TTMSFNCMaps is an abstract layer on top of the services that are listed under the “Description” chapter. It serves a way to display / manipulate and retrieve information of the chosen service in an abstract way, which means that whenever you are switching to another service, the code that was written will be 100% compatible and will behave exactly the same as the service you were originally been using, ofcourse under the disclaimer that the service does not change the underlying APIs.
When dropping an instance of TTMSFNCMaps (after successful installation of TMS FNC Core and TTMSFNCWebBrowser) on the form you’ll notice the designtime message indicating that Google Maps can’t be displayed because the API key is not set. Changing the Service property will show a different message depending on the chosen service. Please enter a value under the API key property after selecting the component at designtime, or specify an API key at runtime that matches the service selected under the Service property. Also note that the only selectable area (for moving, resizing) is the area at the top. The blue area is actually a real life mapping instance, so entering the API key at designtime will show you a live preview of the map.
After setting the API key, you should see the map of the service of choice.
Dynamic switching
A feature of TTMSFNCMaps is dynamic switching. It allows switching to another service even though you have already added markers, polygons, polylines, ... The only settings that are not persisted are the default location and zoom which are re-initialized to the default values. Switching or initializing a specific service can be done with the following code:
When using the maps, adding markers, polyelements or changing existing properties of an object that has been added to the map it is always a good practice to wrap the code with BeginUpdate/EndUpdate. This ensures the JavaScript calls are bundled and this will lower execution times, which automatically increases performance. Below is a sample that demonstrates how to use BeginUpdate & EndUpdate calls for speeding up the process.
//add markers, polyelements, load GPX, GeoJSON file, …
Markers identify a location on the map. Each service has its own marker icon that can optionally be changed. A marker is tied to a specific location (coordinate) on the map. The default location is the Statue of Liberty in New York (Latitude = 40.689247, Longitude = -74.044502). Below is a piece of sample code that adds a marker, and the result shown on the map. The marker class is TTMSFNCMapsMarker.
TMSFNCMaps1.AddMarker(DefaultCoordinate, 'First Marker!');
The title of the marker can optionally be set, in this case the marker title is being shown as a hint in Google Maps. In Here Maps for example, the marker can be clicked when a Title is set which will show the value in a popup:
When a marker has been added, changing properties will automatically update the marker, such as changing the coordinate property to relocate the marker or specifying another title. The marker icon can also be customized. Below is a sample that changes the default Google Maps icon to a custom icon.
TMSFNCMaps1.AddMarker(DefaultCoordinate, 'First Marker!',
Please note that AddMarker is a helper function that accesses the Marker collection. The marker collection can also be accessed via
Default Icon
Enable a generic marker icon that remains consistent across various mapping services. The size and fill color of the icon can be customised.
m: TTMSFNCMapsMarker;
m := TMSFNCMaps1.AddMarker(ALatitude, ALongitude);
m.DefaultIcon.Enabled := True;
m.DefaultIcon.Fill := AColor;
m.DefaultIcon.Size := ASize;
PolyElements can be added in the same way as adding Markers. PolyElements include one of the following types:
- TTMSFNCMapsPolyline
- TTMSFNCMapsPolygon
- TTMSFNCMapsRectangle
- TTMSFNCMapsCircle
Polylines and Polygons
Adding a polyline and polygon is done with AddPolyline and AddPolygon respectively. Both calls accept an array of coordinates (TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec). Both TTMSFNCMapsPolyline and TTMSFNCMapsPolygon have the ability to specify a stroke color, width and opacity. The TTMSFNCMapsPolygon has the ability to specify a fill color, width and opacity. The following sample demonstrates how to add a polygon that represents the Bermuda triangle. The code can also be replaced by AddPolyline, but without access to the Fill* properties.
procedure TForm1.AddMarkerToMap;
arr: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
pg: TTMSFNCMapsPolygon;
SetLength(arr, 3);
arr[0] := CreateCoordinate(25.789106, -80.226529);
arr[1] := CreateCoordinate(18.4663188, -60.1057427);
arr[2] := CreateCoordinate(32.294887, -64.781380);
pg := TMSFNCMaps1.AddPolygon(arr);
pg.FillColor := gcOrange;
pg.FillOpacity := 0.5;
pg.StrokeColor := gcGreen;
pg.StrokeWidth := 4;
Polyline helper functions
A set of calls that provide extra functionality for working with polylines.
function Split(ACoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec): TTMSFNCMapsPolyline;
function Split(AIndex: Integer): TTMSFNCMapsPolyline;
Split the polyline at the provide coordinate/index. The new polyline is returned.
function Segment(AStartCoordinate, AEndCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec): TTMSFNCMapsPolyline;
function Segment(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: Integer): TTMSFNCMapsPolyline;
Extract a segment from the polyline based on a start coordinate/index and end coordinate/index. The segment is returned as a new polyline.
procedure Merge(APolyline: TTMSFNCMapsPolyline);
procedure Merge(ACoordinates: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray);
Merge the polyline with the provided polyline/coordinate array. The provided polyline/coordinate array is added after the last coordinate.
Find Nearest Polyline Coordinate
function FindNearestPolylineCoordinate(ACoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; AMaxDistance: Double; var APolylineIndex: Integer; var ACoordinateIndex: Integer; var ACoordinateRec: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec): Boolean;
Searches for the nearest coordinate contained in the Polylines collection based on the given coordinate. If a coordinate is found the function returns True.
AMaxDistance: optionally provide the maximum distance (in meters) between the given coordinate and the polyline coordinate.
APolylineIndex: if a coordinate is found, contains the index of the polyline that contains the coordinate.
ACoordinateIndex: if a coordinate is found, contains the index of the coordinate in the polyline.
ACoordinateRec: if a coordinate is found, contains the coordinate itself.
Adding a circle (TTMSFNCMapsCircle) is done by specifying a center coordinate and a radius (in meter). TTMSFNCMapsCircle inherits from TTMSFNCMapsPolygon and therefore also can specify fill and stroke properties.
Below is a sample that demonstrates how adding a circle is done with a radius of 200 km.
procedure TForm1.AddCircleToMap;
c: TTMSFNCMapsCircle;
c := TMSFNCMaps1.AddCircle(DefaultCoordinate, 200000);
c.FillColor := gcOrange;
c.FillOpacity := 0.5;
c.StrokeColor := gcGreen;
c.StrokeWidth := 4;
Adding a rectangle (TTMSFNCMapsRectangle) is done with the AddRectangle call which accepts a bounds (TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec). This is defined by a NorthEast and SouthWest coordinate. Below is a sample that demonstrates this.
procedure TForm1.AddRectangleToMap;
c: TTMSFNCMapsRectangle;
b: TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec;
ne, sw: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec;
ne := CalculateCoordinate(DefaultCoordinate, 45, 100000);
sw := CalculateCoordinate(DefaultCoordinate, 225, 100000);
b := CreateBounds(ne.Latitude, ne.Longitude, sw.Latitude, sw.Longitude);
c := TMSFNCMaps1.AddRectangle(b);
c.FillColor := gcOrange;
c.FillOpacity := 0.5;
c.StrokeColor := gcGreen;
c.StrokeWidth := 4;
There is a little more explanation necessary for this piece of code that adds a rectangle. The rectangle is 200km wide. The coordinates are calculated based on the center of the rectangle and the bearing (0-360).
To calculate the northeast coordinate, we need to take the center coordinate and traval into the 45 degrees’ direction. The parameter “Distance” is determining how far we actually travel. The CalculateCoordinate is a helper function in the *.TMSFNCMapsCommonTypes unit that calculates the coordinate based on these parameters. The same applies to the SouthWest coordinate, which lies in the 225 degrees’ direction. Finally, we are able to create a bounds rectangle with these coordinate and plot it on the map.
Add custom HTML/CSS elements on top of the map with ElementContainers. Through interaction with the map, by using Actions, custom controls can be created. At runtime the content of the ElementContainers can be updated dynamically through JavaScript. ElementContainers are independent of the mapping service which means they will look and function identically regardless of your preferred mapping service. A preview is automatically available at design time to make editing the HTML/CSS elements as straightforward as possible.
The Actions collection makes it possible to assign events to HTML objects in the ElementContainer based on their ID. The ID can be selected from the list of available IDs displayed on the HTMLElementID.
Common events like OnClick can be selected from the Event property list. If heCustom is selected, a custom event name can be entered in CustomEvent. The EventReturnValue can be used to define which value is returned in the Event parameter AEventData.CustomData.
The OnExecute event is used to assign an event handler.
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1ElementContainers0Actions0Execute(Sender:
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData);
Creating a custom zoom slider control
1) Drop a TTMSFNCMaps on the form and select your preferred mapping service. We’ll use msOpenLayers here so we don’t need an API key.
2) Add an item to the ElementContainers collection. An empty ElementContainer is displayed.
3) Add content to the HTML property.
We’ll add a title, a label and a slider element to the ElementContainer.
Zoom Level
<span id="customZoom1">12</span>
<input type="range" min="0" value="12" max="18" id="customRange1">
4) Position the container anywhere on the map with the Position and Margin properties. We’ll place the container in the bottom left corner of the map: set Position to poBottomLeft.
5) Add an item to the Actions collection of the ElementContainer to interact with the map. Select the ID from the element to interact with from the HTMLElementID dropdown list. In this case pick “customRange1” to interact with the slider control. Set Event to heCustom and CustomEvent to input to catch the input event of the slider control. Set EventReturnValue to rvValue to retrieve the updated value of the slider control.
6) Assign the ElementAction’s OnExecute event to add an event handler.
The updated slider control value is returned as a string in the AEventData.CustomData property. We can use this value to update the map’s zoom level with the code below:
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1ElementContainers0Actions0Execute(Sender:
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData);
f: Double;
v: string;
f := 0;
v := StringReplace(AEventData.CustomData, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
if TryStrToFloatDot(v, f) then
7) Assign the TTMSFNCMaps’s OnZoomChanged event to interact with the ElementContainer.
When the map’s zoom level changes, get the new zoom level and update the label and slider control in the ElementContainer.
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1ZoomChanged(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData);
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1GetZoomLevel(Sender: TObject; AZoomLevel:
).value = ' + FloatToStrDot(AZoomLevel));
.innerText = ' + FloatToStrDot(Round(AZoomLevel)));
The custom control is now ready to be used:
Add Bootstrap styling
Using Bootstrap is a straightforward way to improve the visuals of HTML elements. With a few adjustments Bootstrap styling can be added to ElementContainers.
1) Include the Bootstrap CSS library via the HeadLinks collection. Add an item to the HeadLinks collection; set Kind to mlkLink, URL to “” and Rel to “stylesheet”.
2) Add Bootstrap HTML classes to the ElementContainer’s HTML.
Change the HTML value to:
<div for="customRange1" class="card-header bg-primary text-white">
Zoom Level
<span class="card-label" id="customZoom1">12</span>
<div class="card-body bg-light">
<input type="range" class="form-range" min="0" value="12" max="18"
Then set HTMLElementClassName to “card” and UseDefaulStyle to “False”. Suddenly the custom control looks a lot prettier.
Notice that the ElementContainer’s content with Bootstrap styling is fully visible at designtime as well.
Because ElementContainers are completely independent from the mapping service, the result looks exactly the same even when switching to a different service. The screenshot below shows the same ElementContainer with Service set to msHere.
Of course, the same result can also be achieved in code.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ElementContainer: TTMSFNCMapsElementContainer;
ElementAction: TTMSFNCMapsElementAction;
html: TStringList;
0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css', mlkLink, 'stylesheet');
html := TStringList.Create;
html.Add('<div for="customRange1" class="card-header bg-primary
+ 'Zoom Level '
+ '<span class="card-label" id="customZoom1">12</span>'
+' </div>'
+' <div class="card-body bg-light">'
+' <input type="range" class="form-range" min="0" value="12"
max="18" id="customRange1">'
ElementContainer := TMSFNCMaps1.AddElementContainer(html);
ElementContainer.HTMLElementClassName := 'card';
ElementContainer.Position := poBottomRight;
ElementContainer.Margins.Bottom := 15;
ElementContainer.UseDefaultStyle := False;
ElementAction := ElementContainer.AddAction('customRange1',
ElementAction.CustomEvent := 'input';
ElementAction.EventReturnValue := rvValue;
ElementAction.OnExecute :=
Add custom Labels at a specific coordinate or specific bounds on the map. Labels are independent of the mapping service which means they will look and function identically regardless of your preferred mapping service. A preview is automatically available at design time to make configuration as straightforward as possible.
The minimum required data to display a label is a coordinate and a text value.
TMSFNCMaps1.AddLabel(40, -74, '<b>Bold</b><br>linebreak');
Properties to set the BackgroundColor, BorderColor and Font of the Label are available. The Label is HTML enabled to allow furher customizations.
