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A component that provides access to the PayPal payment service. It allows users to make payments using an existing PayPal account and for an easy way to integrate a PayPal based payments service in applications.

The component supports using the Sandbox (development) environment as well as the Live environment.

Authorization information

Client ID, Client Secret, CallBack URL


Property name Description
APIEnvironment Switch between the Sandbox (development) and the Live API environment
Payment Contains the payment information
PaymentError Contains the payment error information
Transaction Contains the transaction information


Method name Description
DoPayment Execute a PayPal payment based on the Transaction configuration. During payment execution the user will be asked to authorize the payment using PayPal credentials. If the user cancels the authorization the OnPaymentCancelled event is triggered. If the payment succeeds the Payment class properties are assigned with the payment results and the OnPaymentAccepted event is triggered. If an error occurred during the payment execution, the PaymentError class properties are assigned and the OnPaymentFailed is triggered.


Event name Description
OnPaymentAccepted Event fired when a Payment was successfully authorized and executed. Payment details are available in the Payment class properties.
OnPaymentCancelled Event fired when a Payment was cancelled by the user.
OnPaymentFailed Event fired when an error occurred during execution of the Payment. Error details are available in the PaymentError class properties.