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The TMS FNC Timeline is a versatile and feature-rich component used for visualizing and managing time-based data in a structured manner. It provides a customizable timeline interface where events, appointments, and other time-related information can be displayed, organized, and interacted with. The control supports various features such as custom appearances, interactive functionalities, divisions, sections, and more, making it ideal for applications requiring detailed and dynamic time management and visualization.

Datetimes are based on doubles underlying, therefor some methods and functions have a timeline value as parameter which is set as double, but DateTime values can be used as well. Next to the values you are able to work with a position, this is a value representing the place on the timeline used for the drawing of the timeline.

The TMS FNC Timeline includes a DataBase Adapter that allows seamless integration with various data sources, enabling the timeline to be automatically populated with data directly from your database. This feature simplifies data binding and ensures real-time updates, making it ideal for dynamic, data-driven applications.


Property name Description
Appearance Manages the overall look and feel of the timeline control. It includes settings for colors, themes, and styles to ensure the control matches the desired visual design.
BitmapContainer Property to assign a TTMSFNCBitmapContainer instance in order to retrieve bitmaps via a name.
Division Defines how the timeline is divided and visualised into segments or units.
Fill Sets the background fill style of the timeline control.
GlobalFont Specifies the default font style used throughout the timeline control. It sets the font family, size, style, and other font-related attributes for text elements within the timeline.
Indicators Collection that manages various visual indicators on the timeline, such as current time markers or other significant points in time.
Interaction Defines how users can interact with the timeline control. It includes settings for mouse control and indicator/section interactrion, enabling a responsive and interactive user experience.
Layout Controls the additional properties for the organization of elements within the timeline control.
Range Sets the time span visible on the timeline. It defines the start and end points of the timeline, allowing the control to display a specific period, such as a day, week, month, or custom date range..
Sections Collection that manages the different sections or lanes within the timeline. Each section can represent a different category, resource, or grouping, helping to organize and distinguish various types of events or data.
Stroke Defines the style of the line around our timeline control.


Event name Description
OnChanged Triggered when any significant change occurs within the timeline control, such as modifications to divisions, indicators, or indicator s.
OnGetWorkspaceRect Invoked to obtain the rectangle area of the workspace, the available space for the timeline and divisions.
OnGetTimelineRect Invoked to obtain the rectangle area of the actual timeline.
OnGetDivisionsRect Invoked to obtain the rectangle area of the divisions within the timeline.
OnGetValueText Called to get the text representation of a specific value on the timeline, useful for custom formatting.
OnBeforeDrawDivision Triggered before a division is drawn, allowing for custom pre-draw actions.
OnAfterDrawDivision Triggered after a division is drawn, allowing for custom post-draw actions.
OnBeforeDrawDivisionTickmark Triggered before a division tick mark is drawn.
OnAfterDrawDivisionTickmark Triggered after a division tick mark is drawn.
OnBeforeDrawDivisionText Triggered before the text of a division is drawn.
OnAfterDrawDivisionText Triggered after the text of a division is drawn.
OnBeforeDrawTimeline Triggered before the entire timeline is drawn.
OnAfterDrawTimeline Triggered after the entire timeline is drawn.
OnBeforeDrawIndicator Triggered before an indicator is draw, allowing for custom pre-draw actions.
OnAfterDrawIndicator Triggered after an indicator is drawn.
OnBeforeDrawIndicatorImage Triggered before an indicator with style tlisBitmap image is drawn.
OnAfterDrawIndicatorImage Triggered after an indicator image is drawn.
OnBeforeDrawIndicatorAnnotation Triggered before an indicator annotation is drawn, allowing for custom pre-draw actions.
OnAfterDrawIndicatorAnnotation Triggered after an indicator annotation is drawn.
OnBeforeDrawSection Triggered before a section is draw, allowing for custom pre-draw actions.
OnAfterDrawSection Triggered after a section is drawn.
OnRangeChanged Triggered when the range property of the timeline changes.
OnIndicatorsChanged Triggered when there is a change in the collection of indicators.
OnIndicatorChanged Triggered when a specific indicator is changed.
OnSectionsChanged Triggered when there is a change in the collection of sections.
OnSectionChanged Triggered when a specific section is changed.
OnHoveredIndicatorChange Triggered when an indicator is about to be hovered.
OnHoveredIndicatorChanged Triggered when the hovered indicator changed.
OnIndicatorSelectionChange Triggered when an indicator selection is about to change.
OnIndicatorSelectionChanged Triggered when the indicator selection changed.
OnHoveredSectionChange Triggered when a section is about to be hovered.
OnHoveredSectionChanged Triggered when the hovered section changed.
OnSectionSelectionChange Triggered when a section selection is about to change.
OnSectionSelectionChanged Triggered when the section selection changed.
OnIndicatorMove Triggered when an indicator is about to be moved, you can choose to manipulate the values and not allow it.
OnIndicatorMoved Triggered after an indicator has been moved.
OnSectionMove Triggered when a section is about to be moved, you can choose to manipulate the values and not allow it.
OnSectionMoved Triggered after a section has been moved.
OnSectionSize Triggered when a section is about to be sized, you can choose to manipulate the values and not allow it.
OnSectionSized Triggered after a section has been resized.
OnIndicatorAnnotationAnchorClick Triggered when an annotation anchor of an indicator is clicked.
OnSectionAnchorClick Triggered when an anchor of a section is clicked.
OnUpdateIndicatorDisplay Called when the list of shown indicators is updated to manipulate the parameters.
OnUpdateSectionDisplay Called when the list of shown sections is updated to manipulate the parameters.

