A second level on top of the TMSFNCPrinter
can be used to create a document with some more configurable layout as header, footer and pagenumber.
It also allows to export certain TMS FNC components as well.
Method name |
Description |
Print |
Starts a new document to print. |
Print(AExportObject: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject;AExportRect: TRectF); |
Starts a new document with a TMS FNC component and the rectangle to where it should be placed. |
procedure Print(AExportObjects: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObjectArray); |
Starts a new document with an array of multiple TMS FNC components. |
Print(AExportObjects: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObjectArray; AExportRects: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportRectArray); |
Starts a new document with an array of multiple TMS FNC components and places them in their respective rectangles. |
Event name |
Description |
OnAfterDraw |
Is triggered when all the drawing is done. It has the TTMSFNCGraphics property as a parameter. |
OnAfterDrawContent |
Is triggered when one of the export objects has been drawn or before adding a new page. It has the TTMSFNCGraphics property as a parameter and the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject . |
OnAfterDrawFooter |
Is triggered when the footer text has been drawn. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject , the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property and the footer text. |
OnAfterDrawHeader |
Is triggered when the header text has been drawn. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject , the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property and the header text. |
OnAfterDrawPageNumber |
Is triggered when the page number has been drawn. It has the following parameters: the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property and the page number formatted text. |
OnBeforeDrawContent |
Is triggered before drawing one of the export objects has been drawn or when a new page is added. It has the following parameters: TTMSFNCGraphics property, the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject and a DefaultDraw Boolean to enable the drawing or not. |
OnBeforeDrawFooter |
Is triggered before drawing the footer text. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject , the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the footer text and the DefaultDraw Boolean . |
OnBeforeDrawHeader |
Is triggered before drawing the header text. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject , the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the header text and the DefaultDraw Boolean . |
OnBeforeDrawPageNumber |
Is triggered before drawing the page number. It has the following parameters: the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the page number formatted text, and the DefaultDraw Boolean . |
OnCanCreateNewPage |
Is triggered before drawing a new export object, to check if a newpage should be created. It has the following parameters: the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject and a Boolean to allow the new page or not. |
OnGetExportRect |
Is triggered before exporting the TMS FNC component to the rectangle. It has the following parameters: the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject and the rectangle used for the export. |
Property name |
Description |
BitmapContainer |
The TTMSFNCBitmapContainer will be attached to the used TTMSFNCGraphics when exporting the TMS FNC component. |
ExportObject |
The TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject property is another way to set the object that you want to export. |
Options |
The TTMSFNCPrintIOOptions property is used to further customize the document settings and the layout of the footer, header, and page number. |
TTMSFNCPrintIOOptions Properties
Property name |
Description |
DefaultFont |
TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the text drawing if not customized by the user. |
Device |
The device name as a String retrieved from the TTMSFNCPrinters class. |
Footer |
The footer text as a String . |
FooterFont |
TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the footer drawing. |
FooterHorizontalAlignment |
TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for horizontal position in the drawing rectangle for the footer. |
FooterMargins |
TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders for the footer. |
FooterSize |
The height of the footer as a Single . |
FooterVerticalAlignment |
TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for vertical position in the drawing rectangle for the footer. |
Header |
The header text as a String . |
HeaderFont |
TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the header drawing. |
HeaderHorizontalAlignment |
TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for horizontal position in the drawing rectangle for the header. |
HeaderMargins |
TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders for the header. |
HeaderSize |
The height of the header as a Single . |
HeaderVerticalAlignment |
TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for vertical position in the drawing rectangle for the header. |
Margins |
TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders. |
PageNumber |
TTMSFNCPrintPageNumber for the position of the page number: pnHeader, pnFooter or pnNone . |
PageNumberFont |
TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the page number drawing. |
PageNumberFormat |
UnicodeString how the page number is shown as text. |
PageNumberHorizontalAlignment |
TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for horizontal position in the drawing rectangle for the page number. |
PageNumberMargins |
TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders for the page number. |
PageNumberSize |
The height for the page number as a Single . |
PageNumberVerticalAlignment |
TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for vertical position in the drawing rectangle for the page number. |
PageOrientation |
TPrinterOrientation retrieved from the TTMSFNCPrinters class. |
PageSize |
For Android, the TPrintSize retrieved from the TTMSFNCPrinters class. |
procedure Click(Sender: TObject);
r: TRectF;
TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Footer := 'My Footer Text';
TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.PageNumber := pnHeader;
TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.PageNumberFormat := 'Page %d';
r := RectF(TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Margins.Left,
TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Margins.Left + TMSFNCGrid1.Width,
TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Margins.Top + TMSFNCGrid1.Height);
TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Print(TMSFNCGrid1, r);