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TTMSFNCAppLock is a non-visual component to lock the application with a password during run-time to prevent any unwanted user access.

The application can be locked programatically by calling the Lock method or if the ActiveOnIdle property is set to True, the application will automatically lock itself after the idle time is exceeded.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

When the application is locked it can be unlocked programatically or by the user through a dialog.

TTMSFNCAppLock unlock dialog


Property name Description
ActiveOnIdle: Boolean If set to True, the application will lock automatically after IdleMinutes/IdleSeconds time passed.
Dialog Customize the unlocking dialog’s title and labels.
IdleMinutes: Integer If ActiveOnIdle is True, the application will lock automatically after IdleMinutes minute(s).
IdleSeconds: Integer If ActiveOnIdle is True, the application will lock automatically after IdleSeconds second(s).
IncorrectPassword: string Message to be shown when the incorrect password is entered.
Username: string Username to display in the unlock dialog.
Password: string Password to unlock the application with.


Method name Description
Lock Locks the application.
Unlock Unlocks the application.


Event name Description
OnIdle Event triggered when the application becomes idle.
OnIncorrectPassword Event triggered when incorrect password has been entered.
OnLock Event triggered when application is locked.
OnQueryUnlock Event triggered to enable the implementation of custom unlock mechanism instead of the unlock dialog.
OnUnlock Event triggered when application is unlocked.
OnVerifyPassword Event triggered to enable custom password verification.