MapsLabel: TTMSFNCMapsLabel;
MapsLabel := TMSFNCMaps1.AddLabel(40, -74, '<b>Bold</b><br>linebreak', gcWhite, gcDarkslateblue);
MapsLabel.Font.Size := 24;
The bounds positioning can be used to display an image on the map scaled to the given bounds. The bounds can be specified with north-east and south-west coordinates.
MapsLabel: TTMSFNCMapsLabel;
MapsLabel := TMSFNCMaps1.AddLabel(40.773941, -74.12544, 40.712216, -74.22655, '<img src="" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;">');
To display a heatmap, use the AddHeatMap method, which requires an array of coordinates as its parameter. Each coordinate in the array represents a data point that will be used to visualize the heatmap. Each data point can optionally have a weight value specified. Applying a weight to a data point will cause the coordinate to be rendered with a greater intensity
Additionally, the opacity and gradient colors of the heatmap can be customized to suit your preferences, allowing for a more tailored visualization.
ca: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
hm: TTMSFNCMapsHeatMap;
SetLength(ca, 2);
ca[0].Latitude := 37.782551;
ca[0].Longitude := -122.445368;
//Optional setting
ca[0].Weight := 1;
ca[1].Latitude := 37.782745;
ca[1].Longitude := -122.444586;
//Optional setting
ca[1].Weight := 1;
hm := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddHeatMap(ca);
//Optional settings
hm.Opacity := 1;
hm.GradientStartColor := gcGreen;
hm.GradientMidColor := gcYellow;
hm.GradientEndColor := gcRed;
Supported Mapping Services
The Heatmaps functionality is supported by the following components:
The HeadLinks collection can be used to dynamically add custom CSS and JavaScript libraries to the TTMSNFNCMaps component. This feature can be used in combination with ElementContainers.
Example Adding the Bootstrap and jQuery libraries via the HeadLinks collection:
s/bootstrap.min.css', mlkLink, 'stylesheet');
/bootstrap.min.js', mlkScript);
Loading GPX/GeoJSON
Loading GPX/GeoJSON is done with a single call. Specify the GPX/GeoJSON file that you wish to load and the map will render the polyelements that are retrieved inside the GPX/GeoJSON file. The optional parameters are to AutoDisplay the data that is loaded and to automatically zoom to the bounds of the data that has been entered. The AutoDisplay and ZoomToBounds parameters are both true by default.
Load Methods
Method name | Description |
LoadGPXFromStream | Loads the GPX data from a given TStream |
LoadGPXFromFile | Loads the GPX data from a given File |
LoadGPXFromText | Loads the GPX data from a given text |
Load Parameters
Parameter name | Description |
AFileName | The name of the file containing the GPX data. |
AAutoDisplay | Automatically display the GPX data on the map. |
AZoomToBounds | Zoom the map to the bounds of the GPX data. |
AStrokeWidth | Width of the stroke used to draw the GPX path. |
AElevationColors | Array of colors to represent different elevations. |
ADisplayElevation | Display elevation data if available. |
ADisplayTimeStamps | Display timestamps if available. |
AMinSecondsBetweenTimeStamps | Minimum seconds between displayed timestamps. |
Return type | Description |
TTMSFNCMapsGPXRec | A record containing the loaded GPX data. |
Save Methods
Method name | Description |
SaveToToGPXStream | Saves the given data to GPX as a TStream |
SaveToToGPXFile | Saves the given data to GPX as a File |
SaveToToGPXText | Saves the given data to GPX as text |
Event name | Description |
OnCreateGPXTrack | Triggered for each Track found in the GPX data |
OnCreateGPXSegment | Triggered for each Segment found in the GPX data |
OnCreateGPXWayPoint | Triggered for each WayPoint found in the GPX data |
Below is a sample with a GPX file.
Changing the line that has automatically been added is as simply as taking the last element from the Polylines collection.
procedure TForm1.LoadGPX;
pl: TTMSFNCMapsPolyline;
pl := TMSFNCMaps1.Polylines[TMSFNCMaps1.Polylines.Count - 1];
pl.StrokeColor := gcRed;
pl.StrokeWidth := 5;
pl.StrokeOpacity := 0.5;
TMSFNCMaps1.AddMarker(pl.Coordinates[pl.Coordinates.Count -
For each Track found in the GPX file, the OnCreateGPXTrack event is triggered and for each Coordinate found, the OnCreateGPXSegment event. The OnCreateGPXTrack AEventData parameter contains Data.Name/Segments information as well as the full XML node, so if extra data is available this can be parsed manually. The OnCreateGPXSegment AEventData parameter contains Data.Longitude/Latitude/Elevation/TimeStamp information as well as the full XML node, so if extra data is available this can be parsed manually.
- Log standard gpx data
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1CreateGPXSegment(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXSegmentEventData);
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1CreateGPXSegment(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXSegmentEventData);
TTMSFNCUtils.Log('Lat:Lon: ' + FloatToStr(AEventData.Data.Longitude) + '
: ' + FloatToStr(AEventData.Data.Longitude)
+ ' Height: ' + FloatToStr(AEventData.Data.Elevation) + ' TimeStamp: '
+ DateTimeToStr(AEventData.Data.TimeStamp));
- Parse extension data and display it on the map
If a given gpx file contains extra data beyond the standard available data, this can be parsed manually through AEventData.Node. In this example the gpx file contains a heartrate value for each coordinate. The heartrate is extracted from the XML and a marker is added on the map along the route each time the value is above 190.
Sample gpx data:
<trkpt lat="50.7915" lon="3.1208">
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1CreateGPXSegment(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXSegmentEventData);
HeartRate: Integer;
HeartRate := StrToInt(NodeToString(FindNode(FindNode(AEventData.Node,
'extensions'), 'hr')));
if HeartRate > 190 then
AEventData.Data.Longitude), IntToStr(HeartRate));
If a GPX file contains elevation and/or timestamp data, this data will also be available in the result of the LoadGPXFromFile call.
Elevation data can optionally be displayed with the ADisplayElevation parameter. This is achieved by adding multiple color coded polylines to the map. The colors to use can be provided in the AElevationColors parameter. If a single color is provided, the polyline will be displayed darker for lower parts and lighter for higher parts of the path. If no colors are provided, the AStrokeColor is used. If no AStrokeColor is provided, the default color is used.
Timestamp data can optionally be displayed through markers along the polyline path with the ADisplayTimeStamp parameter. To limit the amount of markers, the AMinSecondsBetweenTimeStamps can be used to set the minimum time between displayed markers.
GeoJSON has multiple types of data, called “Features”, such as Point, Line, Polygon, etc … Below is a sample of a GeoJSON that is being loaded in the TTMSFNCMaps instance.
procedure TForm1.LoadGeoJSON;
pl: TTMSFNCMapsPolygon;
I: Integer;
for I := 0 to TMSFNCMaps1.Polygons.Count - 1 do
pl := TMSFNCMaps1.Polygons[I];
pl.FillColor := gcBlue;
pl.FillOpacity := 0.2;
pl.StrokeColor := gcBlue;
pl.StrokeOpacity := 0.5;
Popups are informative messages that can be shown anywhere on the map. They are tied to a specific coordinate and can be shown and hidden programmatically in various cases, such as clicking on a marker, hovering over a circle, etc… A popup is capable of displaying HTML formatted text. Below is a sample that shows how to display a popup at the default coordinate with information on the Statue of Liberty in New York.
procedure TForm1.AddPopupToMap;
s = '<div width="300"><h3>Liberty Enlightening the World<h3>' + LB +
'"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship
from the people of ' + LB +
'France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of
freedom and democrac' + LB +
'y. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was
designated as a National' + LB +
' Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been
caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.<br/><br/>' + LB +
'<img height="100"
TMSFNCMaps1.ShowPopup(DefaultCoordinate, s)
Optional parameters are to offset the popup in pixels based on the default coordinate. When showing a popup, the return value is an ID, which can be used to close it with the ClosePopup method. The close all popups that are opened in the map, use CloseAllPopups;
The map is capable of changing the language that is displayed at some elements such as the maptype and the street/city names. Not all maps support a full translation and not all maps support every language. Please look up the languages that are supported depending on the chosen service. The way the map language is translated is based on the Locale string property which is set to en-US by default. A couple of examples of locales are:
en-US (English – United States)
en-GB (English – Great Britain)
fr-FR (French – France)
nl-NL (Dutch – Netherlands)
it-IT (Italian – Italy)
pt-BR (Portuguese – Brazil)
Note that a ReInitialize call is necessary to make sure the map is properly initialized. Interaction The map supports panning, zooming changing map type, scrolling with the mouse or keyboard and many more. Also programmatically, you are able to go to a specific location, zoom to a specific map bounds. Below is a list of methods that can be used to programmatically interact with the map.
The ZoomToBounds method has a couple of overloads to specify an array of coordinates, a bounds record, or a northeast/southwest coordinate. ZoomToBounds will automatically navigate to a specific area determined by the northeast and southwest coordinates either coming directly from the bounds parameter or automatically calculated based on an array of coordinates.The SetCenterCoordinate will navigate to a specific location on the map without changing the zoom level.
The SetZoomLevel method can be used to set a specific zoom level at the current location on the map.Some maps expose a zoom control and/or maptype control that allows changing the zoom level or switch to another map type such as a night mode or a satellite view depending on the chosen service. The properties to enable/disable these controls are available under Options. By default, the values are true for both properties. Below is a sample what happens when setting them to false like the code below.
Converts a given latitude and longitude coordinate to an XY coordinate or vice versa.
Note: Only supported for Google, Here, MapBox, MapKit. When called from a map event (i.e. OnMapClick), threading is required. See the Threading topic for further information.
Each service is implemented in a specific way so the polyelements, markers, rectangles, circles and every other aspect of the abstract TTMSFNCMaps class is working as expected even when switching to another service. If you are missing a particular feature/event or you want to change existing features, you have access to a series of customization events that allow you to change what happens. Through JavaScript there are a series of constants defined to get access to objects inside
JavaScript. A complete list of variables is found in the *.TMSFNCMaps.pas unit below the version number. Below is a list of events that allow customization.
Event name | Description |
OnCustomizeCSS | Event to customize the CSS, style information that is tied to the map, or to other objects in the map such as popups. |
OnCustomizeJavaScript | Event that is called to completely customize all JavaScript that is used to render the map and add/update markers, polyelements and many more. |
OnCustomizeMap | Event called when the map is being loaded. Additional map settings can be added here. The map identifier that can be used is the MAPVAR constant defined in the TMSFNCMaps unit. |
OnCustomizeGlobalVariables | Event called when global variables are defined, which can be accessed from each JavaScript call that is available to the map. |
OnCustomizeMarker | Event called when a marker is added or updated. This event can be used to customize markers. The variable that is initialized when working with markers is MARKERVAR. |
OnCustomizePopup | Event called when a popup is added. This event can be used to customize popups. The variable that is initialized when working with popups is POPUPVAR. |
OnCustomizeOptions | Event called when map options are changed such as the showing or hiding the zoom control or map type control. Add any options you want to change to the map in this event. |
OnCustomizePolyElement | Event called when a polyelement is added (polyline, polygon, circle, rectangle). This event can be used to customize a polyelement. The variable that is initialized when working with popups is POLYELEMENTVAR. |
OnGetDefaultHTMLMessage | Event called when the map is being loaded but no API key is set. This message is to inform users about that an API key is missing by default. This message can be changed through this event. |
OnCustomEvent | Event called when a custom event is added and triggered from inside the map, following the rules to call the proper communication sequence. Below is a sample that demonstrates this. |
To better demonstrate how the custom events are working, a couple of examples.
