The TTMSFNCTrackBar is a component that works like a TTrackBar, but also introduces other capabilities such as orientation, optionally visible and positionable text, plus/minus buttons and more.
The Thumb, TickMarks, plus/minus Buttons, and the Line are all customizable via the Appearance property:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.LineWidth := 10;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.LineFill.Color := gcWhitesmoke;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbShape := tsEllipse;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbWidth := 10;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbHeight := 10;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbFill.Color := gcDodgerblue;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ButtonShape := bsRounded;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.TickMarkPosition := tmpBoth;
TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.TickMarkDivision := 10;

Property name | Description |
Appearance | Property for various appearance settings. |
Interaction | Property for various interaction settings: Frequency, RepeatClick and RepeatInterval. |
Max | Maximum value of the TTMSFNCTrackBar. |
Min | Minimum value of the TTMSFNCTrackBar. |
Value | The current value/position of the TTMSFNCTrackBar. |
Event name | Description |
OnAfterDrawButton | Event called after drawing the plus/minus button. |
OnAfterDrawThumb | Event called after drawing the thumb. |
OnAfterDrawTickLabel | Event called after drawing the tick labels. |
OnafterDrawTickMarks | Event called after drawing the tick marks. |
OnAfterDrawTrackLabel | Event called after drawing the track label. |
OnAfterDrawTrackLine | Event called after drawing the track line. |
OnBeforeDrawButton | Event called before drawing the plus/minus button. |
OnBeforeDrawThumb | Event called before drawing the thumb. |
OnBeforeDrawTickLabel | Event called before drawing the tick labels. |
OnBeforeDrawTickMarks | Event called before drawing the tick marks. |
OnBeforeDrawTrackLabel | Event called before drawing the track label. |
OnBeforeDrawTrackLine | Event called before drawing the track line. |
OnValueChanged | Event called when the value has changed. |