is a scrolling selector control using multiple draggable wheels. Each weel can contain a different and selectable range of values.
The spinner has a Columns
collection property.
Each column of the spinner can be configured to scroll through a specific range of numbers, datetime values or custom values. The type of the range is set with RangeType
property. For numbers, the
range is set with RangeFrom
and RangeTo
properties. For a datetime range, the range is set with DateRangeFrom
and DateRangeTo
properties. The formatting of numbers and/or date time values displayed is controlled by DateTimeValueFormat
or ValueFormat
. For DateTimeValueFormat
all formatting capabilities of the Delphi method FormatDateTime()
are available. For the ValueFormat
, all formatting capabilities of the Delphi method Format()
are available. Each wheel has the option to make the wheel range cyclic. This is chosen by setting Cyclic
to True
. When this is true, the first range value is shown again immediately after the last range value and vice versa.
Property name | Description |
CustomItems: TTMSFNCSpinnerCustomItems | A collection of custom values in the column. |
Cyclic: Boolean | When true, values are displayed as endless loop. The values are cyclic repeated when scrolling up or down. |
DateRangeFrom: TDateTime | The start of the range used when the RangeType is configured to used dates (srtDateTime ). The Step defines the amount of divisions between these 2 range properties. |
DateRangeTo: TDateTime | The end of the range used when the RangeType is configured to used dates (srtDateTime ). The Step defines the amount of divisions between these 2 range properties. |
Font: TTMSFNCGraphicsFont | The font of the text in a column. |
OnlyDate: Boolean | If the RangeType is set to use datetime values, the SelectedValue contains only the Date part. |
RangeFrom: Double | Defines the start of the range of values used when setting the RangeType to srtNumber . |
RangeTo: Double | Defines the end of the range of values used when setting the RangeType to srtNumber . |
RangeType: TTMSFNCSpinnerRangeType | Defines the type of the range. |
SelectedFont: TTMSFNCGraphicsFont | The font of the selected value text in a column. |
SelectedValue: Double | Gets or sets the selected value. This property is used for both datetime range and the number range. |
Step: Double | The amount of steps between the start and end range in either number or datetime mode. |
StepType: TTMSFNCSpinnerStepType | When not using srtNumber range type, the StepType can be set to increase per second, minute, hour, day, month or year. |
TextAlign: TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign | Sets the alignment of the text within a column. |
ValueFormat: string | Sets the formatting of the value when RangeType is srtNumber. |
Width: Integer | Sets the width of the column if the AutoSizing is false. |
In the sample code snippet below, the spinner is configured to allow selecting a day and hour between now and 10 years.
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[0].RangeType := rtDateTime;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[0].StepType := stDay;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[0].RangeFrom := Now;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[0].RangeTo := Now + 365 * 10;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[0].DateTimeValueFormat := 'DDD dd MMM';
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[1].RangeType := rtNumber;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[1].StepType := stNumber;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[1].RangeFrom := 0;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[1].RangeTo := 23;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[1].ValueFormat := '%d';
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[1].Cyclic := true;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[2].RangeType := rtNumber;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[2].StepType := stNumber;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[2].Step := 5;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[2].RangeFrom := 0;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[2].RangeTo := 55;
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[2].ValueFormat := '%.2d';
TMSFNCSpinner1.Columns[2].Cyclic := true;
Via the ColumnAppearance
property the columns can be styled. These settings will be applied to all columns.
Property name | Description |
AutoSize: Boolean | When true, size of the spinner columns is calculated automatically. |
AllowHovering: Boolean | Allows mouse hover. |
ImageHeight: Integer | Height of the images in the column. |
ImageWidth: Integer | Width of the images in the column. |
ShowFocus: Boolean | Enable or disable the focus border. |
Spacing: Integer | Sets the spacing between the columns. |
TextSpacing: Integer | Sets the spacing between the text drawn in the columns. |
The Appearance
property contains settings that apply to the whole spinner.
Property name | Description |
BottomLayerColor: TTMSFNCGraphicsColor | Sets the color of the bottom gradient. |
SelectedFill: TTMSFNCGraphicsFill | Sets the fill of the selection rectangle. |
SelectedHeight: Integer | Sets the height of the selection rectangle. |
SelectedRounding: Integer | Sets the border rounding of the selection rectangle. |
SelectedStroke: TTMSFNCGraphicsStroke | Sets the stroke of the selection rectangle. |
TopLayerColor: TTMSFNCGraphicsColor | Sets the color of the top gradient. |
For individual customization one will need to implement the custom drawing events.
Property name | Description |
AnimationFactor: Integer | Used when SmoothScolling is set to True . |
Appearance: TTMSFNCSpinnerAppearance | Various spinner appearance settings. |
ColumnAppearance: TTMSFNCSpinnerColumnAppearance | Various column appearance settings. |
Columns: TTMSFNCSpinnerColumns | Collection of columns. |
ReadOnly: Boolean | Sets the spinner to read-only mode. |
SmoothScrolling: Boolean | When dragging and holding the left mouse button the value changes. If SmoothScrolling is false, the value is snapped inside the selected value area. If SmoothScrolling is true, the value is only snapped when releasing the left mouse button. |
Method name | Description |
FocusedColumn: Integer | Returns the column number that is in focus. |
XYToColumn(X, Y: Single): Integer | Returns the column number at (X,Y) coordinates. |
Event name | Description |
OnAfterDrawColumnBackground | Event triggered after the column background was drawn. |
OnAfterDrawColumnContents | Event triggered after the column contents were drawn. |
OnAfterDrawColumnItem | Event triggered after a column item was drawn. |
OnAfterDrawSelectedLayer | Event triggered after the selected rectangle was drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawColumnBackground | Event triggered before the column background is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawColumnContents | Event triggered before the column contents are drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawColumnItem | Event triggered before a column item is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawSelectedLayer | Event triggered before the selected rectangle is drawn. |