Sample 1) Initializing the default map with custom maptype control (Google Maps):
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1CustomizeMap(Sender: TObject;
var ACustomizeMap: string);
opt: string;
if TMSFNCMaps1.Service = msGoogleMaps then
opt := '{' + LB +
' style:,'
+ LB +
' mapTypeIds: [''roadmap'', ''terrain'']' + LB +
ACustomizeMap := MAPVAR + '.set(''mapTypeControlOptions'', ' + opt +
Sample 2) Restricting map bounds to a specific area (Google Maps)
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1CustomizeMap(Sender: TObject;
var ACustomizeMap: string);
opt: string;
if TMSFNCMaps1.Service = msGoogleMaps then
ACustomizeMap :=
' north: -34.36,' + LB +
' south: -47.35,' + LB +
' west: 166.28,' + LB +
' east: -175.81,' + LB +
' };' + LB + LB;
opt := '{' + LB +
' restriction:{' + LB +
' latLngBounds: NEW_ZEALAND_BOUNDS,' + LB +
' strictBounds: false' + LB +
' }' + LB +
ACustomizeMap := ACustomizeMap + 'var AUCKLAND = {lat: -37.06, lng:
174.58};' + LB;
ACustomizeMap := ACustomizeMap + MAPVAR + '.setCenter(AUCKLAND);' + LB;
ACustomizeMap := ACustomizeMap + MAPVAR + '.setZoom(7);' + LB;
ACustomizeMap := ACustomizeMap + MAPVAR + '.setOptions('+ opt +');';
Sample 3) adding an extra event to Bing Maps
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1CustomEvent(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData);
if AEventData.EventName = 'MapRightClick' then
TTMSFNCUtils.Log('map right click detected at ' +
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1CustomizeMap(Sender: TObject;
var ACustomizeMap: string);
if TMSFNCMaps1.Service = msBingMaps then
ACustomizeMap :=
' window.Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(' + MAPVAR + ',
''rightclick'', function(event){' + LB +
' ' + GETSENDEVENT + '(parseEvent(event, "MapRightClick"));' + LB +
' })';
Debug Output: map right click detected at
74.0589215556641} Process Project17.exe (10472)
Event name | Description |
OnZoomChanged; | Event called when zoom has changed. An OnZoomChanged event can occur when zooming with the mouse, keyboard or with the map controls. |
OnMapTypeChanged; | Event called when the map type has changed. An OnMapTypeChanged event can occur when the map type is changed via the map type control. |
OnMapClick; | Event called when the map is clicked. |
OnMapDblClick; | Event called when the map is double clicked. |
OnMapMouseUp; | Event called when the mouse is up on the map. (Occurs after an OnMapMouseDown event). |
OnMapMouseDown; | Event called when the mouse is down on the map. |
OnMapMouseMove; | Event called when the mouse is moved inside the map. |
OnMapMouseEnter; | Event called when the mouse enters the map. |
OnMapMouseLeave; | Event called when the mouse leaves the map. |
OnMapMoveStart; | Event called when a map move actions is started. |
OnMapMoveEnd; | Event called when a map move actions has ended. |
OnMarkerClick; | Event called when a marker is clicked. |
OnMarkerDblClick; | Event called when a marker is double clicked. |
OnMarkerMouseUp; | Event called when the mouse is up on a marker. (Occurs after an OnMarkerMouseUp event). |
OnMarkerMouseDown; | Event called when the mouse is down on a marker. |
OnMarkerMouseEnter; | Event called when the mouse enters a marker. |
OnMarkerMouseLeave; | Event called when the mouse leaves a marker. |
OnPolyElementClick; | Event called when a polyelement (polygon, polyline, circle, rectangle) is clicked. |
OnPolyElementDblClick; | Event called when a polyelement is double clicked. |
OnPolyElementMouseUp; | Event called when the mouse is up on a polyelement. (Occurs after an OnPolyElementMouseUp event). |
OnPolyElementMouseDown; | Event called when the mouse is down on a polyelement. |
OnPolyElementMouseEnter; | Event called when the mouse enters a polyelement. |
OnPolyElementMouseLeave; | Event called when the mouse leaves a polyelement. |
OnMapInitialized; | Event called when the map is initialized. |
Note: Some events (like OnMarkerMouseUp, OnMarkerMouseDown, OnMarkerMouseEnter, OnMarkerMouseLeave …) are not supported when using the Apple MapKit mapping service because this service is mainly targeted at mobile use.
Common Types
During the development of your application with TTMSFNCMaps you’ll encounter the following record types:
TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec
They are types that allow easy conversion from the class type equivalents to pass through or retrieve data from the map. They are defined inside the *.TMSFNCCommonTypes.pas unit and they also come with a set of helper methods:
Method name | Description |
function CenterCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; | Method that returns a coordinate with latitude and longitude of 0. |
function DefaultCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; | Method that returns a coordinate based on the default latitude and longitude (New York) |
function EmptyCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; | Method that returns an empty coordinate (which is the same as a center coordinate) |
function CreateCoordinate(const ALatitude: Double; const ALongitude: Double): TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; | Method that creates a coordinate record based on a latitude and longitude value. |
function CreateBounds(ACoordinates: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray): TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec; overload; | Method that creates a bounds record based on an array of coordinates |
function CreateBounds(ACoordinatesArray: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArrayArray): TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec; overload; | Method that creates a bounds record based on an array of an array of coordinates (multi-array). This is helpful when wanting to combine arrays of coordinates from different collections such as combining markers & polylines. |
function CreateBounds(ACoordinatesArrayArray: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArrayArrayArray): TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec; overload; | Method that creates a bounds record based on an array of an array of an array of coordinates (multiarray of array). This is helpful when wanting to combine arrays of coordinates from different collections such as combining markers & polylines. |
function CreateBounds(ANorthLatitude, AEastLongitude, ASouthLatitude, AWestLongitude: Double): TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec; overload; | Method that creates a bounds record based on an North latitude and longitude and a South latitude and longitude |
function CreateCircle(ACenter: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ARadius: Double): TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray; | Method that creates a circle based on a center and a radius. It returns an array of coordinates that form a circle. |
function BoundsCenter(ABounds: TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec): TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; | Method that calculates the center of a bounds record, which is determined by a NorthEast coordinate and a SouthWest coordinate. |
function BoundsRectangle(ABounds: TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec): TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray; | Method that returns a rectangle based on a bounds record. It returns an array of coordinates that form a rectangle. |
function MeasureDistance(ACoordinate1: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACoordinate2: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec): Double; | Measures the distance between 2 coordinates in meters. |
function MeasureArea(ACoordinatesArray: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray): Double; | Measures the area of a coordinate array in square meters. |
function FindNearestCoordinate(ACoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACoordinatesArray: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray): Integer; | Returns the index of the coordinate in the given array that is the closest to the given coordinate. |
function IsPointInArea(ALatitude: Double; ALongitude: Double; ACoordinatesArray: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray): Boolean; | Returns True if the given latitude/longitude coordinate is inside the provided coordinate array. |
function CalculateCoordinate(ACoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ABearing: Double; ADistance: Double): TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; | Calculates a new coordinate based on an existing coordinate, the bearing and the distance. (Please see chapter PolyElements for an example on using the bearing). |
function CalculateBearing(ACoordinate1: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACoordinate2: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec): Double; | Method that calculates the bearing between 2 coordinates. |
TTMSFNCGoogleMaps is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes a set of properties and methods to add functionality specific for the Google Maps API. Each topic below goes deeper into the already existing functionality in TTMSFNCMaps and adds more functionality on top.
Dragging Markers
After adding markers with the AddMarker function or directly through the Markers collection the basic properties that can be set in the abstract TTMSFNCMaps class are the Visible, Title and Coordinate properties. On top of that, the Google Maps API has the ability to add a drop animation, make the marker draggable, clickable. For testing purposes we have added code that demonstrates how to make a marker draggable.
procedure TForm1.AddDraggableMarker;
m: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsMarker;
m :=
m.Draggable := True;
When holding the mouse/finger down on the marker, a cross appears beneath and you are able to freely drag around the marker. Releasing the mouse/finger will drop the marker to the new location and trigger the OnMarkerDragEnd event.
In the OnMarkerDragEnd event you have 2 choices. Either leave the original coordinate store inside the marker collection item, or synchronize. The synchronization will help in updating markers that are already added to the map. When setting the coordinate of the marker to the new location, each following update will not reset the marker to the original location, but to the new location. Leaving out the code will reset the marker to the original location when another property changes.
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCGoogleMaps1MarkerDragEnd(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData);
if Assigned(AEventData.Marker) then
AEventData.Marker.Coordinate := AEventData.Coordinate;
Editing Polyelements
Polyelements such as a polygon, polyline, rectangle and circle can be edited. To allow editing of a polyelement, add the polyelement to the map as demonstrated in the previous chapter of adding polyelements. Make sure to also specify the Editable property.
procedure TForm1.AddRectangleToMap;
c: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsRectangle;
b: TTMSFNCMapsBoundsRec;
ne, sw: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec;
ne := CalculateCoordinate(DefaultCoordinate, 45, 100000);
sw := CalculateCoordinate(DefaultCoordinate, 225, 100000);
b := CreateBounds(ne.Latitude, ne.Longitude, sw.Latitude, sw.Longitude);
c := TTMSFNCGoogleMapsRectangle(TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddRectangle(b));
c.Editable := True;
c.FillColor := gcOrange;
c.FillOpacity := 0.5;
c.StrokeColor := gcGreen;
c.StrokeWidth := 4;
When adding the rectangle to the map, you’ll notice that handles appear. These handles can be used to change the rectangle. Whenever a change is detected the OnPolyElementEditEnd is called. As this polyelement is a rectangle, the data is stored in the CustomData property of the TTMSFNCMapsEventData object as it contains more than only a coordinate. The CustomData contains an array of coordinates that can be mapped to the bounds property of the rectangle as demonstrated in the code below. The CustomData is always JSON.
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCGoogleMaps1PolyElementEditEnd(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData);
if Assigned(AEventData.PolyElement) then
if (AEventData.PolyElement is TTMSFNCGoogleMapsRectangle) then
(AEventData.PolyElement as TTMSFNCGoogleMapsRectangle).Bounds.JSON :=
Loading KML Layers
Loading of KML layers is supported out of the box in Google Maps. Simply specify the URL of the KML layer and Google Maps will do the rest. Below is a sample and the output of adding a KML layer.
Event name | Description |
OnKMLLayerClick; | Event called when a KML layer is clicked. |
Clustering is a nice feature of Google Maps that comes with a separate library (MarkerClustererPlus). The library can be used to cluster markers together. To get started adding clusters, first add a set of markers.
procedure TForm1.AddClusters;
locations: array of TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec;
I: Integer;
locations := [
CreateCoordinate(-31.563910, 147.154312),
CreateCoordinate(-33.718234, 150.363181),
CreateCoordinate(-33.727111, 150.371124),
CreateCoordinate(-33.848588, 151.209834),
CreateCoordinate(-33.851702, 151.216968),
CreateCoordinate(-34.671264, 150.863657),
CreateCoordinate(-35.304724, 148.662905),
CreateCoordinate(-36.817685, 175.699196),
CreateCoordinate(-36.828611, 175.790222),
CreateCoordinate(-37.750000, 145.116667),
CreateCoordinate(-37.759859, 145.128708),
CreateCoordinate(-37.765015, 145.133858),
CreateCoordinate(-37.770104, 145.143299),
CreateCoordinate(-37.773700, 145.145187),
CreateCoordinate(-37.774785, 145.137978),
CreateCoordinate(-37.819616, 144.968119),
CreateCoordinate(-38.330766, 144.695692),
CreateCoordinate(-39.927193, 175.053218),
CreateCoordinate(-41.330162, 174.865694),
CreateCoordinate(-42.734358, 147.439506),
CreateCoordinate(-42.734358, 147.501315),
CreateCoordinate(-42.735258, 147.438000),
CreateCoordinate(-43.999792, 170.463352)];
for I := 0 to Length(locations) - 1 do
The second step is to add a cluster and bind the markers to a cluster. To add a cluster, use the Clusters.Add method. Additionally, we also use a ZoomToBounds to visualize the clusters on the map.
procedure TForm1.AddClusters;
locations: array of TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec;
I: Integer;
m: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsMarker;
locations := [
CreateCoordinate(-31.563910, 147.154312),
CreateCoordinate(-33.718234, 150.363181),
CreateCoordinate(-33.727111, 150.371124),
CreateCoordinate(-33.848588, 151.209834),
CreateCoordinate(-33.851702, 151.216968),
CreateCoordinate(-34.671264, 150.863657),
CreateCoordinate(-35.304724, 148.662905),
CreateCoordinate(-36.817685, 175.699196),
CreateCoordinate(-36.828611, 175.790222),
CreateCoordinate(-37.750000, 145.116667),
CreateCoordinate(-37.759859, 145.128708),
CreateCoordinate(-37.765015, 145.133858),
CreateCoordinate(-37.770104, 145.143299),
CreateCoordinate(-37.773700, 145.145187),
CreateCoordinate(-37.774785, 145.137978),
CreateCoordinate(-37.819616, 144.968119),
CreateCoordinate(-38.330766, 144.695692),
CreateCoordinate(-39.927193, 175.053218),
CreateCoordinate(-41.330162, 174.865694),
CreateCoordinate(-42.734358, 147.439506),
CreateCoordinate(-42.734358, 147.501315),
CreateCoordinate(-42.735258, 147.438000),
CreateCoordinate(-43.999792, 170.463352)];
for I := 0 to Length(locations) - 1 do
m :=
m.Cluster := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Clusters[0];
To optionally use a custom text instead of the number of markers on a cluster icon, the Text property can be used. Use %d to insert the marker count and the HTML character to avoid word wrapping. Example:
To optionally use custom images for clusters, the ImagePath property can be used. Make sure the provided path is pointing to a folder that contains 5 png image files with the following names: 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png and 5.png
TMSFNCMaps1.Clusters[0].ImagePath := 'file://' + StringReplace(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + '/ClusterImages/', '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]);;
Event name | Description |
OnClusterClick; | Event called when a cluster is clicked. |
OnClusterMouseEnter; | Event called when the mouse enters a cluster. |
OnClusterMouseLeave; | Event called when the mouse leaves a cluster. |
An overlayview is a layer that is placed on top of the map that contains HTML code. The overlayview can be displayed at a specific location or within specific bounds to make it adapt to the map’s zoom level. Additionally, when connected to a marker, the overlayview can function as a marker label. To connect an overlay to a marker, use the markers’ AddOverlayView and/or OverlayView property.
