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The TTMSFNCCloudTranslation component is a wrapper around various translation services:

  • Microsoft Translator
  • IBM Watson Translate
  • Google Translate
  • DeepL Translate


Property name Description
SupportedLanguages List of name / value paired language and language short code supported by the service to translate and / or detect text. For example: English-en
Translations List of translations based on the original text and the translation language after calling the Translate method.
Detections List of language detections based on the original text and detection language after calling the Detect method.
Service Property to switch between the supported translation services.


Method name Description
GetSupportedLanguages Method to get the supported languages used by the service
Translate Method to translate single or multiple lines of text.
Detect Method to detect the language of a single line of text.


Event name Description
OnGetSupportedLanguages Event called when GetSupportedLanguages method is called and the list of supported languages is successfully retrieved from the service.
OnTranslate Event called when the Translate method is called and the translated text is successfully retrieved from the service.
OnDetect Event called when the Detect method is called and the detected language is successfully retrieved from the service.