Helper functions and properties

Function Description
WorkspaceRect Retrieves the working area for the timeline and divisions.
TimelineRect Retrieves the rectangle to draw the timeline.
DivisionsRect Retrieves the rectangle to draw the division.
DivisionSpace The actual space of a division, with the zoom incalculated.
AddIndicator Adds an indicator to the timeline at a specified timeline value or date, optionally with annotation text.
AddSection Adds a section to the timeline between specified start and end timeline values or date, optionally with text.
GetFirstIndicator Retrieves the first indicator within a specified range of timeline values.
GetNextIndicator Retrieves the next indicator following a specified indicator within a specified range of timeline values.
GetPreviousIndicator Retrieves the previous indicator before a specified indicator within a specified range of timeline values.
GetLastIndicator Retrieves the last indicator within a specified range of timeline values.
GetFirstSection Retrieves the first section within a specified range of timeline values.
GetNextSection Retrieves the next section following a specified section within a specified range of timeline values.
GetPreviousSection Retrieves the previous section before a specified section within a specified range of timeline values.
GetLastSection Retrieves the last section within a specified range of timeline values.
CenterValue Centers the timeline view around a specified timeline value.
CenterPosition Centers the timeline view around a specified position.
GetValueAtXY Converts a screen coordinate (local within the control or not based on the screen position) to a corresponding timeline value.
GetValueAtPosition Converts a timeline position to a corresponding timeline value.
GetPositionAtXY Converts a screen coordinate (local within the control or not based on the screen position) to a corresponding position.
GetPositionForValue Converts a timeline value to a corresponding position.
GetIndicatorAtXY Retrieves an indicator at a specific screen coordinate.
GetIndicatorAnnotationAtXY Retrieves an indicator annotation at a specific screen coordinate.
GetItemAtXY Retrieves any item (indicator or section) at a specific screen coordinate.
ValueVisibleStart Moves the timeline to show a specified timeline value at the start of the view, with an optional offset.
ValueVisibleEnd Moves the timeline to show a specified timeline value at the end of the view, with an optional offset.
PositionVisibleStart(APosition: Single; AOffset: Single = 0) Moves the timeline to show a specified position value at the start of the view, with an optional offset.
PositionVisibleEnd(APosition: Single; AOffset: Single = 0) Moves the timeline to show a specified position value at the end of the view, with an optional offset.
IsValueVisible(AValue: Double) Checks if a specified timeline value is currently visible within the view.
IsPositionVisible(APosition: Single) Checks if a specified position is currently visible within the view.
GetWindowStartPosition: Single Retrieves the start position of the current visible window.
GetWindowEndPosition: Single Retrieves the end position of the current visible window.
GetZoomFactor: Single Retrieves the current zoom factor of the timeline. (The default zoom factor is 1.)
ResetZoomFactor Resets the zoom factor to its default value. (The default zoom factor is 1.)
SetZoomFactor Sets the zoom factor to a specified value.
IncreaseZoomFactor Increases the zoom factor by a specified percentage.
DecreaseZoomFactor Decreases the zoom factor by a specified percentage.
IsIndicatorHovered Checks if the given index or indicator is currently hovered.
IsSectionHovered Checks if the given index or section is currently hovered.