Property name | Description |
Bounds | Set the bounds NorthEast and SouthWest coordinates. Only used when Mode is set to omBounds. |
BorderColor | Set the border color of the overlayview. |
BackgroundColor | Set the backgroundcolor of the overlayview. |
Clickable | Set if the OnOverlayViewClick event is triggered when the overlayview is clicked. Note: If False, the OverlayView is displayed below the Markers. If True, on top of the Markers. |
Coordinate | Set the location at which the overlayview is displayed. Only used when Mode is set to omCoordinate and no marker is connected. |
CoordinatePosition | Set the position of the overlayview relative to the Coordinate. Available options are: TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight, CenterLeft, CenterCenter, CenterRight, Custom. Only used when Mode is set to omCoordinate. |
CoordinateOffsetTop | Set the top offset relative to the overlayview’s position. Only used when Mode is set to omCoordinate. |
CoordinateOffsetLeft | Set the left offset relative to the overlayview’s position. Only used when Mode is set to omCoordinate. |
Font | Set the font color, name, size and style. |
Height | Set the height of the overlayview. If set to -1 the height will autosize to the content. |
Mode | Sets if the overlayview is displayed within the specified bounds (Bounds property) or at a specific coordinate (Coordinate property). When a marker is connected this must be set to omCoordinate. |
Padding | Sets the padding between the overlayview’s border and content. |
Visible | Show or hide the overlayview. |
Width | Set the width of the overlayview. If set to -1 the width will autosize to the content. |
Event name | Description |
OnOverlayViewClick; | Event called when an overlayview is clicked. |
- Sample using OverlayView Bounds. The image remains within the specified bounds regardless of map zoom level.
ov: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsOverlayView;
ov := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddOverlayView;
ov.Text := '<img src=""
ov.Bounds.NorthEast.Latitude := 40.773941;
ov.Bounds.NorthEast.Longitude := -74.12544;
ov.Bounds.SouthWest.Latitude := 40.712216;
ov.Bounds.SouthWest.Longitude := -74.22655;
ov.Mode := omBounds;
ov.Padding := 0;
ov.BackgroundColor := gcNull;
ov.BorderColor := gcNull;
- Sample using an OverlayView connected to a Marker
m: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsMarker;
ov: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsOverlayView;
ov := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddOverlayView;
ov.Text := 'Marker Label';
m :=
ns.DefaultLatitude, TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLongitude));
m.AddOverlayView('Marker Label');
- Sample using an OverlayView to display complex HTML at a specific location
ov: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsOverlayView;
ov := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddOverlayView;
ov.Mode := omCoordinate;
ov.Coordinate.Latitude := 40.71;
ov.Coordinate.Longitude := -74.22;
ov.Width := 500;
ov.Text := '' +
'<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">Uluru</h1>'+
'<div id="bodyContent">'+
'<p><b>Uluru</b>, also referred to as <b>Ayers Rock</b>, is a large '
'sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the '+
'Northern Territory, central Australia. It lies 335 km
(208 mi) '+
'south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs; 450 km '+
'(280 mi) by road. Kata Tjuta and Uluru are the two major '+
'features of the Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park. Uluru is '+
'sacred to the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara, the '+
'Aboriginal people of the area. It has many springs, waterholes, '+
'rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World '+
'Heritage Site.</p>'+
'<img src="
5a8b94a427364afc89f054f71ceda86f.jpg" width="200"></img>' +
'<p>Attribution: Uluru, <a target="_blank"
'</a> '+
'(last visited June 22, 2009).</p>'+
Programmatically show or hide StreetView is possible in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps through the Options.StreetView.Enabled property. Extra properties Heading, Pitch and Zoom are also available.
Property name | Description |
OnStreetViewChange | Event called each time the StreetView position changes. |
The data is stored in the CustomData property of the TTMSFNCMapsEventData object as it contains more than only a coordinate. The CustomData contains the updated values for the Heading, Pitch and Zoom properties. The CustomData is always JSON.
procedure TForm1.mStreetViewChange(Sender: TObject;
AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData);
TTMSFNCUtils.Log('StreetView: ' + AEventData.CustomData);
Geodesic Polylines
The Polyline’s Geodesic boolean property can be used to display a polyline as a geodesic line.
Polyline Symbols
The Polyline’s Symbols property can be used to display symbols on a polyline. By default a single arrow symbol is displayed at the end of the polyline with the same color, opacity and strokewidth as the polyline. Additional properties are available to configure the symbols.
This example shows a red closed arrow repeated every 50 pixels on a blue polyline.
ar: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
p: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsPolyline;
ps: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsPolylineSymbol;
SetLength(ar, 3);
ar[0].Latitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLatitude - 0.1;
ar[0].Longitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLongitude - 0.1;
ar[1].Latitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLatitude + 0.1;
ar[1].Longitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLongitude + 0.1;
ar[2].Latitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLatitude - 0.1;
ar[2].Longitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLongitude + 0.1;
p := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddPolyline(ar);
p.StrokeColor := gcBlue;
ps := p.Symbols.Add;
ps.Path := spForwardClosedArrow;
ps.StrokeColor := gcRed;
ps.RepeatSymbol := 50;
This example shows how to use multiple symbols simultaneously including a symbol defined with a custom SVG path.
ar: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
p: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsPolyline;
ps: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsPolylineSymbol;
SetLength(ar, 3);
ar[0].Latitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLatitude - 0.1;
ar[0].Longitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLongitude - 0.1;
ar[1].Latitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLatitude + 0.1;
ar[1].Longitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLongitude + 0.1;
ar[2].Latitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLatitude - 0.1;
ar[2].Longitude := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.DefaultLongitude + 0.1;
p := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddPolyline(ar);
p.StrokeColor := gcBlue;
ps := p.Symbols.Add;
ps.Path := spCustom;
ps.CustomPath := 'M -2,-2 2,2 M 2,-2 -2,2';
ps.Scale := 3;
ps.Offset := 50;
ps.RepeatSymbol := 50;
ps.StrokeOpacity := 0.5;
ps := p.Symbols.Add;
ps.Path := spCircle;
ps.Offset := 0;
ps.RepeatSymbol := 100;
ps.RepeatSymbolUnits := unPercentage;
ps.Scale := 10;
ps.StrokeWidth := 2;
ps.StrokeColor := gcRed;
ps.FillColor := gcRed;
ps.FillOpacity := 1;
Map Style
When using TTMSFNCGoogleMaps, you are able to specify a style to change the visuals of the map. By default, the Options.MapStyle is empty. To specify a style, you need to assign JSON to the Options.MapStyle property. There is a predefined night style available that can be used. To create your own style, use the Map Style Creator at
Note: Options.MapStyle is disabled when a Map ID is assigned (currently only required for Map Rotation and Tilting). The Map style should be defined in the Google Maps Console. For information on map styles:
Traffic & Bicycling
Enabling traffic and bicycling layers is as simple as using the code below.
Map Rotation & Tilting
When using TTMSFNCGoogleMaps, it is possible to specify the rotation and tilting of the map.
Note: A MapID is required when using Rotation or Tilting.
Detailed information on creating a Google Map ID:
Detailed information on Google Map ID functionality:
Note: Options.MapStyle is disabled when a MapID is assigned. The Map style should be defined in the Google Maps Console. For information on map styles:
Programmatically change the rotation of the map in degrees. By default the value is set to 0 with North facing up on the map. For example, if MapRotation is set to 180, South will be facing up on the map.
Options.Tilt Programmatically change the tilting of the map.
TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.MapID := 'abc123';
TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.Heading := 180;
TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.Tilt := 5;
Integrated Directions
When using TTMSFNCGoogleMaps, it is possible to calculate step by step directions between two locations.
AddDirections Calculates and displays directions between “Origin” and “Destination” location specified with a string address or a latitude and longitude coordinate. Parameters:
Parameter name | Description |
AOrigin | Specifies the origin address location as a string |
ADestination | Specifies the destination address location as a string |
AOriginLatitude | Specifies the origin location latitude coordinate |
AOriginLongitude | Specifies the origin location longitude coordinate |
ADestinationLatitude | Specifies the destination location latitude coordinate |
ADestinationLongitude | Specifies the destination location longitude coordinate |
AShowMarkers | Indicates if markers are displayed at the origin and destination location |
AShowPolyline | Indicates if a polyline indicating the route between origin and destination is displayed |
AStrokeColor | Specifies the color of the polyline |
AStrokeWidht | Specifies the width of the polyline |
AStrokeOpacity | Specifies the opacity of the polyline |
ATravelMode | Specifies which travel mode to use when calculating directions. Available options are Driving, Walking, Bicycling and PublicTransport |
AvoidTolls | Indicates toll roads should be avoided when calculating directions |
AWayPoints | Add waypoints to the route calculation |
AOptimizeWayPoints | Indicates the waypoints order can be changed to optimize the route calculation (Azure, Google Maps, TomTom only) |
Collection containing a list of previous requested directions. Removing an item in the collection will automatically remove it from the map.
Event triggered when directions calculation was successful. A subset of the directions data is available in ADirectionsData. The full directions data is available in AEventData.CustomData as a JSON object.
Polygon Holes (or Complex Polygons)
To add a hole to a Polygon element: Use the AddHole method, which takes an array of coordinates as parameter, on an existing Polygon.
ArrPoly, ArrHole: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
Polygon: TTMSFNCGoogleMapsPolygon;
Setlength(ArrPoly, 3);
ArrPoly[0].Longitude := -80.19;
ArrPoly[0].Latitude := 25.774;
ArrPoly[1].Longitude := -66.118;
ArrPoly[1].Latitude := 18.466;
ArrPoly[2].Longitude := -64.757;
ArrPoly[2].Latitude := 32.321;
Setlength(arr2, 3);
ArrHole[0].Longitude := -66.668;
ArrHole[0].Latitude := 27.339;
ArrHole[1].Longitude := -67.514;
ArrHole[1].Latitude := 29.57;
ArrHole[2].Longitude := -70.579;
ArrHole[2].Latitude := 28.745;
Polygon := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddPolygon(ArrPoly);
Polygon.FillColor := gcBlue;
Polygon.StrokeWidth := 0;
TTMSFNCOpenLayers is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes extra functionality specific for the OpenLayers API.
When using TTMSFNCOpenLayers, you are able to specify a custom tileserver URL.
If no TileServer is specified, the OpenStreetMap tileserver is used by default.
Name | Description |
Options.TileServer | Specifies a custom tileserver URL used to display the map |
When using TTMSFNCOpenLayers, you are able to specify a list of tilelayers to display on top of the map layer.
Name | Description |
Options.TileLayers | A collection of tilelayers |
Options.ShowBaseLayer | Sets if the TileServer layer (or the default OpenstreetMap layer in case no TilServer is specified) is displayed |
TileLayer properties
Name | Description |
URL | Sets the URL of the layer |
Opacity | Sets the opacity of the layer |
Source | Sets the source type of the layer. Supported types are: tlsXYZ, tlsJSON and tlsWMS |
Params.Layers | Sets the associated layers. Used in combination with lsWMS |
Polyline & Polygon labels
When using TTMSFNCOpenLayers, you are able to specify a label text for polylines and polygons. The label text is displayed in the center of the polyline by default.
