1) Header: The header is an area that displays the currently shown month and year in text. The navigation arrows can also be found in this area. The arrow type can be changed from arrow to triangle, bitmap or custom. The navigation can also be changed to navigate by the focused date, month, year or custom.
2) Weekday names: The weekday name area shows the short names of the weekdays. The order of the days is based on what’s set for the first day of the week.
3) Dates: In the date area the currently shown month’s days are painted. It consists of many elements such as the optionally shown dates before and after the current month, selected dates, focused date, today’s date and the badges. The focused date can be navigated with the keyboard if the TMSFNCCalendar or TMSFNCDatePicker is in focus and the keyboard support is enabled.
4) Weeknumbers: The weeknumber area is optional and it’s not visible by default. The weeknumbers are shown according to the ISO-8601 standard.
5) Footer: The footer is an area to show today’s date, the selected date, or no date at all. An extra caption can also be added before the date that’s being displayed. If the footer is set to display today’s date, then it can be used to navigate back to today’s month view.
6) Selected dates: By default, only one date can be selected at a time, but multiselection can be enabled via the Interaction property. Mutliselection is supported by both mouse and keyboard.
7) Events/badges: Events/badges can be used to indicate past or upcoming events. The badges can be customized by setting their own color, font color, value, hint and the date where they should be displayed.
8) Date picker dropdown: The dropdown is displaying the currently selected date. The field can be set to editable, in which case a date can be entered and that will become the selected date. Upon entering an incorrect date format, the selected date will be today’s date.
Date selection
During designtime or programmatically you can take some steps to prepare the TMSFNCCalendar for the desired use regarding to date selection. In the Interaction property you’ll find options such as KeyboardSupport for keyboard usage, MultiSelect for the possibility to select multiple dates, and ReadOnlyMode to disable any date selection that can be made by the user.
Selected dates It’s also possible to access selected dates and to select dates programmatically. The only/last selected date can be accessed with a separate function but access to every selected date is also provided. For the selected dates, the following code can be used:
d: TDate;
d := TMSFNCCalendar1.SelectedDate;
if TMSFNCCalendar1.SelectedDates.Count > 0 then
d := TSMFNCCalendar1.SelectedDates.Items[0];
Selecting dates
Selecting a single date will unselect everything else, and it will set the focused date to the selected date. It can be done using the following code:
There are two methods to select multiple dates. With the use of the first one, you can select dates one-by-one, which makes disjunct date selection possible. In this case, the selected dates that were selected before, will not get unselected:With the second method, an interval selection can be made between two dates. Any dates that were selected prior to calling this method, will get unselected:
TMSFNCCalendar1.Interaction.MultiSelect := True;
TMSFNCCalendar1.SelectMultiDates(Now - 10, Now + 5);
Unselecting dates
Using the TMSFNCCalendar.SelectedDate property, you can unselect dates that are selected orunselect all of the selected dates. To unselect all, use:
To unselect a specific date only, the following code can be used:Navigation
The default behaviour of the navigation is navigating by month. Clicking the left arrow will navigate to the previous month while clicking the right will navigate to the next month. The navigation mode can be found in Interaction.NavigationMode. You can change from nmMonth to nmFocusedDate, in which case the left arrow will move the focused date to the left and the right arrow will move it to the right by one. Similarly, changing it to nmYear will cause the navigation to navigate back and forth by one year.
The fourth option is nmCustom. Using nmCustom, you can define your own navigation method. Thiscan be achieved by using the OnCustomNavigation event of the TMSFNCCalendar.
In this example, the custom navigation is set to navigate by 10 years back and forth:
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCCalendar1CustomNavigation(Sender: TObject; ADate,
AFocusedDate: TDate; ADirection: Boolean);
if ADirection then
TMSFNCCalendar1.Year := TMSFNCCalendar1.Year - 10
TMSFNCCalendar1.Year := TMSFNCCalendar1.Year + 10;
If the Interaction.SwipeOnHeader property is set to True, then the navigation is also working by swiping on the header.
The arrows’ look can be changed using the predefined two arrow types, the bitmaps and the custom option. The arrow types can be accessed through the Header.Arrow.ArrowLeftType and Header.Arrow.ArrowRightType properties. The following types are available: atArrow, atTriangle, atBitmap and atCustom.
