtendedSelectedStroke The stroke of an extended node in selected state.
ExtendedStroke The stroke of an extended node.
Fill The fill of a node in normal state.
FixedHeight The height of each node in case the HeightMode property is set to tnhmFixed.
Font The font of a node.
FontColor The color of the font of a node in normal state.
HeightMode The HeightMode of the nodes. In case the HeightMode property is set to tnhmFixed, the FixedHeight property is used to determine a fixed height for each node. When the HeightMode property is set to tnhmVariable, the minimum height of a node is 25 and depending on the text calculation and properties such as wordwrapping / trimming and alignment the treeview automatically calculates the real node height on the fly. Mode information can be found in the chapter Fixed vs variable node height under Nodes.
LevelIndent The size of the indenting used for different node levels (child nodes).
LineStroke The stroke of the line used when ShowLines is true.
SelectedFill The fill of a node in selected state.
SelectedFontColor The color of the font of a node in selected state.
SelectedStroke The stroke of a node in selected state.
SelectionArea The area of selection indication. The selection area can be limited to the text only, include the icon and level indenting as well.
ShowFocus Shows a focus border on the focused node.
ShowLines Shows node and child node lines.
Stroke The stroke of a node in normal state.

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