Name | Description |
Label.Text | Sets the text of the label |
Label.FontColor | Sets the font color of the label text |
Label.FontSize | Sets the font size of the label text |
Label.OffsetX | Sets the label’s X offset in pixels |
Label.OffsetY | Sets the label’s Y offset in pixels |
Clusters allow grouping of multiple markers into one or more clusters. To get started adding clusters, first add a set of markers. The second step is to add a cluster and bind the markers to a cluster. To add a cluster, use the Clusters.Add method. Additionally, we also use a ZoomToBounds to visualize the clusters on the map.
mo: TTMSFNCOpenLayersMarker;
I: Integer;
locations: array of TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec;
locations := [
CreateCoordinate(-31.563910, 147.154312),
CreateCoordinate(-33.718234, 150.363181),
CreateCoordinate(-33.727111, 150.371124),
CreateCoordinate(-33.848588, 151.209834),
CreateCoordinate(-33.851702, 151.216968),
CreateCoordinate(-34.671264, 150.863657),
CreateCoordinate(-35.304724, 148.662905),
CreateCoordinate(-36.817685, 175.699196),
CreateCoordinate(-36.828611, 175.790222),
CreateCoordinate(-37.750000, 145.116667),
CreateCoordinate(-37.759859, 145.128708),
CreateCoordinate(-37.765015, 145.133858),
CreateCoordinate(-37.770104, 145.143299),
CreateCoordinate(-37.773700, 145.145187),
CreateCoordinate(-37.774785, 145.137978),
CreateCoordinate(-37.819616, 144.968119),
CreateCoordinate(-38.330766, 144.695692),
CreateCoordinate(-39.927193, 175.053218),
CreateCoordinate(-41.330162, 174.865694),
CreateCoordinate(-42.734358, 147.439506),
CreateCoordinate(-42.734358, 147.501315),
CreateCoordinate(-42.735258, 147.438000),
CreateCoordinate(-43.999792, 170.463352)];
for I := 0 to Length(locations) - 1 do
mo := TTMSFNCOpenLayersMarker(TMSFNCOpenLayers1.AddMarker(locations[I]));
mo.Cluster := TMSFNCOpenLayers1.Clusters[0];
Library location
When using TTMSFNCOpenLayers, you are able to specify if the Leaflet JavaScript and CSS libraries are loaded from a remote or a local resource.
Name | Description |
LibraryLocation | Set to llOnline to use the default remote location or llOffline to automatically generate the required files locally |
Event name | Description |
OnClusterClick; | Event called when a cluster is clicked. |
OnMarkerDragEnd | Event called after a marker is dragged. |
OnPolyElementDragEnd | Event called after a polyelement is dragged. |
Polygon Holes (or Complex Polygons)
To add a hole to a Polygon element: Use the AddHole method, which takes an array of coordinates as parameter, on an existing Polygon.
ArrPoly, ArrHole: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
Polygon: TTMSFNCOpenLayersPolygon;
Setlength(ArrPoly, 3);
ArrPoly[0].Longitude := -80.19;
ArrPoly[0].Latitude := 25.774;
ArrPoly[1].Longitude := -66.118;
ArrPoly[1].Latitude := 18.466;
ArrPoly[2].Longitude := -64.757;
ArrPoly[2].Latitude := 32.321;
Setlength(arr2, 3);
ArrHole[0].Longitude := -66.668;
ArrHole[0].Latitude := 27.339;
ArrHole[1].Longitude := -67.514;
ArrHole[1].Latitude := 29.57;
ArrHole[2].Longitude := -70.579;
ArrHole[2].Latitude := 28.745;
Polygon := TMSFNCOpenLayers1.AddPolygon(ArrPoly);
Polygon.FillColor := gcBlue;
Polygon.StrokeWidth := 0;
TTMSFNCLeaflet is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes extra functionality specific for the Leaflet API.
When using TTMSFNCLeaflet, you are able to specify a custom tileserver URL.
If no TileServer is specified, the OpenStreetMap tileserver is used by default.
Name | Description |
Options.TileServer | Specifies a custom tileserver URL used to display the map |
When using TTMSFNCLeaflet, you are able to specify a list of tilelayers to display on top of the map layer.
Name | Description |
Options.TileLayers | A collection of tilelayers |
Options.ShowBaseLayer | Sets if the TileServer layer (or the default OpenstreetMap layer in case no TilServer is specified) is displayed |
TileLayer properties
Name | Description |
URL | Sets the URL of the layer |
Opacity | Sets the opacity of the layer |
Source | Sets the source type of the layer. Supported types are: lsXYZ and lsWMS |
Params.Layers | Sets the associated layers. Used in combination with lsWMS |
When using TTMSFNCLeaflet, you are able to specify the attribution text displayed on the map.
Name | Description |
Options.AttributionPrefix | Text displayed before the actual attribution (defaults to "Leaflet") |
Options.AttributionText | The actual attribution text (defaults to "OpenStreetMap") |
Options.ShowAttribution | Toggle the attribution control visibility |
Name | Description |
AddTileLayer | Add a new tilelayer. Takes URL and Opacity as parameters |
ClearTileLayers | Removes all tilelayers |
l: TTMSFNCLeafletTileLayer;
TMSFNCLeaflet1.Options.ShowBaseLayer := False;
TMSFNCLeaflet1.Options.AttributionText := 'Powered by Terrestris';
l := TMSFNCLeaflet1.AddTileLayer('');
l.Params.Layers := 'OSM-WMS';
l.Source := lsWMS;
l.Opacity := 1;
Polygon Holes (or Complex Polygons)
To add a hole to a Polygon element: Use the AddHole method, which takes an array of coordinates as parameter, on an existing Polygon.
ArrPoly, ArrHole: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
Polygon: TTMSFNCLeafletPolygon;
Setlength(ArrPoly, 3);
ArrPoly[0].Longitude := -80.19;
ArrPoly[0].Latitude := 25.774;
ArrPoly[1].Longitude := -66.118;
ArrPoly[1].Latitude := 18.466;
ArrPoly[2].Longitude := -64.757;
ArrPoly[2].Latitude := 32.321;
Setlength(arr2, 3);
ArrHole[0].Longitude := -66.668;
ArrHole[0].Latitude := 27.339;
ArrHole[1].Longitude := -67.514;
ArrHole[1].Latitude := 29.57;
ArrHole[2].Longitude := -70.579;
ArrHole[2].Latitude := 28.745;
Polygon := TMSFNCLeaflet1.AddPolygon(ArrPoly);
Polygon.FillColor := gcBlue;
Polygon.StrokeWidth := 0;
Library location
When using TTMSFNCLeaflet, you are able to specify if the Leaflet JavaScript and CSS libraries are loaded from a remote or a local resource.
Name | Description |
LibraryLocation | Set to llOnline to use the default remote location or llOffline to automatically generate the required files locally |
Event name | Description |
OnMarkerDragEnd | Event called after a marker is dragged. |
TTMSFNCMapKit is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes extra functionality specific for the MapKit JS API.
Map Rotation
When using TTMSFNCMapKit, it is possible to specify the rotation of the map.
Options.MapRotation Programmatically set the rotation of the map in degrees. By default the value is set to 0 with North facing up on the map. If, for example, MapRotation is set to 180, South will be facing up on the map.
OnMapRotationChanged Event triggered when the map’s rotation has changed. The new map rotation value is available in AEventData.CustomData.
Integrated Directions
When using TTMSFNCMapKit, it is possible to calculate step by step directions between two locations.
AddDirections Calculates and displays directions between “Origin” and “Destination” location specified with a string address or a latitude and longitude coordinate.
Parameter name | Description |
AOrigin | Specifies the origin address location as a string |
ADestination | Specifies the destination address location as a string |
AOriginLatitude | Specifies the origin location latitude coordinate |
AOriginLongitude | Specifies the origin location longitude coordinate |
ADestinationLatitude | Specifies the destination location latitude coordinate |
ADestinationLongitude | Specifies the destination location longitude coordinate |
AShowMarkers | Indicates if markers are displayed at the origin and destination location |
AShowPolyline | Indicates if a polyline indicating the route between origin and destination is displayed |
AStrokeColor | Specifies the color of the polyline |
AStrokeWidht | Specifies the width of the polyline |
AStrokeOpacity | Specifies the opacity of the polyline |
ATravelMode | Specifies which travel mode to use when calculating directions. Available options are Driving and Walking. |
Collection containing a list of previous requested directions. Removing an item in the collection will automatically remove it from the map.
Event triggered when directions calculation was successful. A subset of the directions data is available in ADirectionsData. The full directions data is available in AEventData CustomData as a JSON object.
Polygon Holes (or Complex Polygons)
To add a hole to a Polygon element: Use the AddHole method, which takes an array of coordinates as parameter, on an existing Polygon.
ArrPoly, ArrHole: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
Polygon: TTMSFNCMapKitPolygon;
Setlength(ArrPoly, 3);
ArrPoly[0].Longitude := -80.19;
ArrPoly[0].Latitude := 25.774;
ArrPoly[1].Longitude := -66.118;
ArrPoly[1].Latitude := 18.466;
ArrPoly[2].Longitude := -64.757;
ArrPoly[2].Latitude := 32.321;
Setlength(arr2, 3);
ArrHole[0].Longitude := -66.668;
ArrHole[0].Latitude := 27.339;
ArrHole[1].Longitude := -67.514;
ArrHole[1].Latitude := 29.57;
ArrHole[2].Longitude := -70.579;
ArrHole[2].Latitude := 28.745;
Polygon := TMSFNCMapKit1.AddPolygon(ArrPoly);
Polygon.FillColor := gcBlue;
Polygon.StrokeWidth := 0;
TTMSFNCMapBox is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes extra functionality specific for the MapBox API.
Map Style
When using TTMSFNCMapBox, you are able to specify a style to change the visuals of the map.
Programmatically set a specific map style.
Set a custom map style URL.
Set a custom API version used to render the map.
Set the time of day used to display the map style. This options is only available when MapStyle is set to 3D.
Programmatically tilt the map based on the Tilt value.
Programmatically rotate the map based on the Heading value.
TTMSFNCBingMaps is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes extra functionality specific for the Bing Maps API.
Polygon Holes (or Complex Polygons)
To add a hole to a Polygon element: Use the AddHole method, which takes an array of coordinates as parameter, on an existing Polygon.
ArrPoly, ArrHole: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
Polygon: TTMSFNCBingMapsPolygon;
Setlength(ArrPoly, 3);
ArrPoly[0].Longitude := -80.19;
ArrPoly[0].Latitude := 25.774;
ArrPoly[1].Longitude := -66.118;
ArrPoly[1].Latitude := 18.466;
ArrPoly[2].Longitude := -64.757;
ArrPoly[2].Latitude := 32.321;
Setlength(arr2, 3);
ArrHole[0].Longitude := -66.668;
ArrHole[0].Latitude := 27.339;
ArrHole[1].Longitude := -67.514;
ArrHole[1].Latitude := 29.57;
ArrHole[2].Longitude := -70.579;
ArrHole[2].Latitude := 28.745;
Polygon := TMSFNCBingMaps1.AddPolygon(ArrPoly);
Polygon.FillColor := gcBlue;
Polygon.StrokeWidth := 0;
TTMSFNCTomTom is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes extra functionality specific for the TomTom Maps API.
Map Style
When using TTMSFNCTomTom, you are able to specify a style to change the visuals of the map.
Programmatically set a specific map style.
TTMSFNCGeocoding is a component to perform geocoding of an address or reverse geocoding of a coordinate by using an existing REST API service.
