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Property Description
AutoCreateColumns Automatically create columns.
AutoRemoveColumns Automatically remove columns.
Columns Database adapter columns.
DataLink Data link for the grid.
DataSetType Type of the dataset.
DataSetTypeAuto Automatically determine dataset type.
DataSource Data source for the grid.
FieldAtColumn Field at the specified column.
FieldIndexAtColumn Index of the field at the specified column.
PostMode Post mode setting.
ShowBooleanFields Display boolean fields.
ShowMemoFields Display memo fields.
ShowPictureFields Display picture fields.
Version Version of the component.


Event Description
OnGetHTMLTemplate Event triggered to get the HTML template.
OnGetHTMLTemplateData Event triggered to get data for the HTML template.
OnGetRecordCount Event triggered to get the record count.


Method Description
AddAllFields Add all fields to the grid.
BlobFieldToPicture Convert a blob field to a picture.
CheckDataSet Check if the dataset is valid.
LoadAllDataAndDisconnect Load all data and disconnect from the data source.
RemoveAllColumns Remove all columns from the grid.
RemoveAllFields Remove all fields from the grid.
SetActiveRecord Set the active record to the specified row.