The arrow types can be changed at designtime and programmatically. The atBitmap type will appear blank unless a bitmap is assigned to the correct properties. You can either load a bitmap to each property or use a bitmap container. To use a bitmap container, a TMSFNCBitmapContainer must be assigned to the BitmapContainer property, where the required bitmaps can be stored. Then you can add your bitmaps to the Header.Arrow.ArrowLeftBitmap and Header.Arrow.ArrowRightBitmap properties by selecting them from the bitmap container.
With the atCustom type, a custom arrow can be drawn. To do that, you will need to use the OnCustomArrow event of the TMSFNCCalendar.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
TMSFNCCalendar1.Header.Arrow.ArrowLeftType := atCustom;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Header.Arrow.ArrowRightType := atCustom;
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCCalendar1CustomArrowDraw(Sender: TObject;
AGraphics: TTMSFNCGraphics; ARect: TRectF; ADirection: Boolean);
pr, pl: TPointF;
h, r, l: Single;
h := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top);
pl := PointF(ARect.Left, ARect.Top + h / 2);
pr := PointF(ARect.Right, ARect.Top + h / 2);
r := ARect.Left + (ARect.Right - ARect.Left) / 2;
l := ARect.Left + (ARect.Right - ARect.Left) / 2;
AGraphics.Stroke.Width := 2;
if ADirection then
AGraphics.DrawLine(PointF(r, ARect.Top), pl);
AGraphics.DrawLine(pl, PointF(r, ARect.Bottom));
AGraphics.DrawLine(pl, pr);
AGraphics.DrawLine(PointF(l, ARect.Top), pr);
AGraphics.DrawLine(PointF(l, ARect.Bottom), pr);
AGraphics.DrawLine(pr, pl);
Year and month selection
By enabling the Interaction.AllowYearSelection
property, clicking on the year text in the header area will result in a popup that shows a configurable amount of years to choose from. The amount of years are defined by the Interaction.YearOptions
settings. Before the popup is shown, the OnBeforeShowYearPopup
event will trigger.
Similarly to years, enabling the Interaction.AllowMonthSelection
property will create a month selector popup whenever the month text is clicked on the header area. The month selection shows all 12 months to choose from by default. Before the popup is shown, the OnBeforeShowMonthPopup
event will trigger.
Badges are used for indicating events. By default, the badge is a red circle with white font color and no value. It has a Hint property which can hold texts that will be shown when the date is hovered with the mouse. Badges can be set during designtime and programmatically.
To set the badges during designtime, use the Events property of TMSFNCCalendar. With the Add New button, new badges can be added. The newly added badge will be set to today’s date. Using its Date property, it can be moved to another date. A different color, font color, value and hint can be defined for each badge.
Just like at designtime, adding a new event/badge programmatically will set the event’s date to today’s date by default with the use of the Events.Add method. New events can be added and configured as shown in the code below:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
TMSFNCCalendar1.ShowHint := True;
for I := 0 to 2 do
//Leaving the first one as default, then:
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[1].Date := Now + 1;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[1].BadgeColor := gcLightblue;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[1].BadgeFontColor := gcBlack;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[1].BadgeValue := 3;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[2].Date := Now + 2;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[2].BadgeValue := 2;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[2].Hint := 'Tom''s birthday' + sLineBreak + 'Jerry''s birthday';
Alternatively the SelectEvent method can be used to add events by dates immediately:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
TMSFNCCalendar1.ShowHint := True;
for I := 0 to 2 do
TMSFNCCalendar1.SelectEvent(Now + I);
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[1].BadgeColor := gcLightblue;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[1].BadgeFontColor := gcBlack;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[1].BadgeValue := 3;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[2].BadgeValue := 2;
TMSFNCCalendar1.Events.Items[2].Hint := 'Tom''s birthday' + sLineBreak + 'Jerry''s birthday';
Important methods, properties and events
Property name | Description |
BadgeSize | The BadgeSize property applies to all badges. It determines the diameter of the badge circle.The preset size is 14. |
BitmapContainer | A container of images that is used in combination with arrows. |
CurrentDate | Returns the current date. |
Date | The Date property is used for navigation purposes. It’s in sync with the Day, Month and Year properties. |
DateAppearance | The appearance of the date area. |
Day | The Day property is used for navigation purposes. It’s in sync with the Date property. |
DayNumberAppearance | The appearance of the weekday names area. |
Events | A collection of event items. Each item’s color, font color, value, hint and date can be set. |
FirstDay | The FirstDay property determines the first day of the week. The values are the following:Sun = 1, Mon = 2, …, Sat = 6 |
FocusedDate | The FocusedDate is used to indicate the currently clicked date and to indicate movement by the keyboard. |
Footer | The footer of the calendar that shows today’s date by default. It can be configured to show the selected date and an additional caption can be added. |
Header | The header of the calendar that shows the currently displayed month and year in text. The navigation arrows can be found here. |