Currently available services are:
- Here
- Azure
- Bing
- TomTom
- MapBox
- OpenStreetMap Nominatim
- OpenRouteService
- GeoApify
Authorization information
API Key (Except OpenStreetMap Nominatim)
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
GeocodingRequests | Holds a list of geocoding/reversegeocoding results |
Service | Indicates which service to use to retrieve geocoding/reversegeocoding information |
Method name | Description |
GetGeocoding(AAddress: string; ACallback: TTMSFNCGeocodingGetGeocodingCallBack = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil); | Retrieves a coordinate based on the provided AAddress |
GetReverseGeocoding(ACoordinates: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCGeocodingGetGeocodingCallBack = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil); | Retrieves an address based on the provided ACoordinates |
Event name | Description |
OnGetGeocoding | Triggered after calling GetGeocoding. Contains the results of the geocoding action. The ARequest.Status and ARequest.ErrorMessage values can be used to review the status and error message (if any) returned by the selected service. In case of multiple Geocoding calls, the ARequest.ID value can be used to determine which call the results are associated with. The data returned from the request can be found in the ARequest.Items collection. |
OnGetReverseGeocoding | Triggered after calling GetReverseGeocoding. Contains the results of the reversegeocoding action. The ARequest.Status and ARequest.ErrorMessage values can be used to review the status and error message (if any) returned by the selected service. In case of multiple GetReverseGeocoding calls, the ARequest.ID value can be used to determine which call the results are associated with. The data returned from the request can be found in the ARequest.Items collection. |
OnGetGeocodingResult | Triggered after calling GetGeocoding. Contains the results of the geocoding action. The data returned from the request can be found in the AResult.Items collection. |
OnGetReverseGeocodingResult | Triggered after calling GetReverseGeocoding. Contains the results of the reversegeocoding action. The data returned from the request can be found in the AResult.Items collection. |
Sample using OnGetGeocoding event
public TTMSFNCGeocoding1: TTMSFNCGeocoding; procedure TTMSFNCGeocoding1GetGeocoding(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCGeocodingRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TTMSFNCGeocoding1:= TTMSFNCGeocoding.Create(Self); TTMSFNCGeocoding1.OnGetGeocoding := TTMSFNCGeocoding1GetGeocoding; TTMSFNCGeocoding1.APIKey := 'abc123'; TTMSFNCGeocoding1.Service := gsGoogle; TTMSFNCGeocoding1.GetGeocoding('New York', nil, 'origin'); TTMSFNCGeocoding1.GetGeocoding('Philadelphia', nil, 'destination'); end; procedure TForm1.TTMSFNCGeocoding1GetGeocoding(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCGeocodingRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); var I: Integer; it: TTMSFNCGeocodingItem; FStartAddress, FEndAddress: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; begin for I := 0 to ARequest.Items.Count - 1 do begin it := ARequest.Items[I]; if ARequest.ID = 'origin' then begin FStartAddress := it.Coordinate.ToRec; TMSFNCMaps1.SetCenterCoordinate(FStartAddress); TMSFNCMaps1.AddMarker(FStartAddress); end; if ARequest.ID = 'destination' then begin FEndAddress := it.Coordinate.ToRec; TMSFNCMaps1.AddMarker(FEndAddress); end; end; end;
Sample using GetGeocoding with callback
public TTMSFNCGeocoding1: TTMSFNCGeocoding; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var FStartAddress, FEndAddress: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; begin TTMSFNCGeocoding1 := TTMSFNCGeocoding.Create(Self); TTMSFNCGeocoding1.APIKey := 'abc123'; TTMSFNCGeocoding1.Service := gsGoogle; TTMSFNCGeocoding1.GetGeocoding('New York', procedure(const ARequest: TTMSFNCGeocodingRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult) begin FStartAddress := ARequest.Items[0].Coordinate.ToRec; end ); TTMSFNCGeocoding1.GetGeocoding('Philadelphia', procedure(const ARequest: TTMSFNCGeocodingRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult) begin FEndAddress := ARequest.Items[0].Coordinate.ToRec; end ); end;
Sample using GetReverseGeocoding with OnGetReverseGeocodingResult event
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1MapClick(Sender: TObject; AEventData: TTMSFNCMapsEventData); begin TMSFNCGeocoding1.GetReverseGeocoding(AEventData.Coordinate.ToRec); end; procedure TForm1.TMSFNCGeocoding1GetReverseGeocodingResult(Sender: TObject; const AResult: TTMSFNCGeocodingRequest); begin if AResult.Items.Count > 0 then begin TTMSFNCUtils.Log(AResult.Items[0].Street); TTMSFNCUtils.Log(AResult.Items[0].City); TTMSFNCUtils.Log(AResult.Items[0].PostalCode); TTMSFNCUtils.Log(AResult.Items[0].Region); TTMSFNCUtils.Log(AResult.Items[0].Country); end; end;
TTMSFNCHere is a descendant of TTMSFNCMaps and exposes extra functionality specific for the Here Maps API.
Polygon Holes (or Complex Polygons)
To add a hole to a Polygon element: Use the AddHole method, which takes an array of coordinates as parameter, on an existing Polygon.
ArrPoly, ArrHole: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
Polygon: TTMSFNCHerePolygon;
Setlength(ArrPoly, 3);
ArrPoly[0].Longitude := -80.19;
ArrPoly[0].Latitude := 25.774;
ArrPoly[1].Longitude := -66.118;
ArrPoly[1].Latitude := 18.466;
ArrPoly[2].Longitude := -64.757;
ArrPoly[2].Latitude := 32.321;
Setlength(arr2, 3);
ArrHole[0].Longitude := -66.668;
ArrHole[0].Latitude := 27.339;
ArrHole[1].Longitude := -67.514;
ArrHole[1].Latitude := 29.57;
ArrHole[2].Longitude := -70.579;
ArrHole[2].Latitude := 28.745;
Polygon := TMSFNCHere1.AddPolygon(ArrPoly);
Polygon.FillColor := gcBlue;
Polygon.StrokeWidth := 0;
Map Style
When using TTMSFNCHere, you are able to specify a style to change the visuals of the map.
Programmatically set a specific map style.
Programmatically tilt the map based on the Tilt value.
Programmatically rotate the map based on the Heading value.
TTMSFNCDirections is a component for retrieving directions, route information and step by step instructions for origin and destination coordinates by using an existing REST API service. The component can be used in combination with TTMSFNCGeocoding to retrieve directions between an origin and destination address.
Currently available services are: - Google - Here - Azure - Bing - TomTom - MapBox - OpenRouteService - GeoApify
Note: Google Directions and GeoApify are not supported in TMS WEB Core applications due to technical limitations of the service.
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
DirectionsRequests | Holds a list of directions results |
Service | Indicates which service to use to retrieve directions |
Retrieves directions based on the provided AOrigin and ADestination coordinates.
- GetDirections(AOrigin, ADestination: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCDirectionsGetDirectionsCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil; AAlternatives: Boolean = False; ATravelMode: TTMSFNCDirectionsTravelMode = tmDriving; AWayPoints: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray = nil; AOptimizeWayPoints: Boolean = False; ALocale: string = ''; AMode: TTMSFNCMapsLocaleMode = mlmDefault; AAvoidTolls: Boolean = False);
Optional parameters:
- AAlternatives: indicates if alternative routes are included in the results.
Note: OpenRouteService only supports alternative routes if the route distance is lower than 100 km.
ATravelMode: indicates which travel mode to use for the directions.
Available modes: -
- tmWalking
- tmBicycling (only available for Azure, Google, Here, MapBox, TomTom, OpenRouteService)
- tmPublicTransport (only available for Bing, Google, Here)
- tmTruck (only available for Azure, Here, TomTom, OpenRouteService)
If a TravelMode is selected that is unavailable for the currently active service, the option will revert to the default mode (tmDriving). The TravelMode that was used is returned in the OnGetDirections event.
AWayPoints: optionally provide a list of waypoints
AOptimizeWayPoints: indicates if waypoints are included in the original or optimized order (only available for Google, Azure, TomTom)
ALocale: indicates the locale of the step by step instructions
AAvoidTolls: avoids using toll roads/bridges in directions (only available for Azure, Bing, Google, Here, MapBox)
Note: There is an extra method overload available that accepts string values instead of coordinates for the AOrigin, ADestination and AWayPoints parameters. (only available for Google)
Export an exsiting route to GPX data stream, file or text. Optionally provide extra metadata and driving instructions.
- SaveToGPXStream(ACoordinates: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray; AStream: TStream; AMetaData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXMetaData; AInstructions: TTMSFNCDirectionsSteps = nil);
- SaveToGPXFile(ACoordinates: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray; AFileName: string; AMetaData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXMetaData; AInstructions: TTMSFNCDirectionsSteps = nil);
- SaveToGPXText(ACoordinates: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray; AMetaData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXMetaData; AInstructions: TTMSFNCDirectionsSteps = nil);
- Sample using SaveToGPXText
//First Request the directions for a given start and end location
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
TMSFNCDirections1.GetDirections('New York', 'New Jersey');
//Use the OnGetDirections event to save the coordinates and driving instructions to gpx format
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCDirections1GetDirections(Sender: TObject;
const ARequest: TTMSFNCDirectionsRequest;
const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
arr: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
arr := ARequest.Items[0].Coordinates.ToArray;
Memo1.Text := TMSFNCDirections1.SaveToGPXText(arr, ARequest.Items[0].Steps);
Event name | Description |
OnGetDirections | Triggered after calling GetDirections. Contains the results of the directions request. |
The ARequest.Status and ARequest.ErrorMessage values can be used to review the status and error message (if any) returned by the selected service. In case of multiple GetDirections calls, the ARequest.ID value can be used to determine which call the results are associated with. The TravelMode that was used to determine the directions is returned in the ARequestResult.TravelMode value.
- Sample using OnGetDirections event
TTMSFNCDirections1: TTMSFNCDirections;
procedure TMSFNCDirections1GetDirections(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCDirectionsRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FStartAddress, FEndAddress: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec;
TTMSFNCDirections1:= TTMSFNCDirections.Create(Self);
TTMSFNCDirections1.OnGetDirections := TMSFNCDirections1GetDirections;
TTMSFNCDirections1.APIKey := 'abc123';
TTMSFNCDirections1.Service := dsGoogle;
TTMSFNCDirections1.GetDirections(FStartAddress, FEndAddress, nil, 'myroute', nil, False, tmDriving, nil, False, 'en-EN', mlmCountry);
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCDirections1GetDirections(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCDirectionsRequest;
const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
its: TTMSFNCDirectionsItems;
it: TTMSFNCDirectionsItem;
I: Integer;
its := ARequest.Items;
for I := 0 to its.Count - 1 do
it := its[I];
if ARequest.ID = 'myroute' then
if it.Coordinates.Count > 0 then
TMSFNCMaps1.AddPolyline(it.Coordinates.ToArray).StrokeColor := gcRed;
TTMSFNCHereDirections is a descendant of TTMSFNCDirections and exposes a set of properties to add functionality specific for the Here Routing API. Each topic below goes deeper into the already existing functionality in TTMSFNCDirections and adds more functionality on top.
Truck Options
TTMSFNCHereDirections adds extra routing options specifically aimed at Truck routing. (with TravelMode parameter set to tmTruck) These properties are found under Options.
Property name | Description |
RoutingMode | Sets if the fastest or shortest route is retrieved |
AvoidTunnels | Sets if the route should avoid tunnels |
AvoidDirtRoads | Sets if the route should avoid dirt roads |
Truck.GrossWeight | Sets if the route should take into account the weight of the vehicle |
Truck.Height | Sets if the route should take into account the height of the vehicle |
Truck.Width | Sets if the route should take into account the width of the vehicle |
Truck.SpeedCap | Sets if the route should take into account a maximum speed (in km/h) |
Truck.TunnelCategory | Sets if the route should avoid tunnels of the specified type |
Truck.DifficultTurns | Sets if the route should avoid difficult turns (including u-turns) |
Truck.HazardousMaterials | Sets if the route should take into account the vehicle is transporting hazardous materials |
TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes is a descendant of TTMSFNCDirections and exposes a set of properties to add functionality specific for the Google Routes API. Each topic below goes deeper into the already existing functionality in TTMSFNCDirections and adds more functionality on top.
TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes adds extra routing options specifically aimed at traffic aware routing. These properties are found under Options.
Property name | Description |
RoutingMode | Sets if the route is calculated by including traffic data. TravelMode must be set to tmDriving. Possible values are: rmTrafficUnwaware, rmTrafficAware, rmTrafficAwareOptimal |
Departure | Sets if the route is calculated by including a departure time. RoutingMode must be set to rmTrafficAware or rmTrafficAwareOptimal. Possible values are: rdIgnore, rdDateTime, rdNow |
DepartureTime | Sets the departure time to use when calculating the route. Departure property must be set to rdDateTime. The value must be in the future. |
HTMLFormattedInstructions | Sets if the directions instructions text should included HTML tags |
IncludeFuelEfficientRoute | Sets if the route directions should indicate which route is most fuel efficient. RoutingMode must be set to rmTrafficAwareOptimal. |
TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes adds extra information in the data returned with the calculated route. Just like in the TTMSFNCDirections component, the data can be accessed from the collection property DirectionsRequests and from the OnGetDirections and OnGetDirectionsResult events. Note that the TTMSFNCDirectionsRequest parameter of the events should first be cast to TTMSFNCGoogleRoutesRequest to enable access to the TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes-specific properties.
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCGoogleRoutes1GetDirections(Sender: TObject;
const ARequest: TTMSFNCDirectionsRequest;
const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
it: TTMSFNCGoogleRoutesItem;
I: Integer;
J: Integer;
rs: string;
g: TTMSFNCGoogleRoutesRequest;
g := (ARequest as TTMSFNCGoogleRoutesRequest);
if g.Items.Count > 0 then
for I := 0 to g.Items.Count - 1 do
it := g.Items[I];
rs := it.Summary;
for J := 0 to it.RouteLabels.Count - 1 do
if it.RouteLabels[J] = 'FUEL_EFFICIENT' then
rs := rs + ' (FE)';
lbRoutes.ItemIndex := 0;
Property name | Description |
RouteLabels | List of labels associated with the route. Possible values are: "DEFAULT_ROUTE", "DEFAULT_ROUTE_ALTERNATE", "FUEL_EFFICIENT". Fuel efficient route label only included when IncludeFuelEfficientRoute is set to True. |
TravelAdvisory | Contains SpeedReadingIntervals and FuelConsumptionMicroliters. RoutingMode must be set to rmTrafficAware or rmTrafficAwareOptimal. |
Property name | Description |
SpeedReadingIntervals | List of polyline indexes with traffic speed. These indicate the exact locations along the route that have slow traffic or traffic jams. Possible speed values are: "NORMAL", "SLOW", "TRAFFIC_JAM" |
FuelConsumptionMicroliters | Estimated fuel consumption in microliters |
TTMSFNCLocation is a component for retrieving the current geographical location by using an existing REST API service.
Currently available services are: - Google - IPStack
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
LocationRequests | Holds a list of location results |
Service | Indicates which service to use to retrieve the location |
Connection | Indicates if an HTTP or HTTPS connection should be used when the Service is set to IPStack. |
Note: The free tier for the IPStack service only supports HTTP.