Property name Description
TimelineFill Defines the fill style to customize the background appearance of the timeline.
TimelineStroke Defines the stroke style of the timeline. It includes settings such as color, thickness, and dash style to customize the border.
DivisionFont The font style used for the division labels on the timeline.
DivisionTickmarkStroke The stroke style for the division tick marks on the timeline.
Rounding The rounding radius for corners of the timeline control.
DefaultIndicatorAppearance Defines the default appearance for indicators on the timeline. It includes settings for the visual style of indicators, such as color, shape, and size, which will be applied to all new added indicators.
DefaultAnnotationAppearance Defines the default appearance for annotations associated with indicators on the timeline. It includes settings for the visual style of annotations, such as background color, text color, and border style.
DefaultSectionAppearance Defines the default appearance for sections on the timeline. It includes settings for the visual style of sections, such as background fill, border stroke, and text style, which will be applied to all new added sections.


Property name Description
Orientation Determines the orientation of the timeline, which can be either horizontal or vertical. (The default is tloHorizontal.)
FullSize Specifies whether the timeline should occupy the full size of the workspace.
Margins Defines the margins around the timeline control. It allows for setting space between the timeline and its container, providing padding.
Position Sets the position of the timeline within its container. (Options include positions like tlpTopLeft, tlpMiddle, and tlpBottomRight, with the default being tlpMiddle.)
Size Specifies the size of the timeline. (The default size is 32.)
ShowScrollBar Determines whether a scrollbar should be displayed for the timeline.
ZoomFactor Defines the zoom factor of the timeline, allowing for zooming in and out between the divisions.
IndicatorAnnotationSpacing Sets the spacing between the different annotations.
HoveredIndicatorToFront Specifies whether hovered indicator should be brought to the front of the display.
IndicatorHoverBehavior Defines the behavior of indicators in combination with the annotation when they are hovered.
MultiSelect Allows for multiple items to be selected simultaneously. (The default value is False.)
DrawSectionsBeneathDivisions Determines whether sections should be drawn beneath the division text on the timeline. When set to True, sections are rendered below the divisions. The default value is False.
ShowHoveredItems Specifies whether hovered items should be visibly highlighted.
OverlapSections Determines whether sections are allowed to overlap each other on the timeline. Otherwise their size will be divided by the number of sections overlapping.


Property name Description
Position Sets the position of the division on the timeline. Options include positions such as tlpTopLeft, tlpMiddle, and tlpBottomRight. (The default value is tlpMiddle.)
Size Specifies the size of the division on the timeline. (A value of -1 typically indicates that the size will be automatically determined.)
DrawText Determines whether text labels should be drawn for the division.
DrawTickMark Specifies whether tick marks should be drawn for the division.
TickMarkSize Sets the size of the tick marks for the division. (The default size is 8.)
TextFormat Defines the format of the text for the division. It includes settings for customizing how the text is displayed, such as date/time formats or number formats.
TextPosition Specifies the alignment of the text for the division. Options include gtaLeft, gtaCenter, and gtaRight. (The default alignment is gtaCenter.)
TextWordWrap Determines whether the text should wrap within the available space for the division. When set to True, text that is too long to fit in one line will wrap to the next line. (The default value is False.)
TextOrientation Sets the orientation of the text for the division.


Property name Description
RangeType Sets the type of range for the timeline. Options can include different types such as day, month, year, etc. (The default value is tlrDay.)
DivisionSpace Specifies the space between divisions on the timeline, measured in pixels. (The default value is 40.)
DivisionSpan Defines the span of each division on the timeline. It can be used to control how much time or value each division represents.
MinimumValue Sets the minimum value for the range on the timeline.
MaximumValue Sets the maximum value for the range on the timeline.
MinimumDate Sets the minimum date for the range on the timeline. It allows the timeline to be set to a specific starting date.
MaximumDate Sets the maximum date for the range on the timeline. It allows the timeline to be set to a specific ending date.


