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TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalization is a wrapper component that gives you the ability to retrieve information based on a given IP address. In this wrapper we have combined the services: Abstract API, ip data and ipstack

Authorization information

An API key is needed for all the services.



Property name Description
APIKey: String The API key for the specific service.
Service: TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalizationService The service that is being used. (ipsAbstractAPI, ipsIPData, ipsIPStack)
IPs: TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalizationIPs [TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalizationIP] Contains the data of the different ip’s that are requested.


Method name Description
GetIP Retrieves the requested ip addres, if this is empty, the local ip data will be retrieved.
GetLocalizedIPByIPAddress Retrieve the TTMSFNCCloudLoggerProject object that has the requested ID.


Event name Description
OnGetIP Event fired when the IP data is retrieved.
OnGetFlagImage (not in TMS WEB Core) Event fired when the country image of the IP was downloaded.(This is not necessary on TMS WEB Core as an url to the image is available for each IP via the property Flag.ImageUrl.)



Property name Description
IPAddress: String
City: String
Region: String
RegionCode: String
PostalCode: String
Country: String
CountryCode: String
ContinentName: String
ContinentCode: String
Continent: TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalizationContinent Enumerator of the continent. (ipcUnknown, ipcAfrica, ipcAsia, ipcEurope, ipcNorthAmerica, ipcOceania, ipcSouthAmerica, ipcAntartica)
Longitude: Double
Latitude: Double
IsVPN: Boolean Is a VPN or proxy used by the IP address.
Timezone: TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalizationIPTimeZone Record that holds the name, abbreviation, GMT offset, current time and if it is daylight savings time.
Flag: TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalizationIPFlag Record that holds the name, imageURl, UniCode and the image stream.
AutonomousSystem: TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalizationAutonomousSystem Record that holds the name, isp, number and connection type.


Method name Description
GetFlagImage (not in TMS WEB Core) Automatically called when retrieving the IP information.