Method name | Description |
GetLocation(ACallback: TTMSFNCLocationGetLocationCallBack = nil; AID: string = ''); | Retrieves the current geographical location. |
Event name | Description |
OnGetLocation | Triggered after calling GetLocation. Contains the results of the location request. In case of multiple GetLocation calls, the ARequest.ID value can be used to determine which call the results are associated with. |
- Sample using OnGetLocation event
TTMSFNCLocation1: TTMSFNCLocation;
procedure TTMSFNCLocation1GetLocation(Sender: TObject; const ARequest:
TTMSFNCLocationRequest; const ARequestResult:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
TTMSFNCLocation1 := TTMSFNCLocation.Create(Self);
TTMSFNCLocation1.OnGetLocation := TTMSFNCLocation1GetLocation;
TTMSFNCLocation1.APIKey := 'abc123';
TTMSFNCLocation1.Service := lsGoogle;
procedure TForm1.TTMSFNCLocation1GetLocation(Sender: TObject;
const ARequest: TTMSFNCLocationRequest;
const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
TTMSFNCElevation is a component for retrieving the elevation for a specified geographical location by using an existing REST API service.
Currently available services are: - Google - MapQuest - AirMap (no API Key required)
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
ElevationData | Holds a list of elevation results. The data remains available between GetElevation calls until ClearElevationData is called. |
Service | Indicates which service to use to retrieve the elevation |
Method name | Description |
GetElevation(ACoordinate: TTMSNFCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCLocationGetLocationCallBack = nil); | Retrieves the elevation for a geographical location. |
GetElevation(ACoordinates: TTMSNFCMapsCoordinateRecArray; ACallback: TTMSFNCLocationGetLocationCallBack = nil); | Retrieves the elevation for a list of geographical locations. |
FindElevation(var ACoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec): Boolean; | Returns true if the provided Coordinate is found in the ElevationData list, false otherwise. If true, the elevation data is added to the TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec. |
ClearElevationData; | Removes all data from ElevationData. |
Event name | Description |
OnGetElevation | Triggered after calling GetElevation. The returned data is contained in ElevationData together with the data from any previous requests. Data from the current request is also available in ARequest.Items. The response includes the elevation for each point, in meters. Only when using the Google elevation service: the resolution value (the maximum distance between data points from which the elevation was interpolated, in meters) is included as well. |
Sample - Sample using OnGetElevation event
co: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec;
TMSFNCElevation1: TTMSFNCElevation;
procedure TTMSFNCElevation1GetElevation(Sender: TObject; const
ARequest: TTMSFNCElevationRequest; const ARequestResult:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
co.Latitude := 50.89096;
co.Longitude := 3.05186;
TMSFNCElevation1 := TTMSFNCElevation.Create(Self);
TMSFNCElevation1.OnGetElevation := TTMSFNCElevation1GetElevation;
TMSFNCElevation1.APIKey := 'abc123';
TMSFNCElevation1.Service := esGoogle;
procedure TForm1.TTMSFNCElevation1GetElevation(Sender: TObject;
const ARequest: TTMSFNCElevationRequest;
const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
if TMSFNCElevation1.FindElevation(co) then
TTMSFNCUtils.Log('found elevation: ' + FloatToStr(co.Elevation))
TTMSFNCUtils.Log('no elevation found: ' + ARequest.Status)
TTMSFNCTollCost is a component for retrieving route toll cost information for origin and destination coordinates by using an existing REST API service. The component can be used in combination with TTMSFNCGeocoding to retrieve toll cost between an origin and destination address.
Currently available services are:
- Here
Authorization information
Here: API Key
Property name | Description |
Options | Set options to configure toll cost calculation |
Service | Indicates which service to use to retrieve toll cost information |
The TravelInfo settings are only used when:
- Service is set to tcsHere
- ATravelMode parameter of the GetTollCost method is set to ttCustom
Otherwise these settings are ignored and preset values for each TravelMode are used.
Property name | Description |
VehicleAxles | Set number of axles the vehicle has |
VehicleWeight | Set weight of the vehicle |
VehicleHeight | Set height of the vehicle |
VehicleEmissionType | Set emission type of the vehicle. Values: etUnknown, etEuro1, etEuro2, etEuro3, etEuro4, etEuro5, etEuro6, etEuroEev |
VehicleCO2Class | Set CO2 class of the vehicle. Only used when VehicleEmissionType is different from etUnknown. Values: co2Unknown, co2Class1, co2Class2, co2Class3, co2Class4, co2Class5 |
Method name | Description |
GetTollCost(AOrigin, ADestination: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCDirectionsGetDirectionsCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil; ATravelMode: TTMSFNCTollCostTravelMode = ttCar; AWayPoints: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray = nil; ACurrency: TTMSFNCTollCostCurrency = tcEUR; ALocale: string = ''; AMode: TTMSFNCMapsLocaleMode = mlmDefault); | Retrieves toll cost information based on the provided AOrigin and ADestination coordinates. |
Optional parameters:
Parameter name | Description |
ATravelMode | Indicates which travel mode to use for the toll cost calculation. Values: trCar, trDeliveryVan, trLightTruck, trHeavyTruck, ttCustom. Set to custom to use the Options.TravelInfo values. |
AWayPoints | Sets an array of waypoint coordinates |
ACurrency | Sets the currency used for the toll cost. Values: tcCAD, tcEUR, tcBRL, tcGBP, tcUSD |
ALocale | Indicates the locale of the step by step instructions |
Event name | Description |
OnGetTollCost | Triggered after calling GetTollCost. Contains the results of the toll cost request. The ARequest.Status and ARequest.ErrorMessage values can be used to review the status and error message (if any) returned by the selected service. In case of multiple GetTollCost calls, the ARequest.ID value can be used to determine which call the results are associated with. |
- Options.TravelInfo settings are only used if ATravelMode parameter is set to ttCustom when calling GetTollCost
- Prices returned by Here include VAT
- Steps[].Distance is the actual step distance in meters for Here
- Steps[].Duration is the actual step duration in seconds for Here
- Sample using OnGetTollCost event
public TMSFNCTollCost1: TTMSFNCTollCost; procedure TMSFNCTollCost1GetTollCost(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCTollCostRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var FStartAddress, FEndAddress: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; begin TMSFNCTollCost1 := TTMSFNCDirections.Create(Self); TMSFNCTollCost1.OnGetTollCost := TMSFNCDirections1GetTollCost; TMSFNCTollCost1.APIKey := 'abc123'; TMSFNCTollCost1.GetTollCost(FStartAddress, FEndAddress, nil, 'myroute', nil, ttCar, nil, tcEUR, 'en-EN'); end; procedure TForm1.TMSFNCTollCost1GetTollCost(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCDirectionsRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); var its: TTMSFNCTollCostItems; it: TTMSFNCTollCostItem; I: Integer; begin TMSFNCMaps1.BeginUpdate; its := ARequest.Items; for I := 0 to its.Count - 1 do begin it := its[I]; if ARequest.ID = 'myroute' then begin lbTotalCost.Text := FloatToStr(it.TotalCost); if it.Coordinates.Count > 0 then TMSFNCMaps1.AddPolyline(it.Coordinates.ToArray); end; end; TMSFNCMaps1.EndUpdate; end;
TTMSFNCStaticMap is a component for retrieving an URL to a static map image for a specified geographical location by using an existing API service.
Note: The TTMSFNCMapsImage component can be used to display the static map image URL and/or to save the image to a local file.
Currently available services are:
- Azure
- Bing
- Here
- MapBox
- TomTom
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
Service | Indicates which service to use to retrieve the static map image URL |
GetStaticMap(ACoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; AWidth: Single = 640;
AHeight: Single = 480; AZoom: Single = 10; AShowMarker: Boolean = True;
AMapType: TTMSFNCStaticMapType = mtDefault): string;
GetStaticMap(AAddress: string; AWidth: Single = 640; AHeight: Single = 480;
AZoom: Single = 10; AShowMarker: Boolean = True; AMapType:
TTMSFNCStaticMapType = mtDefault): string;
Returns a static map image URL based on the provided parameter values. Notes:
- AAddress is only available for Google
- ACoordinate and AAdress are mutually exclusive parameters
- The TTMSFNCGeocoding component can be used to convert a given address to a coordinate
Parameter name | Description |
ACoordinate | Indicates the center coordinate of the map |
AAddress | Indicates the center address of the map |
AWidth | Indicates the Width of the image |
AHeight | Indicates the Height of the image |
AZoom | Indicates the zoom level of the map |
AShowMarker | Indicates if a marker is displayed at the center coordinate (Not available for TomTom) |
AMapType | Indicates the map Type. Available map types: Default, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain, Light and Dark. (Not all map types are available for all map services) |
The minimum and maximum map image size in pixels as indicated by the respective services:
Service | Min Height | Max Height | Min Width | Max Width |
Azure | / | 8192 | / | 8192 |
Bing | 80 | 2000 | 80 | 1500 |
/ | 640 | / | 640 | |
Here | 64 | 2048 | 64 | 2048 |
MapBox | 1 | 1280 | 1 | 1280 |
TomTom | 1 | 8192 | 1 | 8192 |
- Sample using a combination of TTMSFNCStaticMap, TTMSFNCMapsImage and TTMSFNCGeocoding
procedure TForm1.GetCenterCoordinate; begin TMSFNCGeocoding1.GeocodingRequests.Clear; TMSFNCGeocoding1.GetGeocoding('New York'); end; procedure TForm1.TMSFNCGeocoding1GetGeocoding(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCGeocodingRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); begin if TMSFNCGeocoding1.GeocodingRequests.Count > 0 then begin TMSFNCMapsImage1.URL := TMSFNCStaticMap1.GetStaticMap(TMSFNCGeocoding1.GeocodingRequests[0].Items[0 ].Coordinate.ToRec, TMSFNCMapsImage1.Width, TMSFNCMapsImage1.Height); end; end;
TTMSFNCMapsImage is an Image component that can automatically retrieve an image from an URL and display it on the form. It supports BMP, PNG, GIF, ICO, JPEG formats.
Property name | Description |
URL | Sets the URL where to retrieve the image from |
- Save the remote image referenced by the URL property value to a local image file
TTMSFNCPlaces is a component for retrieving autocomplete suggestions for a search query by using an existing REST API service. An optional location can be included to bias results based on a geographic coordinate.
Currently available services are: - Google - Here - Azure - Bing - GeoApify - TomTom
Note: Google Places is not supported in TMS WEB Core applications due to technical limitations of the service.
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
PlacesRequests | Holds a list of search results |
Service | Indicates which service to use |
Not all properties are returned by all available services. Some properties are only returned by methods from TTMSFNCGooglePlaces.
Method name | Description |
GetAutoComplete | Retrieves autocomplete suggestions based on the ASearch string query. |
ASearch | String keyword |
ALocation | Optional geographic coordinate. Search results will be biased on this location. |
ALocale | Indicates the locale of the search results |
Event name | Description |
OnGetAutoComplete | Triggered after calling GetAutoComplete. Contains the results of the autocomplete request in ARequest.Items. The ARequest.Status and ARequest.ErrorMessage values can be used to review the status and error message (if any) returned by the selected service. In case of multiple GetAutoComplete calls, the ARequest.ID value can be used to determine which call the results are associated with. |
- Sample using OnGetAutoComplete event
public TTMSFNCPlaces1: TTMSFNCPlaces; procedure TMSFNCPlaces1GetAutoComplete(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCPlacesRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TTMSFNCPlaces1:= TTMSFNCPlaces.Create(Self); TTMSFNCPlaces1.OnGetAutoComplete := TMSFNCPlaces1GetAutoComplete; TTMSFNCPlaces1.APIKey := 'abc123'; TTMSFNCPlaces1.Service := dsGoogle; TTMSFNCPlaces1.GetAutoComplete('New York'); end; procedure TForm1.TMSFNCPlaces1GetAutoComplete(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCPlacesRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to ARequest.Items.Count - 1 do begin ListBox1.Items.Add(ARequest.Items[I].Address); end; end;
TTMSFNCGooglePlaces is an extended version of TTMSFNCPlaces that adds specific functionality for Google Places only.
Note: Google Places is not supported in TMS WEB Core applications due to technical limitations of the service.
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
PlacesRequests | Holds a list of search results |
Note: Not all properties are returned by all methods.
Method name | Description |
GetAutoComplete | Retrieves places suggestions based on a partial search query. |
ASearch: | string keyword |
ALocation | optional geographic coordinate. Search results will be biased on this location. |
ALocale | indicates the locale of the search results |
Method name | Description |
SearchByText | Search for places based on a string query and a location |
ASearch | String keyword |
ALocation | Geographic coordinate |
Method name | Description |
SearchNearby | Search for places near to a specified location |
ALocation | Geographic coordinate |
Method name | Description |
SearchNearbyNextPage | Get the more results from a previous SearchNearby call. |
The SearchNearby call returns a limited amount of results. The SearchNearbyNextPage can be used to retrieve more results, if any, based on the last SearchNearby call.