Property name Description
InvertedMouseScroll Determines whether the mouse scroll direction is inverted. When set to True, scrolling up will move the timeline down, and scrolling down will move it up.
InvertedMouseDrag Specifies whether the mouse drag direction is inverted. When set to True, dragging the mouse to the left will move the timeline to the right, and vice versa.
CanMoveSection Indicates whether sections on the timeline can be moved.
CanMoveIndicator Specifies whether indicators on the timeline can be moved.
CanSizeSectionStart Determines whether the start of a section can be resized.
CanSizeSectionEnd Determines whether the start of a section can be resized.
CanMoveIndicatorWithAnnotation Indicates whether indicators with annotations can be moved.


Property name Description
Appearance Defines the appearance of the indicator item.
Visible Determines whether the indicator item is visible on the timeline.
Annotation Specifies the annotation associated with the indicator item. Annotations can provide additional information or labels that are displayed alongside the indicator.
TimelineValue Sets the value of the indicator on the timeline. (This is linked to the timeline date as well.)
TimelineDate Sets the value of the indicator on the timeline. (This is linked to the timeline value as well.)
Fixed Indicates whether the indicator item is fixed in place. When set to True, the indicator cannot be moved.
Selectable Determines whether the indicator item can be selected. When set to True, the indicator can be clicked and selected by the user. (The default value is True.)
Selected Specifies whether the indicator item is currently selected. When set to True, the indicator is highlighted as selected. (The default value is False.)
Hint Specifies the hint text associated with the indicator item. The hint text is displayed when the user hovers over the indicator.
ShowHint Determines whether the hint text is displayed when the user hovers over the indicator.
Tag Allows for storing a custom integer value with the indicator item. It can be used for associating additional data or for identification purposes.

Indicator Appearance

Property name Description
Fill Defines the fill settings for the indicator's background. It includes options such as color and gradient.
Stroke Sets the stroke (border) settings for the indicator, including color, width, and style.
Bitmap Allows you to set a custom bitmap image for the indicator. This image will be displayed if Shape tlisBitmap is selected.
BitmapName Specifies the name of the bitmap image used for the indicator. It allows referencing a bitmap by its name if a BitmapContainer is assigned aand shape is set to tlisBitmap.
HoverFill Defines the fill settings for the indicator's background when it is hovered over. It allows for a different appearance in the hover state.
HoverStroke Sets the stroke settings for the indicator's border when it is hovered over, allowing for a different border style in the hover state.
HoveredBitmap Allows you to set a custom bitmap image for the indicator when it is hovered over. This image will be displayed in the hover state. (When shape is set to tlisBitmap.)
HoveredBitmapName Specifies the name of the bitmap image used for the indicator when it is hovered over. It allows referencing a bitmap by the name in the BitmapContainer name for the hover state. (When shape is set to tlisBitmap.)
SelectedFill Defines the fill settings for the indicator's background when it is selected. It allows for a different appearance when the indicator is selected.
SelectedFill Sets the stroke settings for the indicator's border when it is selected, allowing for a different border style when selected.
SelectedBitmap Allows you to set a custom bitmap image for the indicator when it is selected. This image will be displayed in the selected state. (When shape is set to tlisBitmap.)
SelectedBitmapName Specifies the name of the bitmap image used for the indicator when it is selected. It allows referencing a bitmap by the name in the BitmapContainer name for the selected state. (When shape is set to tlisBitmap.)
Shape Sets the shape of the indicator. Options include circle, square, triangle, diamond and a custom bitmap. (The default value is tlisCircle.)
Size Sets the size of the indicator. The default value is -1, which means the size is the timeline size.


Property name Description
Appearance Defines the visual appearance of the annotation. It includes settings for customizing the visual aspects such as font, fill, stroke, and other style-related properties.
Visible Determines whether the annotation is visible. (The default value is True.)
Position Sets the position of the annotation relative to the timeline. (e.g., TopLeft, Middle, BottomRight).
Text Specifies the text content of the annotation.
Width Sets the width of the annotation. The default value is -1, which means the width is determined automatically based on the content and other settings.
Height Sets the height of the annotation. The default value is -1, which means the height is determined automatically based on the content and other settings.
Hint Specifies the hint text associated with the annotation. The hint text is displayed when the user hovers over the annotation.
ShowHint Determines whether the hint text is displayed when the user hovers over the annotation.

