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A second level on top of the TMSFNCPrinter can be used to create a document with some more configurable layout as header, footer and pagenumber. It also allows to export certain TMS FNC components as well.


Method name Description
Print Starts a new document to print.
Print(AExportObject: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject;AExportRect: TRectF); Starts a new document with a TMS FNC component and the rectangle to where it should be placed.
procedure Print(AExportObjects: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObjectArray); Starts a new document with an array of multiple TMS FNC components.
Print(AExportObjects: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObjectArray; AExportRects: TTMSFNCPrintIOExportRectArray); Starts a new document with an array of multiple TMS FNC components and places them in their respective rectangles.


Event name Description
OnAfterDraw Is triggered when all the drawing is done. It has the TTMSFNCGraphics property as a parameter.
OnAfterDrawContent Is triggered when one of the export objects has been drawn or before adding a new page. It has the TTMSFNCGraphics property as a parameter and the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject.
OnAfterDrawFooter Is triggered when the footer text has been drawn. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject, the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property and the footer text.
OnAfterDrawHeader Is triggered when the header text has been drawn. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject, the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property and the header text.
OnAfterDrawPageNumber Is triggered when the page number has been drawn. It has the following parameters: the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property and the page number formatted text.
OnBeforeDrawContent Is triggered before drawing one of the export objects has been drawn or when a new page is added. It has the following parameters: TTMSFNCGraphics property, the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject and a DefaultDraw Boolean to enable the drawing or not.
OnBeforeDrawFooter Is triggered before drawing the footer text. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject, the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the footer text and the DefaultDraw Boolean.
OnBeforeDrawHeader Is triggered before drawing the header text. It has the following parameters: the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject, the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the header text and the DefaultDraw Boolean.
OnBeforeDrawPageNumber Is triggered before drawing the page number. It has the following parameters: the page index, the drawing rectangle, the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the page number formatted text, and the DefaultDraw Boolean.
OnCanCreateNewPage Is triggered before drawing a new export object, to check if a newpage should be created. It has the following parameters: the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject and a Boolean to allow the new page or not.
OnGetExportRect Is triggered before exporting the TMS FNC component to the rectangle. It has the following parameters: the TTMSFNCGraphics property, the export object TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject and the rectangle used for the export.


Property name Description
BitmapContainer The TTMSFNCBitmapContainer will be attached to the used TTMSFNCGraphics when exporting the TMS FNC component.
ExportObject The TTMSFNCPrintIOExportObject property is another way to set the object that you want to export.
Options The TTMSFNCPrintIOOptions property is used to further customize the document settings and the layout of the footer, header, and page number.

TTMSFNCPrintIOOptions Properties

Property name Description
DefaultFont TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the text drawing if not customized by the user.
Device The device name as a String retrieved from the TTMSFNCPrinters class.
Footer The footer text as a String.
FooterFont TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the footer drawing.
FooterHorizontalAlignment TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for horizontal position in the drawing rectangle for the footer.
FooterMargins TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders for the footer.
FooterSize The height of the footer as a Single.
FooterVerticalAlignment TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for vertical position in the drawing rectangle for the footer.
Header The header text as a String.
HeaderFont TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the header drawing.
HeaderHorizontalAlignment TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for horizontal position in the drawing rectangle for the header.
HeaderMargins TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders for the header.
HeaderSize The height of the header as a Single.
HeaderVerticalAlignment TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for vertical position in the drawing rectangle for the header.
Margins TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders.
PageNumber TTMSFNCPrintPageNumber for the position of the page number: pnHeader, pnFooter or pnNone.
PageNumberFont TTMSFNCGraphicsFont used for the page number drawing.
PageNumberFormat UnicodeString how the page number is shown as text.
PageNumberHorizontalAlignment TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for horizontal position in the drawing rectangle for the page number.
PageNumberMargins TTMSFNCMargins to set the space between the page borders for the page number.
PageNumberSize The height for the page number as a Single.
PageNumberVerticalAlignment TTMSFNCGraphicsTextAlign for vertical position in the drawing rectangle for the page number.
PageOrientation TPrinterOrientation retrieved from the TTMSFNCPrinters class.
PageSize For Android, the TPrintSize retrieved from the TTMSFNCPrinters class.


procedure Click(Sender: TObject);
  r: TRectF;
  TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Footer := 'My Footer Text';
  TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.PageNumber := pnHeader;
  TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.PageNumberFormat := 'Page %d';
  r := RectF(TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Margins.Left, 
  TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Margins.Left + TMSFNCGrid1.Width, 
  TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Options.Margins.Top + TMSFNCGrid1.Height);
  TMSFNCGraphicsPrintIO1.Print(TMSFNCGrid1, r);
