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TTMSFNCRating is used to set a rating to a scale. Images or a progress can be used for this. It inherits from TTMSFNCProgressBar.


Property name Description
Appearance Property for various appearance settings. DefaultLevel values, Fill, Font, Stroke and Stacked property.
Interaction Property for various interaction settings: ReadOnly, SnapToValue, SlideToValue and Keyboard interaction.
Layout Can be used to set the number of blocks, text settings, rounding and minimum and maximum images.
Levels Collection that can be used to change the progress on specific values. Each TTMSFNCProgressBarLevel has an active font, fill, stroke and LevelPosition.
Maximum The maximum value of the progress.
Minimum The minimum value of the progress.
Value The current value of the progress.


Property name Description
OnBeforeDrawBlock Event triggered before drawing the progress block. (This is for each separate block.)
OnAfterDrawBlock Event triggered after drawing the progress block. (This is for each separate block.)
OnBeforeDrawValue Event triggered before drawing the value. (This is for the background font and each active font.)
OnAfterDrawValue Event triggered after drawing the value. (This is for the background font and each active font.)
OnAppearanceChanged Event triggered when the one of the Appereance properties is changed.
OnLayoutChanged Event triggered when the one of the Layout properties is changed.
OnKeyboardValueChange Event called before the value will change because of keyboard interaction.
OnKeyboardValueChanged Event called when the value was changed because of keyboard interaction.
OnSlideValueChange Event called before the value will change because of sliding interaction.
OnSlideValueChanged Event called when the value was changed because of sliding interaction.
OnSnapValueChange Event called before the value will change because of clicking interaction.
OnSnapValueChanged Event called when the value was changed because of clicking interaction.
OnValueChange Event called before the value will change.
OnValueChanged Event called when the value was changed.