Aannotation Appearance

Property name Description
Font Sets the font used for the annotation text, including typeface, size, style, and other font attributes.
HoverFont Sets the font used for the annotation text when the annotation is hovered over, allowing for different font settings in the hover state.
SelectedFont Sets the font used for the annotation text when the annotation is selected, allowing for different font settings when selected.
Fill Defines the fill settings for the annotation's background, including color and gradient.
Stroke Sets the stroke (border) settings for the annotation, including color, width, and style.
HoverFill Defines the fill settings for the annotation's background when it is hovered over, allowing for a different appearance in the hover state.
HoverStroke Sets the stroke settings for the annotation's border when it is hovered over, allowing for a different border style in the hover state.
SelectedFill Defines the fill settings for the annotation's background when it is selected, allowing for a different appearance when the annotation is selected.
SelectedStroke Sets the stroke settings for the annotation's border when it is selected, allowing for a different border style when selected.
Alignment Sets the overall alignment of the annotation based on the indicator, Leading, Center or Trailing. (The default value is gtaCenter.)
TextOrientation Sets the orientation of the annotation text.
TextVerticalAlign Sets the vertical alignment of the annotation text within its bounding box. (The default value is gtaCenter.)
TextHorizontalAlign Sets the horizontal alignment of the annotation text within its bounding box. (The default value is gtaCenter.)
TextMargins Defines the margins around the annotation text, allowing for padding between the text and the edges of the annotation's bounding box.
TextWordWrap Determines whether the annotation text should wrap if it exceeds the width of the annotation. (The default value is False.)
RoundedCorners Sets the rounded corners of the annotation's bounding box. It includes settings for each corner's radius.
Rounding Sets the rounding radius for the corners of the annotation's bounding box.
AnnotationLine Defines the stroke settings for the annotation line, which connects the annotation to its corresponding indicator.
AnnotationLineVisible Determines whether the annotation line is visible.


Property name Description
Appearance Defines the appearance of the section item. It includes settings for customizing the visual aspects of the section, such as colors, borders, and styles.
Text Specifies the text shown with the section item.
StartTimelineValue Sets the starting value of the section on the timeline. (This is linked to the start date as well.)
EndTimelineValue Sets the ending value of the section on the timeline. (This is linked to the end date as well.)
StartTimelineDate Sets the starting date of the section on the timeline. (This is linked to the start value as well.)
EndTimelineDate Sets the ending date of the section on the timeline. (This is linked to the end value as well.)
Visible Determines whether the section item is visible on the timeline.
Selected Specifies whether the section item is currently selected.
Fixed Indicates whether the section item is fixed in place. When set to True, the section cannot be moved or resized.
Selectable Determines whether the section item can be selected. When set to True, the section can be clicked and selected by the user.
Hint Specifies the hint text associated with the section item. The hint text is displayed when the user hovers over the section.
ShowHint Determines whether the hint text is displayed when the user hovers over the section.
Tag Allows for storing a custom integer value with the section item.

Section Appearance

Property name Description
Font Sets the font used for the text within the section.
HoverFont Sets the font used when the section is hovered over.
SelectedFont Sets the font used when the section is selected.
Fill Defines the fill settings for the section's background, including color and gradient options.
Stroke Sets the stroke (border) settings for the section, including color, width, and style.
HoverFill Defines the fill settings for the section's background when the section is hovered over, allowing for a different appearance in the hover state.
HoverStroke Sets the stroke settings for the section's border when the section is hovered over, allowing for a different border style in the hover state.
SelectedFill Defines the fill settings for the section's background when the section is selected, allowing for a different appearance when selected.
SelectedStroke Sets the stroke settings for the section's border when the section is selected, allowing for a different border style when selected.
TextOrientation Sets the orientation of the text within the section.
TextVerticalAlign Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the section. This changes based on the text orientation. Options include gtaLeading (top), gtaCenter, and bottom (right). (The default value is gtaLeading.)
TextHorizontalAlign Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the section. This changes based on the text orientation. Options include gtaLeading (left), gtaCenter, and gtaTrailing (right). (The default value is gtaLeading.)
TextMargins Sets the margins around the text within the section. It defines the space between the text and the edges of the section.
TextWordWrap Determines whether the text within the section should wrap to fit within the available space. When set to True, long text will wrap to the next line. (The default value is False.)
RoundedCorners Defines which corners of the section should be rounded. It allows for customization of each corner's rounding.
Rounding Sets the radius of the rounded corners for the section.


