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The TMS FNC Gantt Chart supports databinding through a non-visual component called TTMSFNCGanttChartDatabaseAdapter. It is a simple as connecting the adapter to the planner, filling in the database fields and set the Active property to True.

The Gantt Chart Database Adapter should be assigned as the Adapter property of the TMS FNC Gantt Chart.

The WBS (Work Breakdown Structure e.g. 2.1.3) is the important value to that is used to build the Gantt Chart.

There are two different ways available to store the data in the database. You can work with the end time of a task and set the Planned End field or you can work with the Duration field. It is possible to change this with the EndTimeType property, by the default the planned end is used.

For a more optimized functioning, we advise to use the Duration as this doesn't use the WorkTime calculations. The Duration is by default stored as a string e.g. "1d4h", but an event is available to manipulate this to your preferences.


Property name Description
EndTimeType Indicates wether the tasks are stored with the planned end time or with the duration value. (By default set to aetPlannedEnd.)
Item The Item that defines the different fields to set up the data link.
ManualSaveToDatabase If enabled the automatic save of the tasks after the project was changed is not done, and SaveTasks should be called programmatically. (By default this is set to 'False'.)


Method name Description
DeleteTask(ATask: TMSFNCGanttTask) Delete a task in the database.
GetTasks Get the tasks in the database.
InsertTask(ATask: TMSFNCGanttTask) Insert a task in the database.
LoadTasks Clear all existing tasks and get the tasks.
ReadTask(ATask: TMSFNCGanttTask) Reads a task from the database.
SaveTasks Saves all the tasks to the database.
SelectTask(ATask: TMSFNCGanttTask) Select a task in the database.
UpdateTask Updates the task in the database.


Event name Description
OnFieldsToTask Gives the option to manually read the task properties from the database.
OnSetFieldFromTaskDependencies Gives the option to manipulate the dependencies data that is stored in the Dependencies field. (By default a string based text is used e.g. 1.1FS)
OnSetFieldFromTaskDuration Gives the option to manipulate the duration data that is stored in the Duration field. (By default a string based text is used e.g. 2d,1h or 4m12's.)
OnSetFieldFromTaskPlannedEnd Gives the option to manipulate the data that is stored in the Planned End field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetFieldFromTaskPlannedStart Gives the option to manipulate the data that is stored in the Planned Start field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetFieldFromTaskWBS Event that is triggered when a task is stored to the databse. (By default a string based text is used e.g. '3.1.2'.)
OnSetTaskDependenciesFromField Gives the option to manipulate the dependencies data that is retrieved from the Dependencies field. (By default a string based text is used e.g. 1.1FS)
OnSetTaskDurationFromField Gives the option to manipulate the duration data that is retrieved from the Duration field. (By default a string based text is used e.g. 2d,1h or 4m12's.)
OnSetTaskPlannedEndFromField Gives the option to manipulate the data that is retrieved from the Planned End field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetTaskPlannedStartFromField Gives the option to manipulate the data that is retrieved from the Planned Start field. (By default a datetime field is used.)
OnSetWBSFromFields Gives the option to manipulate the data that is retrieved from the WBS field. (By default a numeric string with '.' seperator is used.)
OnTaskCreateDBKey Event to choose the DBKey that will be used on a task creation, by default a GUID will be created.
OnTaskInserted Event that is triggered after a task was inserted in the database.
OnTasksLoaded Event that is triggered at the end of a GetTasks method.
OnTaskLocate Event to intervene with retrieving the item from the database, by default the DBKey will be used.
OnTaskToFields Gives the option to manually write the task properties to the database.
OnTaskRead Event that is triggered after a task was read from the database.
OnTaskUpdated Event that is triggered after a task was updated in the database.


The Item that defines the different fields to set up the data link.


Property name Description
DataSource The DataSource of the database.
WBS The name of the field that is used for the WBS value. (Text)
TaskName The name of the field that is used for the TaskName value.(Text)
PlannedStart The name of the field that is used for the PlannedStart value. (DateTime)
PlannedEnd The name of the field that is used for the PlannedEnd value. (DateTime)
Duration The name of the field that is used for the Duration value. (Text)
DBKey The name of the field that is used for the DBKey value.
Dependencies The name of the field that is used for the Dependencies value. (Text)
Progress The name of the field that is used for the Progress value. (Integer)
StateName The name of the field that is used for the StateName value. (Text)
Description The name of the field that is used for the Description value. (Text)
AutoIncrementDBKey Indicates wether to auto increment the DB key, when adding new entries. (By default set to true.)