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A component that provides access to several LLM AI services. The context can be sent to the service with an optional system and/or assistant role and the service returns its response. At this moment, there is support for OpenAI, Grok, Gemini, Claude, Perplexity and Ollama.

Authorization information

The LLM AI service API keys are set via TTMSFNCCloudAI.APIKeys


Property name Description
APIKeys Class holding the API keys for the different supported AI services.
Busy A boolean property that is true while the REST API request to the service is running.
Context A stringlist holding multiline context information for which the LLM should respond.
Service Selects the LLM AI service to use. The choices are aiOpenAI, aiGemini, aiGrok, aiClaude, aiPerplexity, aiOllama.
Settings Class holding additional settings for the different AI services. This includes the model name & temperature for all services, the model for the Perplexity service. For the Ollama service, the host & port for the Ollama server to use is provided.


Method name Description
Execute(id: string = '') Call to start the request to the LLM AI service.


Event name Description
OnExecuted Event triggered when the LLM AI service returned its response containing the response details.

The response object TTMSFNCCloudAIResponse

Property name Description
Id: string The Id that was used as parameter for the Execute() call.
CompletionTokens The number of tokens that the response contains.
Content: TStrings The LLM response as text.
PromptTokens The number of tokens taken by the LLM prompt (i.e. the Context).
ServiceId: string Contains the unique response Id returned by the service itself
ServiceModel: string Contains the exact model name the LLM service used
TotalTokens The total number of tokens used by the LLM request.


The request:

 TMSFNCCloudAI.Context.Text := 'What do you know about Delphi?';
 TMSFNCCloudAI.OnExecuted := Executed;
The response handler: procedure Executed(Sender: TObject; AResponse: TTMSFNCCloudAIResponse; AHttpStatusCode: Integer; AHttpResult: string); begin if Assigned(AResponse) then begin memo.Lines.Text := AResponse.Content.Text; label.Caption := 'Prompt tokens:' + AResponse.PromptTokens.ToString+' / CompletionTokens:' + AResponse.CompletionTokens.ToString+ ' / TotalTokens:'+AResponse.TotalTokens.ToString; end else ShowMessage('Error with HTTP status code:' + AHttpStatusCode.ToString) end;