Method name | Description |
GetPlaceDetail | Get detailed data, including images where available, for a specified place or place id. |
APlace | A TTMSFNCPlacesItem to get details for |
APlaceID | A place id to get details for |
(Both parameters are mutually exclusive)
Property name | Description |
OnGetAutoComplete | Triggered after calling GetAutoComplete. |
OnSearchByText | Triggered after calling SearchByText. |
OnSearchNearby | Triggered after calling SearchNearby or SearchNearbyNextPage. |
OnGetPlaceDetail | Triggered after calling GetPlaceDetail. |
Note: Contains the results of the request in ARequest.Items. The ARequest.Status and ARequest.ErrorMessage values can be used to review the status and error message (if any) returned by the selected service. In case the method is executed multiple times, the ARequest.ID value can be used to determine which call the results are associated with.
TTMSFNCTimeZone is a component for retrieving time zone information for a specified geographical location by using an existing API service.
Currently available services are:
- Azure
- Bing
- Here
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
Service | Indicates which service to use |
TimeZoneRequests | A collection containing the results of the GetTimeZone calls. |
TimeZone | The ID or name of the time zone |
Method name | Description |
GetTimeZone(ACoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ADateTime: TDateTime = 0; ALocale: string = ''; AMode: TTMSFNCMapsLocaleMode = mlmDefault; ACallback: TTMSFNCTimeZoneGetTimeZoneCallBack = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil); | Initiates a TimeZone request with the selected service based on the provided geographical location. The OnGetTimeZone event is triggered after the request has finished and the result data is contained in the TimeZoneRequests collection. |
Notes: - ACoordinate and AAdress are mutually exclusive parameters - AAddress is only available for Here and Bing services - The TTMSFNCGeocoding component can be used to convert a given address to a coordinate
Method name | Description |
ACoordinate | Indicates the geographical location to request the time zone for |
AAddress | Indicates the address to request the time zone for |
ADateTime | Indicates a specific date and time to calculate the time zone for. If no value is specified the current date and time are used (Google and Bing only) |
ALocale | Indicates the locale used for the time zone information (Google only) |
- Sample using a combination of TTMSFNCTimeZone and TTMSFNCGeocoding
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin TMSFNCGeocoding1.GetGeocoding('New York'); end; procedure TForm1.TMSFNCGeocoding1GetGeocoding(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCGeocodingRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); begin if ARequest.Items.Count > 0 then TMSFNCTimeZone1.GetTimeZone(ARequest.Items[0].Coordinate.toRec); end; procedure TForm1.TMSFNCTimeZone1GetTimeZone(Sender: TObject; const ARequest: TTMSFNCTimeZoneRequest; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult); begin if ARequest.Items.Count > 0 then TTMSFNCUtils.Log('TimeZone: ' + ARequest.Items[0].TimeZone); end;
TTMSFNCRouteCalculator is a component for constructing and editing custom routes by using an existing geocoding & directions API service.
Currently available services are:
- Azure
- Bing
- Here
- MapBox
- OpenRouteService
- GeoApify
Note: Google Directions is not supported in TMS WEB Core applications due to technical limitations of the service.
The TTMSFNCRouteCalculator can be connected to a TTMSFNCMaps to automatically construct, display and edit routes by interacting with the map.
Note Supported mapping services usable in combination with TTMSFNCRouteCalculator are:
- Here
- OpenLayers
- MapBox
- TomTom
Authorization information
Property name | Description |
APIKey | Sets the API Key for the service |
Service | Indicates which service to use |
Active | Indicates that the TTMSFNCRouteCalculator can be used by interacting with the connected TTMSFNCMaps |
Options | |
Routes | A collection of currently available routes |
HistoryManager | Manages the history of the current route. Use HistoryManager.Undo to reverse the last change and HistoryManager.Redo to restore the last change that was reversed by Undo. |
Note Methods that rely on HTTP requests to a REST API service are executed asynchronously. When the request is finished, an event (see below) is triggered. Alternatively you can use an anonymous method in combination with the ACallback parameter.
CalculateRoute: Provide the start and end addres or start and end coordinate to create a new route.
CalculateRoute(AStartAddress, AEndAddress: string; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
CalculateRoute(AStartCoordinate, AEndCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AWayPoints: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
AddRouteSegment: Add an extra segment to an existing route by providing a new end address or end coordinate.
AddRouteSegment(ARoute: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute; AEndAddress: string; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
AddRouteSegment(ARoute: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute; AEndCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
AddWayPointsToSegment: Add one or more new waypoints to an existing segment of a route.
- AddWayPointsToSegment(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; AWayPoints: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
UpdateRouteSegment Update the specified segment of an existing route by providing a new start and end address or start and end coordinate.
UpdateRouteSegment(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; AStartAddress, AEndAddress: string; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
UpdateRouteSegment(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; AStartCoordinate, AEndCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
UpdateRouteSegmentStartAddress/Coordinate Update the specified segment of an existing route by providing a new start address or start coordinate.
UpdateRouteSegmentStartAddress(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; AStartAddress: string; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
UpdateRouteSegmentStartCoordinate(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; AStartCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
UpdateRouteSegmentEndAddress/Coordinate Update the specified segment of an existing route by providing a new end address or end coordinate.
UpdateRouteSegmentEndAddress(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; AEndAddress: string; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
UpdateRouteSegmentEndCoordinate(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; AEndCoordinate: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
DeleteRoute Delete an existing route.
- DeleteRoute(ARoute: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute);
DeleteRouteSegment Delete the specified segment from an existing route.
- DeleteRouteSegment(ASegment: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorSegment; ACallback: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorCalculateRouteCallback = nil);
GetGeocoding / GetReverseGeocoding Convert the provided address to a coordinate or vice versa.
GetGeocoding(AAddress: string; ACallback: TTMSFNCGeocodingGetGeocodingCallBack = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil); virtual;
GetReverseGeocoding(ACoordinates: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCGeocodingGetGeocodingCallBack = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
GetDirections Get directions data for the provided origin and destination coordinates.
- GetDirections(AOrigin, ADestination: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec; ACallback: TTMSFNCDirectionsGetDirectionsCallBack = nil; AWayPoints: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray = nil; AID: string = ''; ADataPointer: Pointer = nil);
GetCurrentLocation Get the current physical location of the device. With AMode set to lmDevice, use a TLocationSensor to determine the location. With AMode set to lmService, use the Google REST API service to determine the location. Note: lmService is currently limited to the Google service only.
- GetCurrentLocation(AMode: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorLocationMode = lmDevice);
LoadGPXFromStream/File/Text: Import a route from an existing GPX data stream, file or text.
LoadGPXFromStream(const AStream: TStream; ADoGeocoding: Boolean = False): TTMSFNCMapsGPXRec;
LoadGPXFromFile(AFileName: string; ADoGeocoding: Boolean = False): TTMSFNCMapsGPXRec;
LoadGPXFromText(AText: string; ADoGeocoding: Boolean = False): TTMSFNCMapsGPXRec;
SaveToGPXStream/File/Text Export an exsiting route to GPX data stream, file or text. Optionally provide extra metadata.
- SaveToGPXStream(ARoute: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute; AStream: TStream; AMetaData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXMetaData);
- SaveToGPXFile(ARoute: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute; AFileName: string; AMetaData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXMetaData);
- SaveToGPXText(ARoute: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute; AMetaData: TTMSFNCMapsGPXMetaData): string;
SaveRoutesToStream/Text/File Save an existing route to a stream, text or file.
- SaveRoutesToStream(AStream: TStream);
- SaveRoutesToText: string;
- SaveRoutesToFile(AFileName: string);
LoadRoutesFromStream/Text/File Load a route from a stream, text or file.
- LoadRoutesFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- LoadRoutesFromText(AText: string);
- LoadRoutesFromFile(AFileName: string);
Event name | Description |
OnGetGeocoding | Triggered after calling GetGeocoding |
OnGetDirections | Triggered after calling GetDirections |
OnGetRouteGeocoding | Triggered after geocoding is used in a call to CalculateRoute |
OnGetRouteDirections | Triggered after directions are used in a call to CalculateRoute |
OnCalculateRoute | Triggered after a call to CalculateRoute, AddRouteSegment, AddRouteWayPoints, UpdateRouteSegment and DeleteRouteSegment |
OnCreateGPXTrack | Triggered during GPX import each time a track (route) is added |
OnCreateGPXSegment | Triggered during GPX import each time a route segment is added |
OnLoadGPXRouteComplete | Triggered after GPX import is complete |
OnGetLocation | Triggered after a call to GetCurrentLocation |
Interaction with TTMSFNCMaps
Note Currently supported mapping services usable in combination with TTMSFNCRouteCalculator are: - Google - Here - OpenLayers
Getting started
Use the TMSFNCMaps.RouteCalculator property to assign a TTMSFNCRouteCalculator component. Set TMSFNCRouteCalculator.Active to True to enable map interaction. Set TMSFNCRouteCalculator.Options.EnableHistoryManager to True to enable undo/redo functionality.
Map interaction usage
The first click on the map sets the starting location of the route. Every additional click on the map adds a new waypoint. Drag markers to change waypoint locations. Drag polylines to insert new waypoints. To remove waypoints, select a marker or polyline and press the Del key.
Programmatic usage
Method name | Description |
RouteCalculatorPlotRoute(ARoute: TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute); | Display the provided TTMSFNCRouteCalculatorRoute on the map. If the route is already displayed on the map it will be updated to reflect the latest route settings. |
RouteCalculatorPlotRoutes | Display all routes from the assigned RouteCalculator on the map. If a route is already displayed on the map it will be updated to reflect the latest route settings. |
RouteCalculatorClearRoutes | Remove all routes from the assgiend RouteCalculator from the map. |
RouteCalculatorDeletePolyline(APolyline: TTMSFNCMapsPolyline; AUpdateRoute: Boolean = True); | Remove the RouteCalcaultor route segment associated with the provided polyline from the route and update the map if AUpdateRoute is True. |
RouteCalculatorDeleteMarker(AMarker: TTMSFNCMapsMarker; AUpdateRoute: Boolean = True); | Remove the RouteCalculator route waypoint associated with the provided marker from the route and update the map if AUpdateRoute is True. |
RouteCalculatorDeleteSelectedPolyline(AUpdateRoute: Boolean = True); | Remove the RouteCalcaultor route segment associated with the currently selected polyline from the route and update the map if AUpdateRoute is True. |
RouteCalculatorDeleteSelectedMarker(AUpdateRoute: Boolean = True); | Remove the RouteCalculator route waypoint associated with the currently selected marker from the route and update the map if AUpdateRoute is True. |
Event name | Description |
OnRouteCalculatorWayPointAdded | Triggered when a click on the map occurs and a new waypoint is added to the RouteCalculator Route or when an existing polyline is dragged to insert a new waypoint. |
OnRouteCalculatorWayPointUpdated | Triggered when a waypoint marker is dragged to a new location and an existing RouteCalculator waypoint is updated. |
OnRouteCalculatorPolylineAdded | Triggered when a click on the map occurs and a new segment is added to the RouteCalculator Route or when an existing polyline is dragged to insert a new waypoint. |
OnRouteCalculatorPolylineUpdated | Triggered when a waypoint marker is dragged to a new location and an existing RouteCalculator segment is updated. |
OnRouteCalculatorBeforeDeletePolyline | Triggered when an existing route segment (represented by a polyline on the map) is about to get deleted. |
OnRouteCalculatorAfterDeletePolyline | Triggered after an existing route segment (represented by a polyline on the map) has been deleted. |
OnRouteCalculatorBeforeDeleteMarker | Triggered when an existing route waypoint (represented by a marker on the map) is about to get deleted. |
OnRouteCalculatorAfterDeleteMarker | Triggered when an existing route waypoint (represented by a marker on the map) has been deleted. |
Property name | Description |
RouteCalculatorSelectedMarker | Get the currently selected waypoint (represented by a marker on the map) if any. |
RouteCalculatorSelectedPolyline | Get the currently selected segment (represented by a polyline on the map) if any |
- Set up TTMSFNCRouteCalculator and TTMSFNCMaps to create routes with map interaction.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var APIKey: string; begin APIKey := 'abc'; TMSFNCRouteCalculator1.Active := True; TMSFNCRouteCalculator1.Options.HistoryEnabled := True; TMSFNCRouteCalculator1.Service := csGoogle; TMSFNCRouteCalculator1.APIKey := APIKey; TMSFNCMaps1.RouteCalculator := TMSFNCRouteCalculator1; TMSFNCMaps1.Service := msGoogleMaps; TMSFNCMaps1.APIKey := APIKey; end;