Interaction | The interaction capabilities of the calendar. |
LineAppearance | The appearance of the lines that are separating the weekday names, the weeknumbers and the date area. |
MaxDate | Setting the MaxDate will disable the selection of the dates that are after the MaxDate. |
MinDate | Setting the MinDate will disable the selection of the dates that are before the MinDate. |
Month | The Month property is used for navigation purposes. It’s in sync with the Date property. |
SelectedDates | The collection of the selected dates. |
WeekNumberAppearance | The appearance of the weeknumbers area. |
Year | The Year property is used for navigation purposes. It’s in sync with the Date property. |
Method name | Description |
ColAtX(AX: Single) | Returns the column under a specific X coordinate. |
CurrentDay | Returns the current day. |
CurrentMonth | Returns the current month. |
CurrentYear | Returns the current year. |
DateToCol(ADate: TDate) | Determines in which column the date will be, based on what is set for the first day of the week. |
DateToRow(ADate: TDate) | Determines in which row the date will be, based on what is set for the first day of the week. |
NextDate | Returns the next date (tomorrow). |
NextMonth | Returns the next month. |
NextYear | Returns the next year. |
PreviousDate | Returns the previous date (yesterday). |
PreviousMonth | Returns the previous month. |
PreviousYear | Returns the previous year. |
RowAtY(AY: Single) | Returns the row under a specific Y coordinate. |
SelectADate(ADate: TDate) | Selects the date that’s given as the parameter.It will unselect all of the currently selected dates at the same time. |
SelectDate(ADate: TDate) | Selects the date that’s given as the parameter.It will keep the currently selected dates at the same time. |
SelectEvent(ADate: TDate) | Adds an event to the date that’s given as the parameter |
SelectMultiDates(AStartDate, AEndDate: TDate) | Selects multiple dates in an interval from AStartDate to AEndDate. It will unselect all of the currently selected dates at the same time. |
SelectedDate | Returns the selected date or the last select |
XYToDate(AX, AY: Single) | Determines the date at a specific X and Y coordinate. |
Event name | Description |
OnAfterDrawArrowLeft | Event called after the left arrow is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawArrowRight | Event called after the right arrow is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawBadge | Event called after a badge is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawDayNames | Event called after a single weekday name is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawDayNamesText | Event called after a single weekday name text is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawDayNumbers | Event called after a single date is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawDayNumbersText | Event called after a single date text is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawFooter | Event called after the footer is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawFooterText | Event called after the footer text is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawHeader | Event called after the header is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawHeaderText | Event called after the header text is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawLines | Event called after the separation lines are drawn. |
OnAfterDrawWeekNumbers | Event called after a single weeknumber is drawn. |
OnAfterDrawWeekNumbersText | Event called after a single weeknumber text is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawArrowLeft | Event called before the left arrow is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawArrowRight | Event called before the right arrow is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawBadge | Event called before a badge is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawDayNames | Event called before a single weekday name is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawDayNamesText | Event called before a single weekday name text is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawDayNumbers | Event called before a single date is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawDayNumbersText | Event called before a single date text is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawFooter | Event called before the footer is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawFooterText | Event called before the footer text is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawHeader | Event called before the header is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawHeaderText | Event called before the header text is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawLines | Event called before the separation lines are drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawWeekNumbers | Event called before a single weeknumber is drawn. |
OnBeforeDrawWeekNumbersText | Event called before a single weeknumber text is drawn. |
OnBeforeSelectDate | Event called before a date gets selected. |
OnBeforeShowMonthPopup | Event is called before the month selector popup is shown. |
OnBeforeShowYearPopup | Event called before the year selector popup is shown. |
OnCustomArrowDraw | Event called when custom arrow is being drawn. |
OnCustomNavigation | Event called when custom navigation is being called. |
OnMonthChanged | Event called when the Month has changed. |
OnSelectDate | Event called when a date gets selected. |
OnSelectMultiDate | Event called when selecting dates using the SelectMultiDates selection. |
OnYearChanged | Event called when the Year has changed. |