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The TTMSFNCTrackBar is a component that works like a TTrackBar, but also introduces other capabilities such as orientation, optionally visible and positionable text, plus/minus buttons and more.

The Thumb, TickMarks, plus/minus Buttons, and the Line are all customizable via the Appearance property:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.LineWidth := 10;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.LineFill.Color := gcWhitesmoke;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbShape := tsEllipse;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbWidth := 10;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbHeight := 10;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ThumbFill.Color := gcDodgerblue;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.ButtonShape := bsRounded;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.TickMarkPosition := tmpBoth;
 TMSFNCTrackBar1.Appearance.TickMarkDivision := 10;


Property name Description
Appearance Property for various appearance settings.
Interaction Property for various interaction settings: Frequency, RepeatClick and RepeatInterval.
Max Maximum value of the TTMSFNCTrackBar.
Min Minimum value of the TTMSFNCTrackBar.
Value The current value/position of the TTMSFNCTrackBar.


Event name Description
OnAfterDrawButton Event called after drawing the plus/minus button.
OnAfterDrawThumb Event called after drawing the thumb.
OnAfterDrawTickLabel Event called after drawing the tick labels.
OnafterDrawTickMarks Event called after drawing the tick marks.
OnAfterDrawTrackLabel Event called after drawing the track label.
OnAfterDrawTrackLine Event called after drawing the track line.
OnBeforeDrawButton Event called before drawing the plus/minus button.
OnBeforeDrawThumb Event called before drawing the thumb.
OnBeforeDrawTickLabel Event called before drawing the tick labels.
OnBeforeDrawTickMarks Event called before drawing the tick marks.
OnBeforeDrawTrackLabel Event called before drawing the track label.
OnBeforeDrawTrackLine Event called before drawing the track line.
OnValueChanged Event called when the value has changed.