CollapseNodeIcon |
The icon for the ExpandColumn in collapsed state. |
CollapseNodeIconLarge |
The icon for the ExpandColumn in collapsed state for high DPI / retina screens. |
ColumnStroke |
The stroke between columns. |
DisabledFill |
The fill of a node in disabled state. |
DisabledFontColor |
The color of the font of a node in disabled state. |
DisabledStroke |
The stroke of a node in disabled state. |
ExpandColumn |
The column that shows the expand / collapse node icons and is used to expand / collapse the nodes. |
ExpandHeight |
The height of the expand / collapse node icon area. |
ExpandNodeIcon |
The icon for the ExpandColumn in expanded state. |
ExpandNodeIconLarge |
The icon for the ExpandColumn in expanded state. |
ExpandWidth |
The width of the expand / collapse node icon area. |
ExtendedDisabledFill |
The fill of an extended node in disabled state. |
ExtendedDisabledFontColor |
The color of the font of an extended node in disabled state. |
ExtendedDisabledStroke |
The stroke of an extended node in disabled state. |
ExtendedFill |
The fill of an extended node. |
ExtendedFont |
The font of an extended node. |
ExtendedFontColor |
The color of the font of an extended node. |
ExtendedSelectedFill |
The fill of an extended node in selected state. |
ExtendedSelectedFontColor |
The color of the font of an extended node in selected state. |
ExtendedSelectedStroke |
The stroke of an extended node in selected state. |
ExtendedStroke |
The stroke of an extended node. |
Fill |
The fill of a node in normal state. |
FixedHeight |
The height of each node in case the HeightMode property is set to tnhmFixed. |
Font |
The font of a node. |
FontColor |
The color of the font of a node in normal state. |
HeightMode |
The HeightMode of the nodes. In case the HeightMode property is set to tnhmFixed, the FixedHeight property is used to determine a fixed height for each node. When the HeightMode property is set to tnhmVariable, the minimum height of a node is 25 and depending on the text calculation and properties such as wordwrapping / trimming and alignment the treeview automatically calculates the real node height on the fly. Mode information can be found in the chapter Fixed vs variable node height under Nodes. |
LevelIndent |
The size of the indenting used for different node levels (child nodes). |
LineStroke |
The stroke of the line used when ShowLines is true. |
SelectedFill |
The fill of a node in selected state. |
SelectedFontColor |
The color of the font of a node in selected state. |
SelectedStroke |
The stroke of a node in selected state. |
SelectionArea |
The area of selection indication. The selection area can be limited to the text only, include the icon and level indenting as well. |
ShowFocus |
Shows a focus border on the focused node. |
ShowLines |
Shows node and child node lines. |
Stroke |
The stroke of a node in normal state. |