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The TTMSFNCLabel is a label with a built-in inplace editor with HTML text support. It inhertis from TTMSFNCHTMLText and it also uses TTMSFNCEdit and TTMSFNCImage under the hood. The edit mode can be set programatically via the TTMSFNCLabel.EditMode property.


Property name Description
AcceptButton Assing a custom image for the accept button.
AcceptButtonStroke Stroke settings for the accept button if no image is assinged.
CancelButton Assign a custom image for the cancel button.
CancelButtonStroke Stroke settings for the cancel button if no image is assinged.
Edit Access to the TTMSFNCEdit edit field object.
Editable Enable or disable the editability of the label.
EditMode Programatically get or set the current edit mode.
Text Get or set the label text.


Event name Description
OnAccept Event triggered when text has been changed via the edit field.
OnCancel Event triggered when the edit field is exited without changing the text.
OnEditEnd Event triggered when the editing ends.
OnEditExit Event triggered when the edit field is exited.
OnEditKeyDown Event triggered when a key is pressed down in the edit field.
OnEditStart Event triggered when the editing starts.