The timeline supports databinding through a non-visual component called TTMSFNCTimelineDatabaseAdapter. It is a simple as connecting the adapter to the planner, filling in the database fields and set the Active property to True.

The TTMSFNCTimeLineDatabaseAdapter should be assigned as the Adapter property of the timeline.

It is possible to either use datetimes or values, you can either assigne the Start/EndDate or the Start/EndValue. In case both are assigned the Value will have priority.

As you have the option to use Indicators or Sections, the logic that was implemented is as followed: When the EndDate or EndValue isn't assigned or equals the start date/value, then it will default into an Indicator.


Property name Description
Active Indicates wether the connection is active or not. When set to True, the timeline will try to load the items.
Item The Item that defines the different fields to set up the data link.


Method name Description
DeleteItem(AIndicator: TMSFNCTimelineIndicator) Delete an indicator in the database.
DeleteItem(ASection: TMSFNCTimelineSection) Delete a section in the database.
GetItems(PeriodFrom, PeriodTo: TDateTime) Get the tasks in the database that happen between the selected dates.
InsertItem(AIndicator: TMSFNCTimelineIndicator) Insert an indicator in the database.
InsertItem((ASection: TMSFNCTimelineSection) Insert a section in the database.
LoadItems Clear all existing items and get the items.
ReadItem(AIndicator: TMSFNCTimelineIndicator) Reads an indicator in the database.
ReadItem((ASection: TMSFNCTimelineSection) Reads a section in the database.
SelectItem(AIndicator: TMSFNCTimelineIndicator) Select an indicator in the database.
SelectItem((ASection: TMSFNCTimelineSection) Select a section in the database.
UpdateItem(AIndicator: TMSFNCTimelineIndicator) Updates the indicator in the database.
UpdateItem((ASection: TMSFNCTimelineSection) Updates the section in the database.


Event name Description
OnIndicatorToFields Gives the option to manually write the indicator properties to the database.
OnSectionToFields Gives the option to manually write the section properties to the database.
OnFieldsToSection Gives the option to manually read the section properties from the database.
OnSetFieldFromIndicatorDate Gives the option to manipulate the data for the Indicator that is stored in the Date field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetFieldFromSectionStartDate Gives the option to manipulate the data for the Section that is stored in the StartDate field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetFieldFromSectionEndDate Gives the option to manipulate the data for the Section that is stored in the EndDate field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetIndicatorDateFromField Gives the option to manipulate the data that is retrieved from the Indicators date field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetSectionStartDateFromField Gives the option to manipulate the data that is retrieved from the Sections start date field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetSectionEndDateFromField Gives the option to manipulate the data that is retrieved from the Sections end date field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnIndicatorLocate Event to intervene with retrieving the indicator from the database, by default the DBKey will be used.
OnSectionLocate Event to intervene with retrieving the section from the database, by default the DBKey will be used.
OnIndicatorCreateDBKey Event to choose the DBKey that will be used on an indicator creation, by default a GUID will be created.
OnSectionCreateDBKey Event to choose the DBKey that will be used on a section creation, by default a GUID will be created.
OnIndicatorUpdated Event that is triggered after an indicator was updated in the database.
OnSectionUpdated Event that is triggered after a section was updated in the database.
OnIndicatorInserted Event that is triggered after an indicator was inserted in the database.
OnSectionInserted Event that is triggered after a section was inserted in the database.
OnIndicatorRead Event that is triggered after an indicator was read from the database.
OnSectionRead Event that is triggered after a section was read from the database.
OnItemsLoaded Event that is triggered at the end of a GetTasks method.


The Item that defines the different fields to set up the data link.

Property name Description
AutoIncrementDBKey Indicates wether the DBKey will be automatically incremented on a new entry. (By default set to True.)
DataSource The DataSource that is set up to connect to the data.
DBKey The name of the field that contains the DBKey.
EndDate The name of the field that contains the end date of the item. (Can be empty for indicators only.)
EndValue The name of the field that contains the end value of the item. (Can be empty for indicators only.)
Fixed The name of the field that contains the boolean if the indicator or section can be moved.
Selectable The name of the field that contains the boolean if the indicator or section can be selected.
StartDate The name of the field that contains the start date of the item.
StartValue The name of the field that contains the start value of the item.
Text The name of the field that contains the text for the annotation in case of an indicator or the text of the section.